OpenCOBOL 1.1pre-rel
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* Generated by            cobc 1.1.0 */
00002 /* Generated from          OCic.cbl */
00003 /* Generated at            May 01 2011 23:10:45 EDT */
00004 /* OpenCOBOL build date    May 01 2011 07:48:58 */
00005 /* OpenCOBOL package date  Feb 06 2009 10:30:55 CET */
00006 /* Compile command         cobc -v -x -o ocic --save-temps=OCic/ OCic.cbl */
00008 #define  __USE_STRING_INLINES 1
00009 #include <stdio.h>
00010 #include <stdlib.h>
00011 #include <string.h>
00012 #include <math.h>
00013 #include <libcob.h>
00015 #define COB_SOURCE_FILE         "OCic.cbl"
00016 #define COB_PACKAGE_VERSION     "1.1"
00017 #define COB_PATCH_LEVEL         0
00019 /* Global variables */
00020 #include "OCic.c.h"
00022 static void
00023 cob_decimal_set_int (cob_decimal *d, const int n)
00024 {
00025         mpz_set_si (d->value, n);
00026         d->scale = 0;
00027 }
00029 /* Function prototypes */
00031 int OCic ();
00032 static int OCic1 (const int);
00033 int GETOSTYPE (void);
00034 static int GETOSTYPE_ (const int);
00035 int CHECKSOURCE (unsigned char *, unsigned char *);
00036 static int CHECKSOURCE_ (const int, unsigned char *, unsigned char *);
00037 int LISTING (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *);
00038 static int LISTING_ (const int, unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char *);
00040 /* Main function */
00041 int
00042 main (int argc, char **argv)
00043 {
00044   cob_init (argc, argv);
00045   cob_stop_run (OCic ());
00046 }
00048 /* Functions */
00050 int
00051 OCic ()
00052 {
00053   return OCic1 (0);
00054 }
00056 static int
00057 OCic1 (const int entry)
00058 {
00059   /* Local variables */
00060   #include "OCic.c.l1.h"
00062   static int initialized = 0;
00063   static cob_field *cob_user_parameters[COB_MAX_FIELD_PARAMS];
00064   static struct cob_module module = { NULL, NULL, &f_352, NULL, cob_user_parameters, 0, '.', '$', ',', 1, 1, 1, 0 };
00066   /* Start of function code */
00068   /* CANCEL callback handling */
00069   if (unlikely(entry < 0)) {
00070         if (!initialized) {
00071                 return 0;
00072         }
00073         cob_close (h_BAT_FILE, 0, NULL);
00074         cob_close (h_COBC_OUTPUT, 0, NULL);
00075         cob_close (h_SOURCE_CODE, 0, NULL);
00076         initialized = 0;
00077         return 0;
00078   }
00080   /* Initialize frame stack */
00081   frame_ptr = &frame_stack[0];
00082   frame_ptr->perform_through = 0;
00084   /* Push module stack */
00085 = cob_current_module;
00086   cob_current_module = &module;
00088   /* Initialize program */
00089   if (unlikely(initialized == 0))
00090     {
00091       if (!cob_initialized) {
00092         cob_fatal_error (COB_FERROR_INITIALIZED);
00093       }
00094       cob_check_version (COB_SOURCE_FILE, COB_PACKAGE_VERSION, COB_PATCH_LEVEL);
00095       (*(int *) (b_1)) = 0;
00096       memset (b_92, 32, 256);
00097       memset (b_93, 32, 512);
00098       memset (b_94, 32, 256);
00099       memset (b_95, 32, 256);
00100       memset (b_96, 32, 256);
00101       memset (b_97, 32, 12);
00102       memset (b_98, 48, 28);
00103       *(unsigned char *)(b_106) = 32;
00104       *(unsigned char *)(b_107) = 32;
00105       memset (b_108, 32, 256);
00106       memset (b_109, 32, 256);
00107       memcpy (b_111, "Status Code: ", 13);
00108       memset (b_111 + 13, 48, 2);
00109       memcpy (b_111 + 15, ", Meaning: ", 11);
00110       memset (b_111 + 26, 32, 25);
00111       memset (b_116, 32, 8);
00112       memset (b_143, 32, 80);
00113       memset (b_144, 0, 4);
00114       memset (b_145, 0, 4);
00115       memset (b_146, 0, 4);
00116       memset (b_147, 0, 4);
00117       cob_move (&cob_space, &f_148);
00118       memset (b_149, 0, 4);
00119       memset (b_154, 32, 7);
00120       memset (b_155, 32, 80);
00121       *(unsigned char *)(b_156) = 32;
00122       memset (b_157, 32, 256);
00123       memset (b_158, 32, 30);
00124       memset (b_159, 32, 40);
00125       memset (b_160, 32, 31);
00126       memset (b_162, 32, 80);
00127       memset (b_166, 32, 12);
00128       memset (b_176, 32, 256);
00129       memset (b_177, 32, 256);
00130       memset (b_182, 32, 75);
00131       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 75) = 32;
00132       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 76) = 32;
00133       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 77) = 32;
00134       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 78) = 62;
00135       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 79) = 32;
00136       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 80) = 32;
00137       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 81) = 32;
00138       memset (b_182 + 82, 32, 75);
00139       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 157) = 78;
00140       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 158) = 78;
00141       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 159) = 78;
00142       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 160) = 78;
00143       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 161) = 78;
00144       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 162) = 89;
00145       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 163) = 65;
00146       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 164) = 78;
00147       *(unsigned char *) (b_182 + 165) = 78;
00148       memset (b_203, 0, 4);
00149       memset (b_352, 48, 4);
00151       if (!h_BAT_FILE)
00152       {
00153         h_BAT_FILE = cob_malloc (sizeof(cob_file));
00154       }
00155       h_BAT_FILE->select_name = (const char *)"Bat-File";
00156       h_BAT_FILE->file_status = h_BAT_FILE_status;
00157       memset (h_BAT_FILE_status, '0', 2);
00158       h_BAT_FILE->assign = &f_92;
00159       h_BAT_FILE->record = &f_6;
00160       h_BAT_FILE->record_size = NULL;
00161       h_BAT_FILE->record_min = 0;
00162       h_BAT_FILE->record_max = 2048;
00163       h_BAT_FILE->nkeys = 0;
00164       h_BAT_FILE->keys = NULL;
00165       h_BAT_FILE->file = NULL;
00166       h_BAT_FILE->organization = 1;
00167       h_BAT_FILE->access_mode = 1;
00168       h_BAT_FILE->lock_mode = 0;
00169       h_BAT_FILE->open_mode = 0;
00170       h_BAT_FILE->flag_optional = 0;
00171       h_BAT_FILE->last_open_mode = 0;
00172       h_BAT_FILE->special = 0;
00173       h_BAT_FILE->flag_nonexistent = 0;
00174       h_BAT_FILE->flag_end_of_file = 0;
00175       h_BAT_FILE->flag_begin_of_file = 0;
00176       h_BAT_FILE->flag_first_read = 0;
00177       h_BAT_FILE->flag_read_done = 0;
00178       h_BAT_FILE->flag_select_features = 0;
00179       h_BAT_FILE->flag_needs_nl = 0;
00180       h_BAT_FILE->flag_needs_top = 0;
00181       h_BAT_FILE->file_version = 0;
00182       if (!h_COBC_OUTPUT)
00183       {
00184         h_COBC_OUTPUT = cob_malloc (sizeof(cob_file));
00185       }
00186       h_COBC_OUTPUT->select_name = (const char *)"Cobc-Output";
00187       h_COBC_OUTPUT->file_status = h_COBC_OUTPUT_status;
00188       memset (h_COBC_OUTPUT_status, '0', 2);
00189       h_COBC_OUTPUT->assign = &f_95;
00190       h_COBC_OUTPUT->record = &f_8;
00191       h_COBC_OUTPUT->record_size = NULL;
00192       h_COBC_OUTPUT->record_min = 0;
00193       h_COBC_OUTPUT->record_max = 256;
00194       h_COBC_OUTPUT->nkeys = 0;
00195       h_COBC_OUTPUT->keys = NULL;
00196       h_COBC_OUTPUT->file = NULL;
00197       h_COBC_OUTPUT->organization = 1;
00198       h_COBC_OUTPUT->access_mode = 1;
00199       h_COBC_OUTPUT->lock_mode = 0;
00200       h_COBC_OUTPUT->open_mode = 0;
00201       h_COBC_OUTPUT->flag_optional = 0;
00202       h_COBC_OUTPUT->last_open_mode = 0;
00203       h_COBC_OUTPUT->special = 0;
00204       h_COBC_OUTPUT->flag_nonexistent = 0;
00205       h_COBC_OUTPUT->flag_end_of_file = 0;
00206       h_COBC_OUTPUT->flag_begin_of_file = 0;
00207       h_COBC_OUTPUT->flag_first_read = 0;
00208       h_COBC_OUTPUT->flag_read_done = 0;
00209       h_COBC_OUTPUT->flag_select_features = 0;
00210       h_COBC_OUTPUT->flag_needs_nl = 0;
00211       h_COBC_OUTPUT->flag_needs_top = 0;
00212       h_COBC_OUTPUT->file_version = 0;
00213       if (!h_SOURCE_CODE)
00214       {
00215         h_SOURCE_CODE = cob_malloc (sizeof(cob_file));
00216       }
00217       h_SOURCE_CODE->select_name = (const char *)"Source-Code";
00218       h_SOURCE_CODE->file_status = h_SOURCE_CODE_status;
00219       memset (h_SOURCE_CODE_status, '0', 2);
00220       h_SOURCE_CODE->assign = &f_109;
00221       h_SOURCE_CODE->record = &f_10;
00222       h_SOURCE_CODE->record_size = NULL;
00223       h_SOURCE_CODE->record_min = 0;
00224       h_SOURCE_CODE->record_max = 80;
00225       h_SOURCE_CODE->nkeys = 0;
00226       h_SOURCE_CODE->keys = NULL;
00227       h_SOURCE_CODE->file = NULL;
00228       h_SOURCE_CODE->organization = 1;
00229       h_SOURCE_CODE->access_mode = 1;
00230       h_SOURCE_CODE->lock_mode = 0;
00231       h_SOURCE_CODE->open_mode = 0;
00232       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_optional = 0;
00233       h_SOURCE_CODE->last_open_mode = 0;
00234       h_SOURCE_CODE->special = 0;
00235       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_nonexistent = 0;
00236       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_end_of_file = 0;
00237       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_begin_of_file = 0;
00238       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_first_read = 0;
00239       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_read_done = 0;
00240       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_select_features = 1;
00241       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_needs_nl = 0;
00242       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_needs_top = 0;
00243       h_SOURCE_CODE->file_version = 0;
00245       initialized = 1;
00246     }
00248   cob_save_call_params = cob_call_params;
00250   /* Entry dispatch */
00251   goto l_5;
00255   /* 000-File-Error SECTION */
00257   l_2:;
00259   /* MAIN PARAGRAPH */
00262   /* 000-Handle-Error */
00264   /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:12: EVALUATE */
00265   {
00266     if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 0) == 0))
00267       {
00268         /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:13: MOVE */
00269         {
00270           memcpy (b_111 + 26, "SUCCESS                  ", 25);
00271         }
00272       }
00273     else
00274       if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 2) == 0))
00275         {
00276           /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:14: MOVE */
00277           {
00278             memcpy (b_111 + 26, "SUCCESS DUPLICATE        ", 25);
00279           }
00280         }
00281       else
00282         if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 4) == 0))
00283           {
00284             /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:15: MOVE */
00285             {
00286               memcpy (b_111 + 26, "SUCCESS INCOMPLETE       ", 25);
00287             }
00288           }
00289         else
00290           if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 5) == 0))
00291             {
00292               /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:16: MOVE */
00293               {
00294                 memcpy (b_111 + 26, "SUCCESS OPTIONAL         ", 25);
00295               }
00296             }
00297           else
00298             if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 7) == 0))
00299               {
00300                 /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:17: MOVE */
00301                 {
00302                   memcpy (b_111 + 26, "SUCCESS NO UNIT          ", 25);
00303                 }
00304               }
00305             else
00306               if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 10) == 0))
00307                 {
00308                   /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:18: MOVE */
00309                   {
00310                     memcpy (b_111 + 26, "END OF FILE              ", 25);
00311                   }
00312                 }
00313               else
00314                 if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 14) == 0))
00315                   {
00316                     /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:19: MOVE */
00317                     {
00318                       memcpy (b_111 + 26, "OUT OF KEY RANGE         ", 25);
00319                     }
00320                   }
00321                 else
00322                   if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 21) == 0))
00323                     {
00324                       /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:20: MOVE */
00325                       {
00326                         memcpy (b_111 + 26, "KEY INVALID              ", 25);
00327                       }
00328                     }
00329                   else
00330                     if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 22) == 0))
00331                       {
00332                         /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:21: MOVE */
00333                         {
00334                           memcpy (b_111 + 26, "KEY EXISTS               ", 25);
00335                         }
00336                       }
00337                     else
00338                       if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 23) == 0))
00339                         {
00340                           /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:22: MOVE */
00341                           {
00342                             memcpy (b_111 + 26, "KEY NOT EXISTS           ", 25);
00343                           }
00344                         }
00345                       else
00346                         if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 30) == 0))
00347                           {
00348                             /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:23: MOVE */
00349                             {
00350                               memcpy (b_111 + 26, "PERMANENT ERROR          ", 25);
00351                             }
00352                           }
00353                         else
00354                           if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 31) == 0))
00355                             {
00356                               /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:24: MOVE */
00357                               {
00358                                 memcpy (b_111 + 26, "INCONSISTENT FILENAME    ", 25);
00359                               }
00360                             }
00361                           else
00362                             if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 34) == 0))
00363                               {
00364                                 /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:25: MOVE */
00365                                 {
00366                                   memcpy (b_111 + 26, "BOUNDARY VIOLATION       ", 25);
00367                                 }
00368                               }
00369                             else
00370                               if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 35) == 0))
00371                                 {
00372                                   /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:26: MOVE */
00373                                   {
00374                                     memcpy (b_111 + 26, "FILE NOT FOUND           ", 25);
00375                                   }
00376                                 }
00377                               else
00378                                 if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 37) == 0))
00379                                   {
00380                                     /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:27: MOVE */
00381                                     {
00382                                       memcpy (b_111 + 26, "PERMISSION DENIED        ", 25);
00383                                     }
00384                                   }
00385                                 else
00386                                   if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 38) == 0))
00387                                     {
00388                                       /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:28: MOVE */
00389                                       {
00390                                         memcpy (b_111 + 26, "CLOSED WITH LOCK         ", 25);
00391                                       }
00392                                     }
00393                                   else
00394                                     if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 39) == 0))
00395                                       {
00396                                         /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:29: MOVE */
00397                                         {
00398                                           memcpy (b_111 + 26, "CONFLICT ATTRIBUTE       ", 25);
00399                                         }
00400                                       }
00401                                     else
00402                                       if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 41) == 0))
00403                                         {
00404                                           /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:30: MOVE */
00405                                           {
00406                                             memcpy (b_111 + 26, "ALREADY OPEN             ", 25);
00407                                           }
00408                                         }
00409                                       else
00410                                         if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 42) == 0))
00411                                           {
00412                                             /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:31: MOVE */
00413                                             {
00414                                               memcpy (b_111 + 26, "NOT OPEN                 ", 25);
00415                                             }
00416                                           }
00417                                         else
00418                                           if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 43) == 0))
00419                                             {
00420                                               /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:32: MOVE */
00421                                               {
00422                                                 memcpy (b_111 + 26, "READ NOT DONE            ", 25);
00423                                               }
00424                                             }
00425                                           else
00426                                             if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 44) == 0))
00427                                               {
00428                                                 /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:33: MOVE */
00429                                                 {
00430                                                   memcpy (b_111 + 26, "RECORD OVERFLOW          ", 25);
00431                                                 }
00432                                               }
00433                                             else
00434                                               if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 46) == 0))
00435                                                 {
00436                                                   /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:34: MOVE */
00437                                                   {
00438                                                     memcpy (b_111 + 26, "READ ERROR               ", 25);
00439                                                   }
00440                                                 }
00441                                               else
00442                                                 if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 47) == 0))
00443                                                   {
00444                                                     /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:35: MOVE */
00445                                                     {
00446                                                       memcpy (b_111 + 26, "INPUT DENIED             ", 25);
00447                                                     }
00448                                                   }
00449                                                 else
00450                                                   if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 48) == 0))
00451                                                     {
00452                                                       /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:36: MOVE */
00453                                                       {
00454                                                         memcpy (b_111 + 26, "OUTPUT DENIED            ", 25);
00455                                                       }
00456                                                     }
00457                                                   else
00458                                                     if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 49) == 0))
00459                                                       {
00460                                                         /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:37: MOVE */
00461                                                         {
00462                                                           memcpy (b_111 + 26, "I/O DENIED               ", 25);
00463                                                         }
00464                                                       }
00465                                                     else
00466                                                       if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 51) == 0))
00467                                                         {
00468                                                           /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:38: MOVE */
00469                                                           {
00470                                                             memcpy (b_111 + 26, "RECORD LOCKED            ", 25);
00471                                                           }
00472                                                         }
00473                                                       else
00474                                                         if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 52) == 0))
00475                                                           {
00476                                                             /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:39: MOVE */
00477                                                             {
00478                                                               memcpy (b_111 + 26, "END-OF-PAGE              ", 25);
00479                                                             }
00480                                                           }
00481                                                         else
00482                                                           if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 57) == 0))
00483                                                             {
00484                                                               /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:40: MOVE */
00485                                                               {
00486                                                                 memcpy (b_111 + 26, "I/O LINAGE               ", 25);
00487                                                               }
00488                                                             }
00489                                                           else
00490                                                             if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 61) == 0))
00491                                                               {
00492                                                                 /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:41: MOVE */
00493                                                                 {
00494                                                                   memcpy (b_111 + 26, "FILE SHARING FAILURE     ", 25);
00495                                                                 }
00496                                                               }
00497                                                             else
00498                                                               if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 91) == 0))
00499                                                                 {
00500                                                                   /* FileStat-Msgs.cpy:42: MOVE */
00501                                                                   {
00502                                                                     memcpy (b_111 + 26, "FILE NOT AVAILABLE       ", 25);
00503                                                                   }
00504                                                                 }
00505   }
00506   /* OCic.cbl:546: MOVE */
00507   {
00508     memset (b_155, 32, 80);
00509   }
00510   /* OCic.cbl:547: IF */
00511   {
00512     if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_111 + 13, 2, 35) == 0))
00513       {
00514         /* OCic.cbl:548: DISPLAY */
00515         {
00516           cob_display (0, 1, 3, &c_90, cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_109, 2), &c_91);
00517         }
00518       }
00519     else
00520       {
00521         /* OCic.cbl:554: DISPLAY */
00522         {
00523           cob_display (0, 1, 3, &c_92, cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_109, 2), &c_91);
00524         }
00525       }
00526   }
00527   /* OCic.cbl:560: GOBACK */
00528   {
00529     goto exit_program;
00530   }
00532   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 2)
00533     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
00535   /* Entry OCic */
00537   l_5:;
00539   /* 000-Main SECTION */
00541   /* MAIN PARAGRAPH */
00543   /* OCic.cbl:566: PERFORM */
00544   {
00545     /* PERFORM 100-Initialization */
00546     frame_ptr++;
00547     frame_ptr->perform_through = 32;
00548     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_133;
00549     goto l_32;
00550     l_133:
00551     frame_ptr--;
00552   }
00553   /* OCic.cbl:567: SET */
00554   {
00555     *(b_116 + 1) = 78;
00556   }
00557   /* OCic.cbl:568: PERFORM */
00558   {
00559     while (1)
00560       {
00561         if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 1) - 89) == 0))
00562           break;
00563         {
00564           /* OCic.cbl:569: PERFORM */
00565           {
00566             /* PERFORM 200-Let-User-Set-Switches */
00567             frame_ptr++;
00568             frame_ptr->perform_through = 41;
00569             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_134;
00570             goto l_41;
00571             l_134:
00572             frame_ptr--;
00573           }
00574           /* OCic.cbl:570: PERFORM */
00575           {
00576             /* PERFORM 210-Run-Compiler */
00577             frame_ptr++;
00578             frame_ptr->perform_through = 45;
00579             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_135;
00580             goto l_45;
00581             l_135:
00582             frame_ptr--;
00583           }
00584           /* OCic.cbl:571: IF */
00585           {
00586             if (((((int)(int)(*(b_116) - 89) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_116) - 87) == 0)) && (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 159) - ' ') != 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 160) - ' ') != 0))))
00587               {
00588                 /* OCic.cbl:573: PERFORM */
00589                 {
00590                   /* PERFORM 220-Make-Listing */
00591                   frame_ptr++;
00592                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 51;
00593                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_136;
00594                   goto l_51;
00595                   l_136:
00596                   frame_ptr--;
00597                 }
00598               }
00599           }
00600           /* OCic.cbl:575: IF */
00601           {
00602             if ((((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 161) - ' ') != 0) && ((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 5) - 78) == 0)))
00603               {
00604                 /* OCic.cbl:577: PERFORM */
00605                 {
00606                   /* PERFORM 230-Run-Program */
00607                   frame_ptr++;
00608                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 54;
00609                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_137;
00610                   goto l_54;
00611                   l_137:
00612                   frame_ptr--;
00613                 }
00614               }
00615           }
00616         }
00617       }
00618   }
00620   /* 009-Done */
00622   /* OCic.cbl:583: PERFORM */
00623   {
00624     /* PERFORM 900-Terminate */
00625     frame_ptr++;
00626     frame_ptr->perform_through = 58;
00627     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_138;
00628     goto l_58;
00629     l_138:
00630     frame_ptr--;
00631   }
00633   /* 010-Parse-Args SECTION */
00635   l_9:;
00637   /* 011-Init */
00639   /* OCic.cbl:674: MOVE */
00640   {
00641     (*(int *)(b_144)) = 1;
00642   }
00644   /* 012-Extract-Kwd-And-Value */
00646   /* OCic.cbl:678: PERFORM */
00647   {
00648     while (1)
00649       {
00650         if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_144, 256) >= 0))
00651           break;
00652         {
00653           /* OCic.cbl:679: MOVE */
00654           {
00655             memcpy (b_145, b_144, 4);
00656           }
00657           /* OCic.cbl:680: UNSTRING */
00658           {
00659             cob_unstring_init (&f_96, &f_144, 1);
00660             cob_unstring_delimited (&cob_space, 1);
00661             cob_unstring_into (&f_176, 0, 0);
00662             cob_unstring_finish ();
00663           }
00664           /* OCic.cbl:685: IF */
00665           {
00666             if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_176, &cob_space) != 0))
00667               {
00668                 /* OCic.cbl:686: UNSTRING */
00669                 {
00670                   cob_unstring_init (&f_176, 0, 1);
00671                   cob_unstring_delimited (&c_93, 0);
00672                   cob_unstring_into (&f_166, 0, 0);
00673                   cob_unstring_into (&f_177, 0, 0);
00674                   cob_unstring_finish ();
00675                 }
00676                 /* OCic.cbl:690: PERFORM */
00677                 {
00678                   /* PERFORM 030-Process-Keyword */
00679                   frame_ptr++;
00680                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 15;
00681                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_139;
00682                   goto l_15;
00683                   l_139:
00684                   frame_ptr--;
00685                 }
00686               }
00687           }
00688         }
00689       }
00690   }
00692   /* 019-Done */
00694   /* OCic.cbl:696: EXIT */
00696   /* 021-Build-And-Issue-Command */
00698   /* OCic.cbl:706: DISPLAY */
00699   {
00700     cob_display (0, 1, 1, &f_155);
00701   }
00703   /* 029-Done */
00705   /* OCic.cbl:712: EXIT */
00707   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 9)
00708     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
00710   /* 030-Process-Keyword SECTION */
00712   l_15:;
00714   /* 031-Init */
00716   /* OCic.cbl:720: MOVE */
00717   {
00718     cob_move (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, &f_166), &f_166);
00719   }
00720   /* OCic.cbl:721: SET */
00721   {
00722     *(b_116 + 7) = 78;
00723   }
00725   /* 032-Process */
00727   /* OCic.cbl:725: EVALUATE */
00728   {
00729     if ((((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_94) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_95) == 0)))
00730       {
00731         /* OCic.cbl:727: MOVE */
00732         {
00733           memcpy (b_144, b_145, 4);
00734         }
00735         /* OCic.cbl:728: UNSTRING */
00736         {
00737           cob_unstring_init (&f_96, &f_144, 1);
00738           cob_unstring_delimited (&c_93, 0);
00739           cob_unstring_into (&f_107, 0, 0);
00740           cob_unstring_into (&f_192, 0, 0);
00741           cob_unstring_finish ();
00742         }
00743         /* OCic.cbl:732: MOVE */
00744         {
00745           (*(int *)(b_144)) = 256;
00746         }
00747       }
00748     else
00749       if ((((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_96) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_97) == 0)))
00750         {
00751           /* OCic.cbl:734: MOVE */
00752           {
00753             memcpy (b_166, "CONFIG      ", 12);
00754           }
00755           /* OCic.cbl:735: MOVE */
00756           {
00757             cob_move (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, &f_177), &f_177);
00758           }
00759           /* OCic.cbl:737: EVALUATE */
00760           {
00761             if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_177, &c_98) == 0))
00762               {
00763                 /* OCic.cbl:739: MOVE */
00764                 {
00765                   memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
00766                 }
00767                 /* OCic.cbl:740: MOVE */
00768                 {
00769                   *(b_182 + 75) = 62;
00770                 }
00771               }
00772             else
00773               if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_177, &c_99) == 0))
00774                 {
00775                   /* OCic.cbl:742: MOVE */
00776                   {
00777                     memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
00778                   }
00779                   /* OCic.cbl:743: MOVE */
00780                   {
00781                     *(b_182 + 76) = 62;
00782                   }
00783                 }
00784               else
00785                 if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_177, &c_100) == 0))
00786                   {
00787                     /* OCic.cbl:745: MOVE */
00788                     {
00789                       memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
00790                     }
00791                     /* OCic.cbl:746: MOVE */
00792                     {
00793                       *(b_182 + 77) = 62;
00794                     }
00795                   }
00796                 else
00797                   if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_177, &c_101) == 0))
00798                     {
00799                       /* OCic.cbl:748: MOVE */
00800                       {
00801                         memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
00802                       }
00803                       /* OCic.cbl:749: MOVE */
00804                       {
00805                         *(b_182 + 78) = 62;
00806                       }
00807                     }
00808                   else
00809                     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_177, &c_102) == 0))
00810                       {
00811                         /* OCic.cbl:751: MOVE */
00812                         {
00813                           memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
00814                         }
00815                         /* OCic.cbl:752: MOVE */
00816                         {
00817                           *(b_182 + 79) = 62;
00818                         }
00819                       }
00820                     else
00821                       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_177, &c_103) == 0))
00822                         {
00823                           /* OCic.cbl:754: MOVE */
00824                           {
00825                             memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
00826                           }
00827                           /* OCic.cbl:755: MOVE */
00828                           {
00829                             *(b_182 + 80) = 62;
00830                           }
00831                         }
00832                       else
00833                         if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_177, &c_104) == 0))
00834                           {
00835                             /* OCic.cbl:757: MOVE */
00836                             {
00837                               memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
00838                             }
00839                             /* OCic.cbl:758: MOVE */
00840                             {
00841                               *(b_182 + 81) = 62;
00842                             }
00843                           }
00844                         else
00845                           {
00846                             /* OCic.cbl:760: MOVE */
00847                             {
00848                               memcpy (b_155, "An invalid /CONFIG switch value was specified on the command line - ignored     ", 80);
00849                             }
00850                           }
00851           }
00852         }
00853       else
00854         if ((((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_105) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_106) == 0)))
00855           {
00856             /* OCic.cbl:766: MOVE */
00857             {
00858               memcpy (b_166, "DEBUG       ", 12);
00859             }
00860             /* OCic.cbl:767: MOVE */
00861             {
00862               cob_move (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, &f_177), &f_177);
00863             }
00864             /* OCic.cbl:769: PERFORM */
00865             {
00866               /* PERFORM 040-Process-Yes-No-Value */
00867               frame_ptr++;
00868               frame_ptr->perform_through = 19;
00869               frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_140;
00870               goto l_19;
00871               l_140:
00872               frame_ptr--;
00873             }
00874             /* OCic.cbl:770: IF */
00875             {
00876               if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 7) - 78) == 0))
00877                 {
00878                   /* OCic.cbl:771: MOVE */
00879                   {
00880                     *(b_182 + 157) = *(b_177);
00881                   }
00882                 }
00883             }
00884           }
00885         else
00886           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_107) == 0))
00887             {
00888               /* OCic.cbl:774: MOVE */
00889               {
00890                 memcpy (b_166, "DLL         ", 12);
00891               }
00892               /* OCic.cbl:775: MOVE */
00893               {
00894                 cob_move (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, &f_177), &f_177);
00895               }
00896               /* OCic.cbl:777: PERFORM */
00897               {
00898                 /* PERFORM 040-Process-Yes-No-Value */
00899                 frame_ptr++;
00900                 frame_ptr->perform_through = 19;
00901                 frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_141;
00902                 goto l_19;
00903                 l_141:
00904                 frame_ptr--;
00905               }
00906               /* OCic.cbl:778: IF */
00907               {
00908                 if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 7) - 78) == 0))
00909                   {
00910                     /* OCic.cbl:779: MOVE */
00911                     {
00912                       *(b_182 + 158) = *(b_177);
00913                     }
00914                   }
00915               }
00916             }
00917           else
00918             if ((((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_108) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_109) == 0)))
00919               {
00920                 /* OCic.cbl:782: MOVE */
00921                 {
00922                   memcpy (b_166, "EXECUTE     ", 12);
00923                 }
00924                 /* OCic.cbl:783: MOVE */
00925                 {
00926                   cob_move (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, &f_177), &f_177);
00927                 }
00928                 /* OCic.cbl:785: PERFORM */
00929                 {
00930                   /* PERFORM 040-Process-Yes-No-Value */
00931                   frame_ptr++;
00932                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 19;
00933                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_142;
00934                   goto l_19;
00935                   l_142:
00936                   frame_ptr--;
00937                 }
00938                 /* OCic.cbl:786: IF */
00939                 {
00940                   if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 7) - 78) == 0))
00941                     {
00942                       /* OCic.cbl:787: MOVE */
00943                       {
00944                         *(b_182 + 161) = *(b_177);
00945                       }
00946                     }
00947                 }
00948               }
00949             else
00950               if ((((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_110) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_111) == 0)))
00951                 {
00952                   /* OCic.cbl:790: MOVE */
00953                   {
00954                     memcpy (b_166, "NOTRUNC     ", 12);
00955                   }
00956                   /* OCic.cbl:791: MOVE */
00957                   {
00958                     cob_move (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, &f_177), &f_177);
00959                   }
00960                   /* OCic.cbl:793: PERFORM */
00961                   {
00962                     /* PERFORM 040-Process-Yes-No-Value */
00963                     frame_ptr++;
00964                     frame_ptr->perform_through = 19;
00965                     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_143;
00966                     goto l_19;
00967                     l_143:
00968                     frame_ptr--;
00969                   }
00970                   /* OCic.cbl:794: IF */
00971                   {
00972                     if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 7) - 78) == 0))
00973                       {
00974                         /* OCic.cbl:795: MOVE */
00975                         {
00976                           *(b_182 + 162) = *(b_177);
00977                         }
00978                       }
00979                   }
00980                 }
00981               else
00982                 if ((((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_112) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_113) == 0)))
00983                   {
00984                     /* OCic.cbl:798: MOVE */
00985                     {
00986                       memcpy (b_166, "SOURCE      ", 12);
00987                     }
00988                     /* OCic.cbl:799: MOVE */
00989                     {
00990                       cob_move (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, &f_177), &f_177);
00991                     }
00992                     /* OCic.cbl:801: PERFORM */
00993                     {
00994                       /* PERFORM 050-Process-Yes-No-All */
00995                       frame_ptr++;
00996                       frame_ptr->perform_through = 22;
00997                       frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_144;
00998                       goto l_22;
00999                       l_144:
01000                       frame_ptr--;
01001                     }
01002                     /* OCic.cbl:802: IF */
01003                     {
01004                       if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 7) - 78) == 0))
01005                         {
01006                           /* OCic.cbl:803: MOVE */
01007                           {
01008                             *(b_182 + 160) = *(b_177);
01009                           }
01010                         }
01011                     }
01012                   }
01013                 else
01014                   if ((((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_114) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_115) == 0)))
01015                     {
01016                       /* OCic.cbl:806: MOVE */
01017                       {
01018                         memcpy (b_166, "TRACE       ", 12);
01019                       }
01020                       /* OCic.cbl:807: MOVE */
01021                       {
01022                         cob_move (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, &f_177), &f_177);
01023                       }
01024                       /* OCic.cbl:809: PERFORM */
01025                       {
01026                         /* PERFORM 050-Process-Yes-No-All */
01027                         frame_ptr++;
01028                         frame_ptr->perform_through = 22;
01029                         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_145;
01030                         goto l_22;
01031                         l_145:
01032                         frame_ptr--;
01033                       }
01034                       /* OCic.cbl:810: IF */
01035                       {
01036                         if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 7) - 78) == 0))
01037                           {
01038                             /* OCic.cbl:811: MOVE */
01039                             {
01040                               *(b_182 + 164) = *(b_177);
01041                             }
01042                           }
01043                       }
01044                     }
01045                   else
01046                     if ((((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_116) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp (&f_166, &c_117) == 0)))
01047                       {
01048                         /* OCic.cbl:814: MOVE */
01049                         {
01050                           memcpy (b_166, "XREF        ", 12);
01051                         }
01052                         /* OCic.cbl:815: MOVE */
01053                         {
01054                           cob_move (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, &f_177), &f_177);
01055                         }
01056                         /* OCic.cbl:817: PERFORM */
01057                         {
01058                           /* PERFORM 050-Process-Yes-No-All */
01059                           frame_ptr++;
01060                           frame_ptr->perform_through = 22;
01061                           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_146;
01062                           goto l_22;
01063                           l_146:
01064                           frame_ptr--;
01065                         }
01066                         /* OCic.cbl:818: IF */
01067                         {
01068                           if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 7) - 78) == 0))
01069                             {
01070                               /* OCic.cbl:819: MOVE */
01071                               {
01072                                 *(b_182 + 159) = *(b_177);
01073                               }
01074                             }
01075                         }
01076                       }
01077                     else
01078                       {
01079                         /* OCic.cbl:822: MOVE */
01080                         {
01081                           memset (b_155, 32, 80);
01082                         }
01083                         /* OCic.cbl:823: STRING */
01084                         {
01085                           cob_string_init (&f_155, 0);
01086                           cob_string_delimited (0);
01087                           cob_string_append (&c_91);
01088                           cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_166, 0));
01089                           cob_string_append (&c_118);
01090                           cob_string_finish ();
01091                         }
01092                         /* OCic.cbl:830: SET */
01093                         {
01094                           *(b_116 + 7) = 89;
01095                         }
01096                       }
01097   }
01099   /* 039-Done */
01101   /* OCic.cbl:835: EXIT */
01103   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 15)
01104     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
01106   /* 040-Process-Yes-No-Value SECTION */
01108   l_19:;
01110   /* 042-Process */
01112   /* OCic.cbl:843: EVALUATE */
01113   {
01114     if (((int)(int)(*(b_177) - 89) == 0))
01115       {
01116         /* OCic.cbl:845: MOVE */
01117         {
01118           cob_move (&c_119, &f_177);
01119         }
01120       }
01121     else
01122       if (((int)(int)(*(b_177) - 78) == 0))
01123         {
01124           /* OCic.cbl:847: MOVE */
01125           {
01126             cob_move (&c_120, &f_177);
01127           }
01128         }
01129       else
01130         {
01131           /* OCic.cbl:849: MOVE */
01132           {
01133             memset (b_155, 32, 80);
01134           }
01135           /* OCic.cbl:850: STRING */
01136           {
01137             cob_string_init (&f_155, 0);
01138             cob_string_delimited (&cob_space);
01139             cob_string_append (&c_121);
01140             cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_177, 0));
01141             cob_string_append (&c_122);
01142             cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_166, 0));
01143             cob_string_append (&c_123);
01144             cob_string_finish ();
01145           }
01146           /* OCic.cbl:856: SET */
01147           {
01148             *(b_116 + 7) = 89;
01149           }
01150         }
01151   }
01153   /* 049-Done */
01155   /* OCic.cbl:861: EXIT */
01157   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 19)
01158     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
01160   /* 050-Process-Yes-No-All SECTION */
01162   l_22:;
01164   /* 052-Process */
01166   /* OCic.cbl:869: IF */
01167   {
01168     if (((int)(int)(*(b_177) - 65) == 0))
01169       {
01170         /* OCic.cbl:870: MOVE */
01171         {
01172           cob_move (&c_124, &f_177);
01173         }
01174       }
01175     else
01176       {
01177         /* OCic.cbl:872: PERFORM */
01178         {
01179           /* PERFORM 040-Process-Yes-No-Value */
01180           frame_ptr++;
01181           frame_ptr->perform_through = 19;
01182           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_147;
01183           goto l_19;
01184           l_147:
01185           frame_ptr--;
01186         }
01187       }
01188   }
01190   /* 059-Done */
01192   /* OCic.cbl:877: EXIT */
01194   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 22)
01195     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
01197   /* 060-Process-Yes-No-Auto SECTION */
01199   /* 061-Init */
01201   /* OCic.cbl:885: IF */
01202   {
01203     if (((int)(int)(*(b_177) - 65) == 0))
01204       {
01205         /* OCic.cbl:886: PERFORM */
01206         {
01207           /* PERFORM 070-Find-LINKAGE-SECTION */
01208           frame_ptr++;
01209           frame_ptr->perform_through = 27;
01210           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_148;
01211           goto l_27;
01212           l_148:
01213           frame_ptr--;
01214         }
01215         /* OCic.cbl:887: IF */
01216         {
01217           if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 3) - 89) == 0))
01218             {
01219               /* OCic.cbl:888: MOVE */
01220               {
01221                 cob_move (&c_125, &f_177);
01222               }
01223             }
01224           else
01225             {
01226               /* OCic.cbl:890: MOVE */
01227               {
01228                 cob_move (&c_126, &f_177);
01229               }
01230             }
01231         }
01232       }
01233     else
01234       {
01235         /* OCic.cbl:893: PERFORM */
01236         {
01237           /* PERFORM 040-Process-Yes-No-Value */
01238           frame_ptr++;
01239           frame_ptr->perform_through = 19;
01240           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_149;
01241           goto l_19;
01242           l_149:
01243           frame_ptr--;
01244         }
01245       }
01246   }
01248   /* 070-Find-LINKAGE-SECTION SECTION */
01250   l_27:;
01252   /* 071-Init */
01254   /* OCic.cbl:903: OPEN */
01255   {
01256     cob_exception_code = 0;
01257     {
01258       cob_open (h_SOURCE_CODE, 1, 0, &f_113);
01259     }
01260     if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
01261       {
01262         /* PERFORM 000-File-Error */
01263         frame_ptr++;
01264         frame_ptr->perform_through = 2;
01265         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_150;
01266         goto l_2;
01267         l_150:
01268         frame_ptr--;
01269       }
01270   }
01271   /* OCic.cbl:904: SET */
01272   {
01273     *(b_116 + 3) = 78;
01274   }
01275   /* OCic.cbl:905: SET */
01276   {
01277     *(b_116 + 2) = 78;
01278   }
01279   /* OCic.cbl:906: PERFORM */
01280   {
01281     while (1)
01282       {
01283         if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 2) - 89) == 0))
01284           break;
01285         {
01286           /* OCic.cbl:907: READ */
01287           cob_exception_code = 0;
01288           {
01289             cob_read (h_SOURCE_CODE, 0, &f_113, 1);
01290           }
01291           if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
01292             {
01293               if (cob_exception_code == 0x0501)
01294                 {
01295                   {
01296                     /* OCic.cbl:908: CLOSE */
01297                     {
01298                       cob_exception_code = 0;
01299                       {
01300                         cob_close (h_SOURCE_CODE, 0, &f_113);
01301                       }
01302                       if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
01303                         {
01304                           /* PERFORM 000-File-Error */
01305                           frame_ptr++;
01306                           frame_ptr->perform_through = 2;
01307                           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_151;
01308                           goto l_2;
01309                           l_151:
01310                           frame_ptr--;
01311                         }
01312                     }
01313                     /* OCic.cbl:909: EXIT */
01314                     {
01315                       goto l_29;
01316                     }
01317                   }
01318                 }
01319               else
01320                 {
01321                   /* PERFORM 000-File-Error */
01322                   frame_ptr++;
01323                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 2;
01324                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_152;
01325                   goto l_2;
01326                   l_152:
01327                   frame_ptr--;
01328                 }
01329             }
01330           /* OCic.cbl:911: CALL */
01331           {
01332             {
01334               module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = &f_9;
01335               module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = &f_136;
01336               module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
01337               module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
01338               module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
01339               module.cob_procedure_parameters[5] = NULL;
01340               cob_call_params = 2;
01341               if (unlikely(call_CHECKSOURCE.func_void == NULL)) {
01342                 call_CHECKSOURCE.func_void = cob_resolve_1 ((const char *)"CHECKSOURCE");
01343               }
01344               (*(int *) (b_1)) = call_CHECKSOURCE.funcint (b_10, b_116 + 6);
01345             }
01346           }
01347           /* OCic.cbl:914: IF */
01348           {
01349             if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 6) - 73) == 0))
01350               {
01351                 /* OCic.cbl:915: SET */
01352                 {
01353                   *(b_116 + 2) = 89;
01354                 }
01355               }
01356           }
01357         }
01358       }
01359   }
01361   /* 072-Process-Source */
01363   /* OCic.cbl:921: SET */
01364   {
01365     *(b_116 + 6) = 32;
01366   }
01367   /* OCic.cbl:922: PERFORM */
01368   {
01369     while (1)
01370       {
01371         if ((((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 6) - 76) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 6) - 73) == 0)))
01372           break;
01373         {
01374           /* OCic.cbl:924: READ */
01375           cob_exception_code = 0;
01376           {
01377             cob_read (h_SOURCE_CODE, 0, &f_113, 1);
01378           }
01379           if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
01380             {
01381               if (cob_exception_code == 0x0501)
01382                 {
01383                   {
01384                     /* OCic.cbl:925: CLOSE */
01385                     {
01386                       cob_exception_code = 0;
01387                       {
01388                         cob_close (h_SOURCE_CODE, 0, &f_113);
01389                       }
01390                       if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
01391                         {
01392                           /* PERFORM 000-File-Error */
01393                           frame_ptr++;
01394                           frame_ptr->perform_through = 2;
01395                           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_153;
01396                           goto l_2;
01397                           l_153:
01398                           frame_ptr--;
01399                         }
01400                     }
01401                     /* OCic.cbl:926: EXIT */
01402                     {
01403                       goto l_29;
01404                     }
01405                   }
01406                 }
01407               else
01408                 {
01409                   /* PERFORM 000-File-Error */
01410                   frame_ptr++;
01411                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 2;
01412                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_154;
01413                   goto l_2;
01414                   l_154:
01415                   frame_ptr--;
01416                 }
01417             }
01418           /* OCic.cbl:928: CALL */
01419           {
01420             {
01422               module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = &f_9;
01423               module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = &f_136;
01424               module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
01425               module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
01426               module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
01427               module.cob_procedure_parameters[5] = NULL;
01428               cob_call_params = 2;
01429               if (unlikely(call_CHECKSOURCE.func_void == NULL)) {
01430                 call_CHECKSOURCE.func_void = cob_resolve_1 ((const char *)"CHECKSOURCE");
01431               }
01432               (*(int *) (b_1)) = call_CHECKSOURCE.funcint (b_10, b_116 + 6);
01433             }
01434           }
01435         }
01436       }
01437   }
01438   /* OCic.cbl:932: CLOSE */
01439   {
01440     cob_exception_code = 0;
01441     {
01442       cob_close (h_SOURCE_CODE, 0, &f_113);
01443     }
01444     if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
01445       {
01446         /* PERFORM 000-File-Error */
01447         frame_ptr++;
01448         frame_ptr->perform_through = 2;
01449         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_155;
01450         goto l_2;
01451         l_155:
01452         frame_ptr--;
01453       }
01454   }
01455   /* OCic.cbl:933: IF */
01456   {
01457     if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 6) - 76) == 0))
01458       {
01459         /* OCic.cbl:934: SET */
01460         {
01461           *(b_116 + 3) = 89;
01462         }
01463       }
01464   }
01466   /* 079-Done */
01468   /* OCic.cbl:939: EXIT */
01470   /* EXIT SECTION 29 */
01472   l_29:;
01474   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 27)
01475     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
01477   /* 100-Initialization SECTION */
01479   l_32:;
01481   /* 101-Determine-OS-Type */
01483   /* OCic.cbl:948: CALL */
01484   {
01485     {
01487       module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = NULL;
01488       module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = NULL;
01489       module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
01490       module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
01491       cob_call_params = 0;
01492       if (unlikely(call_GETOSTYPE.func_void == NULL)) {
01493         call_GETOSTYPE.func_void = cob_resolve_1 ((const char *)"GETOSTYPE");
01494       }
01495       (*(int *) (b_1)) = call_GETOSTYPE.funcint ();
01496     }
01497   }
01498   /* OCic.cbl:950: MOVE */
01499   {
01500     cob_set_int (&f_149, (*(int *) (b_1)));
01501   }
01502   /* OCic.cbl:951: EVALUATE */
01503   {
01504     if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 0) == 0))
01505       {
01506         /* OCic.cbl:953: MOVE */
01507         {
01508           *(b_106) = 92;
01509         }
01510         /* OCic.cbl:954: MOVE */
01511         {
01512           memcpy (b_154, "Unknown", 7);
01513         }
01514         /* OCic.cbl:955: MOVE */
01515         {
01516           memcpy (b_98, "1011", 4);
01517         }
01518         /* OCic.cbl:956: MOVE */
01519         {
01520           memcpy (b_98 + 4, "1012", 4);
01521         }
01522         /* OCic.cbl:957: MOVE */
01523         {
01524           memcpy (b_98 + 8, "1013", 4);
01525         }
01526         /* OCic.cbl:958: MOVE */
01527         {
01528           memcpy (b_98 + 12, "1014", 4);
01529         }
01530         /* OCic.cbl:959: MOVE */
01531         {
01532           memcpy (b_98 + 16, "1015", 4);
01533         }
01534         /* OCic.cbl:960: MOVE */
01535         {
01536           memcpy (b_98 + 20, "1016", 4);
01537         }
01538         /* OCic.cbl:961: MOVE */
01539         {
01540           memcpy (b_98 + 24, "1017", 4);
01541         }
01542       }
01543     else
01544       if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 1) == 0))
01545         {
01546           /* OCic.cbl:963: MOVE */
01547           {
01548             *(b_106) = 92;
01549           }
01550           /* OCic.cbl:964: MOVE */
01551           {
01552             memcpy (b_154, "Windows", 7);
01553           }
01554           /* OCic.cbl:965: MOVE */
01555           {
01556             memcpy (b_98, "1013", 4);
01557           }
01558           /* OCic.cbl:966: MOVE */
01559           {
01560             memcpy (b_98 + 4, "1014", 4);
01561           }
01562           /* OCic.cbl:967: MOVE */
01563           {
01564             memcpy (b_98 + 8, "1015", 4);
01565           }
01566           /* OCic.cbl:968: MOVE */
01567           {
01568             memcpy (b_98 + 12, "1016", 4);
01569           }
01570           /* OCic.cbl:969: MOVE */
01571           {
01572             memcpy (b_98 + 16, "1017", 4);
01573           }
01574           /* OCic.cbl:970: MOVE */
01575           {
01576             memcpy (b_98 + 20, "1018", 4);
01577           }
01578           /* OCic.cbl:971: MOVE */
01579           {
01580             memcpy (b_98 + 24, "1019", 4);
01581           }
01582         }
01583       else
01584         if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 2) == 0))
01585           {
01586             /* OCic.cbl:973: MOVE */
01587             {
01588               *(b_106) = 47;
01589             }
01590             /* OCic.cbl:974: MOVE */
01591             {
01592               memcpy (b_154, "Cygwin ", 7);
01593             }
01594             /* OCic.cbl:975: MOVE */
01595             {
01596               memcpy (b_98, "1011", 4);
01597             }
01598             /* OCic.cbl:976: MOVE */
01599             {
01600               memcpy (b_98 + 4, "1012", 4);
01601             }
01602             /* OCic.cbl:977: MOVE */
01603             {
01604               memcpy (b_98 + 8, "1013", 4);
01605             }
01606             /* OCic.cbl:978: MOVE */
01607             {
01608               memcpy (b_98 + 12, "1014", 4);
01609             }
01610             /* OCic.cbl:979: MOVE */
01611             {
01612               memcpy (b_98 + 16, "1015", 4);
01613             }
01614             /* OCic.cbl:980: MOVE */
01615             {
01616               memcpy (b_98 + 20, "1016", 4);
01617             }
01618             /* OCic.cbl:981: MOVE */
01619             {
01620               memcpy (b_98 + 24, "1017", 4);
01621             }
01622           }
01623         else
01624           if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 3) == 0))
01625             {
01626               /* OCic.cbl:983: MOVE */
01627               {
01628                 *(b_106) = 47;
01629               }
01630               /* OCic.cbl:984: MOVE */
01631               {
01632                 memcpy (b_154, "UNIX   ", 7);
01633               }
01634               /* OCic.cbl:985: MOVE */
01635               {
01636                 memcpy (b_98, "1011", 4);
01637               }
01638               /* OCic.cbl:986: MOVE */
01639               {
01640                 memcpy (b_98 + 4, "1012", 4);
01641               }
01642               /* OCic.cbl:987: MOVE */
01643               {
01644                 memcpy (b_98 + 8, "1013", 4);
01645               }
01646               /* OCic.cbl:988: MOVE */
01647               {
01648                 memcpy (b_98 + 12, "1014", 4);
01649               }
01650               /* OCic.cbl:989: MOVE */
01651               {
01652                 memcpy (b_98 + 16, "1015", 4);
01653               }
01654               /* OCic.cbl:990: MOVE */
01655               {
01656                 memcpy (b_98 + 20, "1016", 4);
01657               }
01658               /* OCic.cbl:991: MOVE */
01659               {
01660                 memcpy (b_98 + 24, "1017", 4);
01661               }
01662             }
01663   }
01665   /* 102-Set-Environment-Vars */
01667   /* OCic.cbl:996: SET */
01668   {
01669     cob_set_environment (&c_127, &c_125);
01670   }
01671   /* OCic.cbl:997: SET */
01672   {
01673     cob_set_environment (&c_128, &c_125);
01674   }
01676   /* 103-Generate-Cobc-Output-Fn */
01678   /* OCic.cbl:1001: ACCEPT */
01679   {
01680     cob_get_environment (&c_129, &f_108);
01681   }
01682   /* OCic.cbl:1004: MOVE */
01683   {
01684     memset (b_95, 32, 256);
01685   }
01686   /* OCic.cbl:1005: STRING */
01687   {
01688     cob_string_init (&f_95, 0);
01689     cob_string_delimited (0);
01690     cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_108, 2));
01691     cob_string_append (&f_106);
01692     cob_string_append (&c_130);
01693     cob_string_finish ();
01694   }
01696   /* 104-Generate-Banner-Line-Info */
01698   /* OCic.cbl:1014: MOVE */
01699   {
01700     cob_move (cob_intr_when_compiled (1, 12, &c_131), &f_148);
01701   }
01702   /* OCic.cbl:1015: INSPECT */
01703   {
01704     cob_inspect_init (&f_148, 1);
01705     cob_inspect_start ();
01706     cob_inspect_after (&cob_space);
01707     cob_inspect_all (&c_132, &c_133);
01708     cob_inspect_finish ();
01709   }
01711   /* 105-Establish-Switch-Settings */
01713   /* OCic.cbl:1021: ACCEPT */
01714   {
01715     cob_accept_command_line (&f_96);
01716   }
01717   /* OCic.cbl:1024: MOVE */
01718   {
01719     cob_move (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_96, 1), &f_96);
01720   }
01721   /* OCic.cbl:1026: MOVE */
01722   {
01723     (*(int *)(b_203)) = 0;
01724   }
01725   /* OCic.cbl:1027: INSPECT */
01726   {
01727     cob_inspect_init (&f_96, 0);
01728     cob_inspect_start ();
01729     cob_inspect_all (&f_203, &c_134);
01730     cob_inspect_finish ();
01731   }
01732   /* OCic.cbl:1028: IF */
01733   {
01734     if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_203, 0) == 0))
01735       {
01736         /* OCic.cbl:1029: MOVE */
01737         {
01738           memcpy (b_109, b_96, 256);
01739         }
01740         /* OCic.cbl:1030: MOVE */
01741         {
01742           memset (b_96, 32, 256);
01743         }
01744       }
01745     else
01746       {
01747         /* OCic.cbl:1032: UNSTRING */
01748         {
01749           cob_unstring_init (&f_96, 0, 1);
01750           cob_unstring_delimited (&c_134, 0);
01751           cob_unstring_into (&f_109, 0, 0);
01752           cob_unstring_into (&f_107, 0, 0);
01753           cob_unstring_finish ();
01754         }
01755         /* OCic.cbl:1035: INSPECT */
01756         {
01757           cob_inspect_init (&f_96, 1);
01758           cob_inspect_start ();
01759           cob_inspect_first (&cob_low, &c_134);
01760           cob_inspect_finish ();
01761         }
01762         /* OCic.cbl:1037: UNSTRING */
01763         {
01764           cob_unstring_init (&f_96, 0, 1);
01765           cob_unstring_delimited (&cob_low, 0);
01766           cob_unstring_into (&f_107, 0, 0);
01767           cob_unstring_into (&f_93, 0, 0);
01768           cob_unstring_finish ();
01769         }
01770         /* OCic.cbl:1041: MOVE */
01771         {
01772           memset (b_96, 32, 256);
01773         }
01774         /* OCic.cbl:1042: STRING */
01775         {
01776           cob_string_init (&f_96, 0);
01777           cob_string_delimited (0);
01778           cob_string_append (&c_134);
01779           cob_string_append (&f_93);
01780           cob_string_finish ();
01781         }
01782       }
01783   }
01784   /* OCic.cbl:1046: IF */
01785   {
01786     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_109, &cob_space) == 0))
01787       {
01788         /* OCic.cbl:1047: DISPLAY */
01789         {
01790           cob_display (0, 1, 1, &c_135);
01791         }
01792         /* OCic.cbl:1050: PERFORM */
01793         {
01794           /* PERFORM 900-Terminate */
01795           frame_ptr++;
01796           frame_ptr->perform_through = 58;
01797           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_156;
01798           goto l_58;
01799           l_156:
01800           frame_ptr--;
01801         }
01802       }
01803   }
01804   /* OCic.cbl:1052: PERFORM */
01805   {
01806     /* PERFORM 010-Parse-Args */
01807     frame_ptr++;
01808     frame_ptr->perform_through = 9;
01809     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_157;
01810     goto l_9;
01811     l_157:
01812     frame_ptr--;
01813   }
01814   /* OCic.cbl:1053: IF */
01815   {
01816     if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 163) - 65) == 0))
01817       {
01818         /* OCic.cbl:1054: MOVE */
01819         {
01820           memcpy (b_166, "S           ", 12);
01821         }
01822         /* OCic.cbl:1055: MOVE */
01823         {
01824           cob_move (&c_136, &f_177);
01825         }
01826         /* OCic.cbl:1056: PERFORM */
01827         {
01828           /* PERFORM 070-Find-LINKAGE-SECTION */
01829           frame_ptr++;
01830           frame_ptr->perform_through = 27;
01831           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_158;
01832           goto l_27;
01833           l_158:
01834           frame_ptr--;
01835         }
01836         /* OCic.cbl:1057: IF */
01837         {
01838           if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 3) - 89) == 0))
01839             {
01840               /* OCic.cbl:1058: MOVE */
01841               {
01842                 *(b_182 + 163) = 89;
01843               }
01844             }
01845           else
01846             {
01847               /* OCic.cbl:1060: MOVE */
01848               {
01849                 *(b_182 + 163) = 78;
01850               }
01851             }
01852         }
01853       }
01854   }
01855   /* OCic.cbl:1063: INSPECT */
01856   {
01857     cob_inspect_init (&f_193, 1);
01858     cob_inspect_start ();
01859     cob_inspect_all (&c_137, &c_125);
01860     cob_inspect_finish ();
01861   }
01862   /* OCic.cbl:1064: INSPECT */
01863   {
01864     cob_inspect_init (&f_193, 1);
01865     cob_inspect_start ();
01866     cob_inspect_all (&c_138, &c_126);
01867     cob_inspect_finish ();
01868   }
01870   /* 106-Determine-Folder-Path */
01872   /* OCic.cbl:1068: MOVE */
01873   {
01874     (*(int *)(b_144)) = 256;
01875   }
01876   /* OCic.cbl:1069: IF */
01877   {
01878     if ((((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 2) == 0) && ((int)(int)(*(b_109 + 1) - 58) == 0)))
01879       {
01880         /* OCic.cbl:1070: MOVE */
01881         {
01882           *(b_106) = 92;
01883         }
01884       }
01885   }
01886   /* OCic.cbl:1072: PERFORM */
01887   {
01888     while (1)
01889       {
01890         if ((((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_144, 0) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_109 + ((*(int *)(b_144)) - 1)) - *(b_106)) == 0)))
01891           break;
01892         {
01893           /* OCic.cbl:1073: SUBTRACT */
01894           {
01895             (*(int *)(b_144)) = ((*(int *)(b_144)) - 1);
01896           }
01897         }
01898       }
01899   }
01900   /* OCic.cbl:1075: IF */
01901   {
01902     if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_144, 0) == 0))
01903       {
01904         /* OCic.cbl:1076: MOVE */
01905         {
01906           memset (b_157, 32, 256);
01907         }
01908         /* OCic.cbl:1077: MOVE */
01909         {
01910           memcpy (b_159, b_109, 40);
01911         }
01912       }
01913     else
01914       {
01915         /* OCic.cbl:1079: MOVE */
01916         {
01917           *(b_109 + ((*(int *)(b_144)) - 1)) = 42;
01918         }
01919         /* OCic.cbl:1080: UNSTRING */
01920         {
01921           cob_unstring_init (&f_109, 0, 1);
01922           cob_unstring_delimited (&c_139, 0);
01923           cob_unstring_into (&f_157, 0, 0);
01924           cob_unstring_into (&f_159, 0, 0);
01925           cob_unstring_finish ();
01926         }
01927         /* OCic.cbl:1084: MOVE */
01928         {
01929           *(b_109 + ((*(int *)(b_144)) - 1)) = *(b_106);
01930         }
01931       }
01932   }
01933   /* OCic.cbl:1086: UNSTRING */
01934   {
01935     cob_unstring_init (&f_159, 0, 1);
01936     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_140, 0);
01937     cob_unstring_into (&f_160, 0, 0);
01938     cob_unstring_into (&f_158, 0, 0);
01939     cob_unstring_finish ();
01940   }
01941   /* OCic.cbl:1089: IF */
01942   {
01943     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_157, &cob_space) == 0))
01944       {
01945         /* OCic.cbl:1090: ACCEPT */
01946         {
01947           cob_get_environment (&c_141, &f_157);
01948         }
01949       }
01950     else
01951       {
01952         /* OCic.cbl:1094: CALL */
01953         {
01954           {
01956             module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_157, 2);
01957             module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = NULL;
01958             module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
01959             module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
01960             module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
01961             cob_call_params = 1;
01962             (*(int *) (b_1)) = CBL_CHANGE_DIR (module.cob_procedure_parameters[0]->data);
01963           }
01964         }
01965       }
01966   }
01967   /* OCic.cbl:1098: IF */
01968   {
01969     if ((((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 2) == 0) && ((int)(int)(*(b_109 + 1) - 58) == 0)))
01970       {
01971         /* OCic.cbl:1099: MOVE */
01972         {
01973           *(b_106) = 47;
01974         }
01975       }
01976   }
01978   /* 107-Other */
01980   /* OCic.cbl:1104: MOVE */
01981   {
01982     memset (b_143, 196, 80);
01983   }
01984   /* OCic.cbl:1105: MOVE */
01985   {
01986     cob_move (cob_intr_concatenate (0, 0, 4, &c_142, cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_154, 2), &c_143, &c_144), &f_155);
01987   }
01989   /* 109-Done */
01991   /* OCic.cbl:1113: EXIT */
01993   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 32)
01994     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
01996   /* 200-Let-User-Set-Switches SECTION */
01998   l_41:;
02000   /* 201-Init */
02002   /* OCic.cbl:1122: SET */
02003   {
02004     *(b_116 + 4) = 78;
02005   }
02007   /* 202-Show-And-Change-Switches */
02009   /* OCic.cbl:1126: PERFORM */
02010   {
02011     while (1)
02012       {
02013         if (((int)(int)(*(b_116 + 4) - 89) == 0))
02014           break;
02015         {
02016           /* OCic.cbl:1127: ACCEPT */
02017           {
02018             cob_move (&f_183, &f_351);
02019             cob_move (&f_192, &f_350);
02020             cob_move (&f_191, &f_340);
02021             cob_move (&f_190, &f_339);
02022             cob_move (&f_189, &f_338);
02023             cob_move (&f_188, &f_337);
02024             cob_move (&f_187, &f_336);
02025             cob_move (&f_186, &f_335);
02026             cob_move (&f_185, &f_334);
02027             cob_move (&f_196, &f_314);
02028             cob_move (&f_197, &f_313);
02029             cob_move (&f_202, &f_312);
02030             cob_move (&f_201, &f_311);
02031             cob_move (&f_199, &f_310);
02032             cob_move (&f_198, &f_309);
02033             cob_move (&f_200, &f_308);
02034             cob_move (&f_195, &f_307);
02035             cob_move (&f_194, &f_306);
02036             cob_move (&f_159, &f_294);
02037             cob_move (&f_157, &f_293);
02038             cob_move (&f_160, &f_292);
02039             cob_move (&f_155, &f_278);
02040             cob_move (&f_148, &f_276);
02041             cob_move (&f_143, &f_272);
02042             cob_move (&f_143, &f_267);
02043             cob_move (&f_143, &f_264);
02044             cob_move (&f_143, &f_259);
02045             cob_move (&f_143, &f_256);
02046             cob_move (&f_143, &f_254);
02047             cob_move (&f_143, &f_230);
02048             cob_move (&f_143, &f_228);
02049             cob_move (&f_143, &f_225);
02050             cob_move (&f_143, &f_216);
02051             cob_screen_accept (&s_213, NULL, NULL);
02052             cob_move (&f_351, &f_183);
02053             cob_move (&f_350, &f_192);
02054           }
02055           /* OCic.cbl:1130: IF */
02056           {
02057             if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_352, 4, 0) >  0))
02058               {
02059                 /* OCic.cbl:1131: EVALUATE */
02060                 {
02061                   if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_352, 4, 1001) == 0))
02062                     {
02063                       /* OCic.cbl:1133: IF */
02064                       {
02065                         if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 157) - ' ') == 0))
02066                           {
02067                             /* OCic.cbl:1134: MOVE */
02068                             {
02069                               *(b_182 + 157) = 62;
02070                             }
02071                           }
02072                         else
02073                           {
02074                             /* OCic.cbl:1136: MOVE */
02075                             {
02076                               *(b_182 + 157) = 32;
02077                             }
02078                           }
02079                       }
02080                     }
02081                   else
02082                     if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_352, 4, 1002) == 0))
02083                       {
02084                         /* OCic.cbl:1139: IF */
02085                         {
02086                           if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 158) - ' ') == 0))
02087                             {
02088                               /* OCic.cbl:1140: MOVE */
02089                               {
02090                                 *(b_182 + 158) = 62;
02091                               }
02092                             }
02093                           else
02094                             {
02095                               /* OCic.cbl:1142: MOVE */
02096                               {
02097                                 *(b_182 + 158) = 32;
02098                               }
02099                             }
02100                         }
02101                       }
02102                     else
02103                       if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_352, 4, 1003) == 0))
02104                         {
02105                           /* OCic.cbl:1145: IF */
02106                           {
02107                             if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 163) - ' ') == 0))
02108                               {
02109                                 /* OCic.cbl:1146: MOVE */
02110                                 {
02111                                   *(b_182 + 163) = 62;
02112                                 }
02113                                 /* OCic.cbl:1147: MOVE */
02114                                 {
02115                                   *(b_182 + 161) = 32;
02116                                 }
02117                               }
02118                             else
02119                               {
02120                                 /* OCic.cbl:1149: MOVE */
02121                                 {
02122                                   *(b_182 + 163) = 32;
02123                                 }
02124                               }
02125                           }
02126                         }
02127                       else
02128                         if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_352, 4, 1004) == 0))
02129                           {
02130                             /* OCic.cbl:1152: IF */
02131                             {
02132                               if ((((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 161) - ' ') == 0) && ((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 163) - ' ') == 0)))
02133                                 {
02134                                   /* OCic.cbl:1154: MOVE */
02135                                   {
02136                                     *(b_182 + 161) = 62;
02137                                   }
02138                                 }
02139                               else
02140                                 {
02141                                   /* OCic.cbl:1156: MOVE */
02142                                   {
02143                                     *(b_182 + 161) = 32;
02144                                   }
02145                                 }
02146                             }
02147                           }
02148                         else
02149                           if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_352, 4, 1005) == 0))
02150                             {
02151                               /* OCic.cbl:1159: IF */
02152                               {
02153                                 if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 162) - ' ') == 0))
02154                                   {
02155                                     /* OCic.cbl:1160: MOVE */
02156                                     {
02157                                       *(b_182 + 162) = 62;
02158                                     }
02159                                   }
02160                                 else
02161                                   {
02162                                     /* OCic.cbl:1162: MOVE */
02163                                     {
02164                                       *(b_182 + 162) = 32;
02165                                     }
02166                                   }
02167                               }
02168                             }
02169                           else
02170                             if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_352, 4, 1006) == 0))
02171                               {
02172                                 /* OCic.cbl:1165: IF */
02173                                 {
02174                                   if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 164) - ' ') == 0))
02175                                     {
02176                                       /* OCic.cbl:1166: MOVE */
02177                                       {
02178                                         *(b_182 + 164) = 62;
02179                                       }
02180                                       /* OCic.cbl:1167: MOVE */
02181                                       {
02182                                         *(b_182 + 165) = 32;
02183                                       }
02184                                     }
02185                                   else
02186                                     {
02187                                       /* OCic.cbl:1169: MOVE */
02188                                       {
02189                                         *(b_182 + 164) = 32;
02190                                       }
02191                                     }
02192                                 }
02193                               }
02194                             else
02195                               if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_352, 4, 1007) == 0))
02196                                 {
02197                                   /* OCic.cbl:1172: IF */
02198                                   {
02199                                     if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 165) - ' ') == 0))
02200                                       {
02201                                         /* OCic.cbl:1173: MOVE */
02202                                         {
02203                                           *(b_182 + 165) = 62;
02204                                         }
02205                                         /* OCic.cbl:1174: MOVE */
02206                                         {
02207                                           *(b_182 + 164) = 32;
02208                                         }
02209                                       }
02210                                     else
02211                                       {
02212                                         /* OCic.cbl:1176: MOVE */
02213                                         {
02214                                           *(b_182 + 165) = 32;
02215                                         }
02216                                       }
02217                                   }
02218                                 }
02219                               else
02220                                 if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_352, 4, 1008) == 0))
02221                                   {
02222                                     /* OCic.cbl:1179: IF */
02223                                     {
02224                                       if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 160) - ' ') == 0))
02225                                         {
02226                                           /* OCic.cbl:1180: MOVE */
02227                                           {
02228                                             *(b_182 + 160) = 62;
02229                                           }
02230                                         }
02231                                       else
02232                                         {
02233                                           /* OCic.cbl:1182: MOVE */
02234                                           {
02235                                             *(b_182 + 160) = 32;
02236                                           }
02237                                         }
02238                                     }
02239                                   }
02240                                 else
02241                                   if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_352, 4, 1009) == 0))
02242                                     {
02243                                       /* OCic.cbl:1185: IF */
02244                                       {
02245                                         if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 159) - ' ') == 0))
02246                                           {
02247                                             /* OCic.cbl:1186: MOVE */
02248                                             {
02249                                               *(b_182 + 159) = 62;
02250                                             }
02251                                           }
02252                                         else
02253                                           {
02254                                             /* OCic.cbl:1188: MOVE */
02255                                             {
02256                                               *(b_182 + 159) = 32;
02257                                             }
02258                                           }
02259                                       }
02260                                     }
02261                                   else
02262                                     if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_352, 4, 2005) == 0))
02263                                       {
02264                                         /* OCic.cbl:1191: PERFORM */
02265                                         {
02266                                           /* PERFORM 900-Terminate */
02267                                           frame_ptr++;
02268                                           frame_ptr->perform_through = 58;
02269                                           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_159;
02270                                           goto l_58;
02271                                           l_159:
02272                                           frame_ptr--;
02273                                         }
02274                                       }
02275                                     else
02276                                       if (((int)memcmp (b_352, b_98, 4) == 0))
02277                                         {
02278                                           /* OCic.cbl:1193: MOVE */
02279                                           {
02280                                             memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
02281                                           }
02282                                           /* OCic.cbl:1194: MOVE */
02283                                           {
02284                                             *(b_182 + 75) = 62;
02285                                           }
02286                                         }
02287                                       else
02288                                         if (((int)memcmp (b_352, b_98 + 4, 4) == 0))
02289                                           {
02290                                             /* OCic.cbl:1196: MOVE */
02291                                             {
02292                                               memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
02293                                             }
02294                                             /* OCic.cbl:1197: MOVE */
02295                                             {
02296                                               *(b_182 + 76) = 62;
02297                                             }
02298                                           }
02299                                         else
02300                                           if (((int)memcmp (b_352, b_98 + 8, 4) == 0))
02301                                             {
02302                                               /* OCic.cbl:1199: MOVE */
02303                                               {
02304                                                 memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
02305                                               }
02306                                               /* OCic.cbl:1200: MOVE */
02307                                               {
02308                                                 *(b_182 + 77) = 62;
02309                                               }
02310                                             }
02311                                           else
02312                                             if (((int)memcmp (b_352, b_98 + 12, 4) == 0))
02313                                               {
02314                                                 /* OCic.cbl:1202: MOVE */
02315                                                 {
02316                                                   memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
02317                                                 }
02318                                                 /* OCic.cbl:1203: MOVE */
02319                                                 {
02320                                                   *(b_182 + 78) = 62;
02321                                                 }
02322                                               }
02323                                             else
02324                                               if (((int)memcmp (b_352, b_98 + 16, 4) == 0))
02325                                                 {
02326                                                   /* OCic.cbl:1205: MOVE */
02327                                                   {
02328                                                     memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
02329                                                   }
02330                                                   /* OCic.cbl:1206: MOVE */
02331                                                   {
02332                                                     *(b_182 + 79) = 62;
02333                                                   }
02334                                                 }
02335                                               else
02336                                                 if (((int)memcmp (b_352, b_98 + 20, 4) == 0))
02337                                                   {
02338                                                     /* OCic.cbl:1208: MOVE */
02339                                                     {
02340                                                       memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
02341                                                     }
02342                                                     /* OCic.cbl:1209: MOVE */
02343                                                     {
02344                                                       *(b_182 + 80) = 62;
02345                                                     }
02346                                                   }
02347                                                 else
02348                                                   if (((int)memcmp (b_352, b_98 + 24, 4) == 0))
02349                                                     {
02350                                                       /* OCic.cbl:1211: MOVE */
02351                                                       {
02352                                                         memset (b_182 + 75, 32, 7);
02353                                                       }
02354                                                       /* OCic.cbl:1212: MOVE */
02355                                                       {
02356                                                         *(b_182 + 81) = 62;
02357                                                       }
02358                                                     }
02359                                                   else
02360                                                     {
02361                                                       /* OCic.cbl:1214: MOVE */
02362                                                       {
02363                                                         cob_move (&c_145, &f_155);
02364                                                       }
02365                                                     }
02366                 }
02367               }
02368             else
02369               {
02370                 /* OCic.cbl:1218: SET */
02371                 {
02372                   *(b_116 + 4) = 89;
02373                 }
02374               }
02375           }
02376         }
02377       }
02378   }
02380   /* 209-Done */
02382   /* OCic.cbl:1224: EXIT */
02384   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 41)
02385     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
02387   /* 210-Run-Compiler SECTION */
02389   l_45:;
02391   /* 211-Init */
02393   /* OCic.cbl:1232: MOVE */
02394   {
02395     memset (b_93, 32, 512);
02396     memset (b_94, 32, 256);
02397     memset (b_155, 32, 80);
02398   }
02399   /* OCic.cbl:1235: DISPLAY */
02400   {
02401     cob_move (&f_183, &f_351);
02402     cob_move (&f_192, &f_350);
02403     cob_move (&f_191, &f_340);
02404     cob_move (&f_190, &f_339);
02405     cob_move (&f_189, &f_338);
02406     cob_move (&f_188, &f_337);
02407     cob_move (&f_187, &f_336);
02408     cob_move (&f_186, &f_335);
02409     cob_move (&f_185, &f_334);
02410     cob_move (&f_196, &f_314);
02411     cob_move (&f_197, &f_313);
02412     cob_move (&f_202, &f_312);
02413     cob_move (&f_201, &f_311);
02414     cob_move (&f_199, &f_310);
02415     cob_move (&f_198, &f_309);
02416     cob_move (&f_200, &f_308);
02417     cob_move (&f_195, &f_307);
02418     cob_move (&f_194, &f_306);
02419     cob_move (&f_159, &f_294);
02420     cob_move (&f_157, &f_293);
02421     cob_move (&f_160, &f_292);
02422     cob_move (&f_155, &f_278);
02423     cob_move (&f_148, &f_276);
02424     cob_move (&f_143, &f_272);
02425     cob_move (&f_143, &f_267);
02426     cob_move (&f_143, &f_264);
02427     cob_move (&f_143, &f_259);
02428     cob_move (&f_143, &f_256);
02429     cob_move (&f_143, &f_254);
02430     cob_move (&f_143, &f_230);
02431     cob_move (&f_143, &f_228);
02432     cob_move (&f_143, &f_225);
02433     cob_move (&f_143, &f_216);
02434     cob_screen_display (&s_213, NULL, NULL);
02435   }
02436   /* OCic.cbl:1238: MOVE */
02437   {
02438     (*(int *)(b_144)) = 1;
02439   }
02440   /* OCic.cbl:1239: EVALUATE */
02441   {
02442     if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 75) - ' ') != 0))
02443       {
02444         /* OCic.cbl:1241: MOVE */
02445         {
02446           memcpy (b_97, "bs2000      ", 12);
02447         }
02448       }
02449     else
02450       if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 76) - ' ') != 0))
02451         {
02452           /* OCic.cbl:1243: MOVE */
02453           {
02454             memcpy (b_97, "cobol85     ", 12);
02455           }
02456         }
02457       else
02458         if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 77) - ' ') != 0))
02459           {
02460             /* OCic.cbl:1245: MOVE */
02461             {
02462               memcpy (b_97, "cobol2002   ", 12);
02463             }
02464           }
02465         else
02466           if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 79) - ' ') != 0))
02467             {
02468               /* OCic.cbl:1247: MOVE */
02469               {
02470                 memcpy (b_97, "ibm         ", 12);
02471               }
02472             }
02473           else
02474             if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 80) - ' ') != 0))
02475               {
02476                 /* OCic.cbl:1249: MOVE */
02477                 {
02478                   memcpy (b_97, "mf          ", 12);
02479                 }
02480               }
02481             else
02482               if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 81) - ' ') != 0))
02483                 {
02484                   /* OCic.cbl:1251: MOVE */
02485                   {
02486                     memcpy (b_97, "mvs         ", 12);
02487                   }
02488                 }
02489               else
02490                 {
02491                   /* OCic.cbl:1253: MOVE */
02492                   {
02493                     memcpy (b_97, "default     ", 12);
02494                   }
02495                 }
02496   }
02498   /* 212-Build-Compile-Command */
02500   /* OCic.cbl:1258: MOVE */
02501   {
02502     memset (b_94, 32, 256);
02503   }
02504   /* OCic.cbl:1259: STRING */
02505   {
02506     cob_string_init (&f_94, &f_144);
02507     cob_string_delimited (0);
02508     cob_string_append (&c_146);
02509     cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_97, 2));
02510     cob_string_append (&c_138);
02511     cob_string_finish ();
02512   }
02513   /* OCic.cbl:1265: IF */
02514   {
02515     if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 163) - 32) != 0))
02516       {
02517         /* OCic.cbl:1266: STRING */
02518         {
02519           cob_string_init (&f_94, &f_144);
02520           cob_string_delimited (0);
02521           cob_string_append (&c_147);
02522           cob_string_finish ();
02523         }
02524       }
02525     else
02526       {
02527         /* OCic.cbl:1271: STRING */
02528         {
02529           cob_string_init (&f_94, &f_144);
02530           cob_string_delimited (0);
02531           cob_string_append (&c_148);
02532           cob_string_finish ();
02533         }
02534       }
02535   }
02536   /* OCic.cbl:1276: IF */
02537   {
02538     if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 157) - 32) != 0))
02539       {
02540         /* OCic.cbl:1277: STRING */
02541         {
02542           cob_string_init (&f_94, &f_144);
02543           cob_string_delimited (0);
02544           cob_string_append (&c_149);
02545           cob_string_finish ();
02546         }
02547       }
02548   }
02549   /* OCic.cbl:1282: IF */
02550   {
02551     if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 162) - 32) != 0))
02552       {
02553         /* OCic.cbl:1283: STRING */
02554         {
02555           cob_string_init (&f_94, &f_144);
02556           cob_string_delimited (0);
02557           cob_string_append (&c_150);
02558           cob_string_finish ();
02559         }
02560       }
02561   }
02562   /* OCic.cbl:1288: IF */
02563   {
02564     if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 165) - 32) != 0))
02565       {
02566         /* OCic.cbl:1289: STRING */
02567         {
02568           cob_string_init (&f_94, &f_144);
02569           cob_string_delimited (0);
02570           cob_string_append (&c_151);
02571           cob_string_finish ();
02572         }
02573       }
02574   }
02575   /* OCic.cbl:1294: IF */
02576   {
02577     if (((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 164) - 32) != 0))
02578       {
02579         /* OCic.cbl:1295: STRING */
02580         {
02581           cob_string_init (&f_94, &f_144);
02582           cob_string_delimited (0);
02583           cob_string_append (&c_152);
02584           cob_string_finish ();
02585         }
02586       }
02587   }
02588   /* OCic.cbl:1301: IF */
02589   {
02590     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_192, &cob_space) >  0))
02591       {
02592         /* OCic.cbl:1302: STRING */
02593         {
02594           cob_string_init (&f_94, &f_144);
02595           cob_string_delimited (0);
02596           cob_string_append (&c_138);
02597           cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_192, 2));
02598           cob_string_append (&c_138);
02599           cob_string_finish ();
02600         }
02601       }
02602   }
02603   /* OCic.cbl:1309: STRING */
02604   {
02605     cob_string_init (&f_94, &f_144);
02606     cob_string_delimited (0);
02607     cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_159, 2));
02608     cob_string_finish ();
02609   }
02611   /* 213-Run-Compiler */
02613   /* OCic.cbl:1316: MOVE */
02614   {
02615     cob_move (&c_153, &f_155);
02616   }
02617   /* OCic.cbl:1317: DISPLAY */
02618   {
02619     cob_move (&f_183, &f_351);
02620     cob_move (&f_192, &f_350);
02621     cob_move (&f_191, &f_340);
02622     cob_move (&f_190, &f_339);
02623     cob_move (&f_189, &f_338);
02624     cob_move (&f_188, &f_337);
02625     cob_move (&f_187, &f_336);
02626     cob_move (&f_186, &f_335);
02627     cob_move (&f_185, &f_334);
02628     cob_move (&f_196, &f_314);
02629     cob_move (&f_197, &f_313);
02630     cob_move (&f_202, &f_312);
02631     cob_move (&f_201, &f_311);
02632     cob_move (&f_199, &f_310);
02633     cob_move (&f_198, &f_309);
02634     cob_move (&f_200, &f_308);
02635     cob_move (&f_195, &f_307);
02636     cob_move (&f_194, &f_306);
02637     cob_move (&f_159, &f_294);
02638     cob_move (&f_157, &f_293);
02639     cob_move (&f_160, &f_292);
02640     cob_move (&f_155, &f_278);
02641     cob_move (&f_148, &f_276);
02642     cob_move (&f_143, &f_272);
02643     cob_move (&f_143, &f_267);
02644     cob_move (&f_143, &f_264);
02645     cob_move (&f_143, &f_259);
02646     cob_move (&f_143, &f_256);
02647     cob_move (&f_143, &f_254);
02648     cob_move (&f_143, &f_230);
02649     cob_move (&f_143, &f_228);
02650     cob_move (&f_143, &f_225);
02651     cob_move (&f_143, &f_216);
02652     cob_screen_display (&s_213, NULL, NULL);
02653   }
02654   /* OCic.cbl:1320: SET */
02655   {
02656     *(b_116 + 5) = 78;
02657   }
02658   /* OCic.cbl:1321: MOVE */
02659   {
02660     memset (b_93, 32, 512);
02661   }
02662   /* OCic.cbl:1322: STRING */
02663   {
02664     cob_string_init (&f_93, 0);
02665     cob_string_delimited (0);
02666     cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_94, 2));
02667     cob_string_append (&c_154);
02668     cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_95, 2));
02669     cob_string_finish ();
02670   }
02671   /* OCic.cbl:1328: CALL */
02672   {
02673     {
02675       module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_93, 2);
02676       module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = NULL;
02677       module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
02678       module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
02679       module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
02680       cob_call_params = 1;
02681       (*(int *) (b_1)) = SYSTEM (module.cob_procedure_parameters[0]->data);
02682     }
02683   }
02684   /* OCic.cbl:1331: IF */
02685   {
02686     if (((int)((*(int *) (b_1)) - 0) == 0))
02687       {
02688         /* OCic.cbl:1332: SET */
02689         {
02690           *(b_116) = 89;
02691         }
02692       }
02693     else
02694       {
02695         /* OCic.cbl:1334: SET */
02696         {
02697           *(b_116) = 78;
02698         }
02699       }
02700   }
02701   /* OCic.cbl:1336: IF */
02702   {
02703     if (((int)(int)(*(b_116) - 89) == 0))
02704       {
02705         /* OCic.cbl:1337: OPEN */
02706         {
02707           cob_exception_code = 0;
02708           {
02709             cob_open (h_COBC_OUTPUT, 1, 0, NULL);
02710           }
02711           if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
02712             {
02713               /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
02714               frame_ptr++;
02715               frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
02716               frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_160;
02717               goto l_1;
02718               l_160:
02719               frame_ptr--;
02720             }
02721         }
02722         /* OCic.cbl:1338: READ */
02723         cob_exception_code = 0;
02724         {
02725           cob_read (h_COBC_OUTPUT, 0, NULL, 1);
02726         }
02727         if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
02728           {
02729             if (cob_exception_code == 0x0501)
02730               {
02731                 {
02732                   /* OCic.cbl:1340: CONTINUE */
02733                   {
02734                     ;
02735                   }
02736                 }
02737               }
02738             else
02739               {
02740                 /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
02741                 frame_ptr++;
02742                 frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
02743                 frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_161;
02744                 goto l_1;
02745                 l_161:
02746                 frame_ptr--;
02747               }
02748           }
02749         else
02750           {
02751             {
02752               /* OCic.cbl:1342: SET */
02753               {
02754                 *(b_116) = 87;
02755               }
02756             }
02757           }
02758         /* OCic.cbl:1344: CLOSE */
02759         {
02760           cob_exception_code = 0;
02761           {
02762             cob_close (h_COBC_OUTPUT, 0, NULL);
02763           }
02764           if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
02765             {
02766               /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
02767               frame_ptr++;
02768               frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
02769               frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_162;
02770               goto l_1;
02771               l_162:
02772               frame_ptr--;
02773             }
02774         }
02775       }
02776   }
02777   /* OCic.cbl:1346: MOVE */
02778   {
02779     memset (b_155, 32, 80);
02780   }
02781   /* OCic.cbl:1347: IF */
02782   {
02783     if (((int)(int)(*(b_116) - 89) == 0))
02784       {
02785         /* OCic.cbl:1348: MOVE */
02786         {
02787           cob_move (&c_155, &f_155);
02788         }
02789         /* OCic.cbl:1349: DISPLAY */
02790         {
02791           cob_move (&f_183, &f_351);
02792           cob_move (&f_192, &f_350);
02793           cob_move (&f_191, &f_340);
02794           cob_move (&f_190, &f_339);
02795           cob_move (&f_189, &f_338);
02796           cob_move (&f_188, &f_337);
02797           cob_move (&f_187, &f_336);
02798           cob_move (&f_186, &f_335);
02799           cob_move (&f_185, &f_334);
02800           cob_move (&f_196, &f_314);
02801           cob_move (&f_197, &f_313);
02802           cob_move (&f_202, &f_312);
02803           cob_move (&f_201, &f_311);
02804           cob_move (&f_199, &f_310);
02805           cob_move (&f_198, &f_309);
02806           cob_move (&f_200, &f_308);
02807           cob_move (&f_195, &f_307);
02808           cob_move (&f_194, &f_306);
02809           cob_move (&f_159, &f_294);
02810           cob_move (&f_157, &f_293);
02811           cob_move (&f_160, &f_292);
02812           cob_move (&f_155, &f_278);
02813           cob_move (&f_148, &f_276);
02814           cob_move (&f_143, &f_272);
02815           cob_move (&f_143, &f_267);
02816           cob_move (&f_143, &f_264);
02817           cob_move (&f_143, &f_259);
02818           cob_move (&f_143, &f_256);
02819           cob_move (&f_143, &f_254);
02820           cob_move (&f_143, &f_230);
02821           cob_move (&f_143, &f_228);
02822           cob_move (&f_143, &f_225);
02823           cob_move (&f_143, &f_216);
02824           cob_screen_display (&s_213, NULL, NULL);
02825         }
02826         /* OCic.cbl:1352: CALL */
02827         {
02828           {
02829             union {
02830                 unsigned char data[8];
02831                 long long     datall;
02832                 int           dataint;
02833             } content_1;
02835             content_1.dataint = 2;
02836             module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = &c_156;
02837             module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = NULL;
02838             module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
02839             module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
02840             module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
02841             cob_call_params = 1;
02842             (*(int *) (b_1)) = cob_acuw_sleep (;
02843           }
02844         }
02845         /* OCic.cbl:1355: MOVE */
02846         {
02847           memset (b_155, 32, 80);
02848         }
02849         /* OCic.cbl:1356: SET */
02850         {
02851           *(b_116 + 1) = 89;
02852         }
02853       }
02854     else
02855       {
02856         /* OCic.cbl:1358: DISPLAY */
02857         {
02858           cob_screen_display (&s_212, NULL, NULL);
02859         }
02860         /* OCic.cbl:1361: IF */
02861         {
02862           if (((int)(int)(*(b_116) - 87) == 0))
02863             {
02864               /* OCic.cbl:1362: DISPLAY */
02865               {
02866                 cob_display (0, 1, 1, &c_157);
02867               }
02868             }
02869           else
02870             {
02871               /* OCic.cbl:1368: DISPLAY */
02872               {
02873                 cob_display (0, 1, 1, &c_158);
02874               }
02875             }
02876         }
02877         /* OCic.cbl:1373: SET */
02878         {
02879           *(b_116) = 78;
02880         }
02881         /* OCic.cbl:1374: SET */
02882         {
02883           *(b_116 + 1) = 89;
02884         }
02885         /* OCic.cbl:1375: DISPLAY */
02886         {
02887           cob_display (0, 1, 1, &c_138);
02888         }
02889         /* OCic.cbl:1379: OPEN */
02890         {
02891           cob_exception_code = 0;
02892           {
02893             cob_open (h_COBC_OUTPUT, 1, 0, NULL);
02894           }
02895           if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
02896             {
02897               /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
02898               frame_ptr++;
02899               frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
02900               frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_163;
02901               goto l_1;
02902               l_163:
02903               frame_ptr--;
02904             }
02905         }
02906         /* OCic.cbl:1380: PERFORM */
02907         {
02908           while (1)
02909             {
02910               {
02911                 /* OCic.cbl:1381: READ */
02912                 cob_exception_code = 0;
02913                 {
02914                   cob_read (h_COBC_OUTPUT, 0, NULL, 1);
02915                 }
02916                 if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
02917                   {
02918                     if (cob_exception_code == 0x0501)
02919                       {
02920                         {
02921                           /* OCic.cbl:1382: EXIT */
02922                           {
02923                             goto l_49;
02924                           }
02925                         }
02926                       }
02927                     else
02928                       {
02929                         /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
02930                         frame_ptr++;
02931                         frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
02932                         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_164;
02933                         goto l_1;
02934                         l_164:
02935                         frame_ptr--;
02936                       }
02937                   }
02938                 /* OCic.cbl:1384: DISPLAY */
02939                 {
02940                   cob_display (0, 1, 1, cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_7, 2));
02941                 }
02942               }
02943             }
02945           /* EXIT PERFORM 49 */
02947           l_49:;
02948         }
02949         /* OCic.cbl:1389: CLOSE */
02950         {
02951           cob_exception_code = 0;
02952           {
02953             cob_close (h_COBC_OUTPUT, 0, NULL);
02954           }
02955           if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
02956             {
02957               /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
02958               frame_ptr++;
02959               frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
02960               frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_165;
02961               goto l_1;
02962               l_165:
02963               frame_ptr--;
02964             }
02965         }
02966         /* OCic.cbl:1390: DISPLAY */
02967         {
02968           cob_display (0, 1, 1, &c_138);
02969         }
02970         /* OCic.cbl:1394: DISPLAY */
02971         {
02972           cob_display (0, 1, 1, &c_159);
02973         }
02974         /* OCic.cbl:1398: ACCEPT */
02975         {
02976           cob_accept (&f_107);
02977         }
02978         /* OCic.cbl:1401: DISPLAY */
02979         {
02980           cob_screen_display (&s_212, NULL, NULL);
02981         }
02982       }
02983   }
02985   /* 219-Done */
02987   /* OCic.cbl:1408: IF */
02988   {
02989     if (((int)(int)(*(b_116) - 78) == 0))
02990       {
02991         /* OCic.cbl:1409: PERFORM */
02992         {
02993           /* PERFORM 900-Terminate */
02994           frame_ptr++;
02995           frame_ptr->perform_through = 58;
02996           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_166;
02997           goto l_58;
02998           l_166:
02999           frame_ptr--;
03000         }
03001       }
03002   }
03004   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 45)
03005     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
03007   /* 220-Make-Listing SECTION */
03009   l_51:;
03011   /* 221-Init */
03013   /* OCic.cbl:1419: MOVE */
03014   {
03015     cob_move (&c_160, &f_155);
03016   }
03017   /* OCic.cbl:1421: DISPLAY */
03018   {
03019     cob_move (&f_183, &f_351);
03020     cob_move (&f_192, &f_350);
03021     cob_move (&f_191, &f_340);
03022     cob_move (&f_190, &f_339);
03023     cob_move (&f_189, &f_338);
03024     cob_move (&f_188, &f_337);
03025     cob_move (&f_187, &f_336);
03026     cob_move (&f_186, &f_335);
03027     cob_move (&f_185, &f_334);
03028     cob_move (&f_196, &f_314);
03029     cob_move (&f_197, &f_313);
03030     cob_move (&f_202, &f_312);
03031     cob_move (&f_201, &f_311);
03032     cob_move (&f_199, &f_310);
03033     cob_move (&f_198, &f_309);
03034     cob_move (&f_200, &f_308);
03035     cob_move (&f_195, &f_307);
03036     cob_move (&f_194, &f_306);
03037     cob_move (&f_159, &f_294);
03038     cob_move (&f_157, &f_293);
03039     cob_move (&f_160, &f_292);
03040     cob_move (&f_155, &f_278);
03041     cob_move (&f_148, &f_276);
03042     cob_move (&f_143, &f_272);
03043     cob_move (&f_143, &f_267);
03044     cob_move (&f_143, &f_264);
03045     cob_move (&f_143, &f_259);
03046     cob_move (&f_143, &f_256);
03047     cob_move (&f_143, &f_254);
03048     cob_move (&f_143, &f_230);
03049     cob_move (&f_143, &f_228);
03050     cob_move (&f_143, &f_225);
03051     cob_move (&f_143, &f_216);
03052     cob_screen_display (&s_213, NULL, NULL);
03053   }
03054   /* OCic.cbl:1424: CALL */
03055   {
03056     {
03058       module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = cob_intr_concatenate (0, 0, 2, cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_160, 2), &c_161);
03059       module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = NULL;
03060       module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
03061       module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
03062       module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
03063       cob_call_params = 1;
03064       (*(int *) (b_1)) = CBL_DELETE_FILE (module.cob_procedure_parameters[0]->data);
03065     }
03066   }
03067   /* OCic.cbl:1427: MOVE */
03068   {
03069     (*(int *) (b_1)) = 0;
03070   }
03072   /* 213-Run-OCXref */
03074   /* OCic.cbl:1431: MOVE */
03075   {
03076     memset (b_155, 32, 80);
03077   }
03078   /* OCic.cbl:1432: CALL */
03079   {
03080     {
03082       module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = &f_197;
03083       module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = &f_196;
03084       module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = &f_109;
03085       module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
03086       module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
03087       module.cob_procedure_parameters[5] = NULL;
03088       module.cob_procedure_parameters[6] = NULL;
03089       cob_call_params = 3;
03090       if (unlikely(call_LISTING.func_void == NULL)) {
03091         call_LISTING.func_void = cob_resolve ((const char *)"LISTING");
03092       }
03093       if (unlikely(call_LISTING.func_void == NULL))
03094         {
03095           /* OCic.cbl:1437: MOVE */
03096           {
03097             cob_move (&c_162, &f_155);
03098           }
03099           /* OCic.cbl:1439: MOVE */
03100           {
03101             (*(int *) (b_1)) = 1;
03102           }
03103         }
03104       else
03105         {
03106           (*(int *) (b_1)) = call_LISTING.funcint (b_182 + 160, b_182 + 159, b_109);
03107         }
03108     }
03109   }
03110   /* OCic.cbl:1441: IF */
03111   {
03112     if (((int)((*(int *) (b_1)) - 0) == 0))
03113       {
03114         /* OCic.cbl:1442: MOVE */
03115         {
03116           cob_move (&c_163, &f_155);
03117         }
03118         /* OCic.cbl:1444: IF */
03119         {
03120           if ((((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 1) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 2) == 0)))
03121             {
03122               /* OCic.cbl:1445: MOVE */
03123               {
03124                 memset (b_93, 32, 512);
03125               }
03126               /* OCic.cbl:1446: STRING */
03127               {
03128                 cob_string_init (&f_93, 0);
03129                 cob_string_delimited (0);
03130                 cob_string_append (&c_164);
03131                 cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_160, 2));
03132                 cob_string_append (&c_161);
03133                 cob_string_finish ();
03134               }
03135               /* OCic.cbl:1452: CALL */
03136               {
03137                 {
03139                   module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_93, 2);
03140                   module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = NULL;
03141                   module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
03142                   module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
03143                   module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
03144                   cob_call_params = 1;
03145                   (*(int *) (b_1)) = SYSTEM (module.cob_procedure_parameters[0]->data);
03146                 }
03147               }
03148             }
03149         }
03150       }
03151     else
03152       {
03153         /* OCic.cbl:1457: IF */
03154         {
03155           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_155, &cob_space) == 0))
03156             {
03157               /* OCic.cbl:1458: MOVE */
03158               {
03159                 cob_move (&c_165, &f_155);
03160               }
03161             }
03162         }
03163       }
03164   }
03165   /* OCic.cbl:1462: DISPLAY */
03166   {
03167     cob_move (&f_183, &f_351);
03168     cob_move (&f_192, &f_350);
03169     cob_move (&f_191, &f_340);
03170     cob_move (&f_190, &f_339);
03171     cob_move (&f_189, &f_338);
03172     cob_move (&f_188, &f_337);
03173     cob_move (&f_187, &f_336);
03174     cob_move (&f_186, &f_335);
03175     cob_move (&f_185, &f_334);
03176     cob_move (&f_196, &f_314);
03177     cob_move (&f_197, &f_313);
03178     cob_move (&f_202, &f_312);
03179     cob_move (&f_201, &f_311);
03180     cob_move (&f_199, &f_310);
03181     cob_move (&f_198, &f_309);
03182     cob_move (&f_200, &f_308);
03183     cob_move (&f_195, &f_307);
03184     cob_move (&f_194, &f_306);
03185     cob_move (&f_159, &f_294);
03186     cob_move (&f_157, &f_293);
03187     cob_move (&f_160, &f_292);
03188     cob_move (&f_155, &f_278);
03189     cob_move (&f_148, &f_276);
03190     cob_move (&f_143, &f_272);
03191     cob_move (&f_143, &f_267);
03192     cob_move (&f_143, &f_264);
03193     cob_move (&f_143, &f_259);
03194     cob_move (&f_143, &f_256);
03195     cob_move (&f_143, &f_254);
03196     cob_move (&f_143, &f_230);
03197     cob_move (&f_143, &f_228);
03198     cob_move (&f_143, &f_225);
03199     cob_move (&f_143, &f_216);
03200     cob_screen_display (&s_213, NULL, NULL);
03201   }
03202   /* OCic.cbl:1465: CALL */
03203   {
03204     {
03205       union {
03206         unsigned char data[8];
03207         long long     datall;
03208         int           dataint;
03209       } content_1;
03211       content_1.dataint = 2;
03212       module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = &c_156;
03213       module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = NULL;
03214       module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
03215       module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
03216       module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
03217       cob_call_params = 1;
03218       (*(int *) (b_1)) = cob_acuw_sleep (;
03219     }
03220   }
03222   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 51)
03223     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
03225   /* 230-Run-Program SECTION */
03227   l_54:;
03229   /* 232-Build-Command */
03231   /* OCic.cbl:1476: MOVE */
03232   {
03233     memset (b_93, 32, 512);
03234   }
03235   /* OCic.cbl:1477: MOVE */
03236   {
03237     (*(int *)(b_144)) = 1;
03238   }
03239   /* OCic.cbl:1478: IF */
03240   {
03241     if ((((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 163) - 32) != 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 158) - 32) != 0)))
03242       {
03243         /* OCic.cbl:1480: STRING */
03244         {
03245           cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03246           cob_string_delimited (0);
03247           cob_string_append (&c_166);
03248           cob_string_finish ();
03249         }
03250       }
03251   }
03252   /* OCic.cbl:1485: IF */
03253   {
03254     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_157, &cob_space) != 0))
03255       {
03256         /* OCic.cbl:1486: IF */
03257         {
03258           if ((((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 2) == 0) && ((int)(int)(*(b_157 + 1) - 58) == 0)))
03259             {
03260               /* OCic.cbl:1487: STRING */
03261               {
03262                 cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03263                 cob_string_delimited (0);
03264                 cob_string_append (&c_167);
03265                 cob_string_finish ();
03266               }
03267               /* OCic.cbl:1491: STRING */
03268               {
03269                 cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03270                 cob_string_delimited (0);
03271                 cob_string_append (cob_intr_lower_case (0, 0, (f0.size = 1, = b_157 + 0, f0.attr = &a_2, &f0)));
03272                 cob_string_finish ();
03273               }
03274               /* OCic.cbl:1495: PERFORM */
03275               {
03276                 (*(int *)(b_145)) = 3;
03277                 while (1)
03278                   {
03279                     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_145, cob_intr_length (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_157, 0))) >  0))
03280                       break;
03281                     {
03282                       /* OCic.cbl:1497: IF */
03283                       {
03284                         if (((int)(int)(*(b_157 + ((*(int *)(b_145)) - 1)) - 92) == 0))
03285                           {
03286                             /* OCic.cbl:1498: STRING */
03287                             {
03288                               cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03289                               cob_string_delimited (0);
03290                               cob_string_append (&c_133);
03291                               cob_string_finish ();
03292                             }
03293                           }
03294                         else
03295                           {
03296                             /* OCic.cbl:1503: STRING */
03297                             {
03298                               cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03299                               cob_string_delimited (0);
03300                               cob_string_append ((f0.size = 1, = b_157 + ((*(int *)(b_145)) - 1), f0.attr = &a_2, &f0));
03301                               cob_string_finish ();
03302                             }
03303                           }
03304                       }
03305                     }
03306                     (*(int *)(b_145)) = ((*(int *)(b_145)) + 1);
03307                   }
03308               }
03309             }
03310           else
03311             {
03312               /* OCic.cbl:1510: STRING */
03313               {
03314                 cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03315                 cob_string_delimited (0);
03316                 cob_string_append (&c_91);
03317                 cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_157, 2));
03318                 cob_string_finish ();
03319               }
03320             }
03321         }
03322         /* OCic.cbl:1515: STRING */
03323         {
03324           cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03325           cob_string_delimited (0);
03326           cob_string_append (&f_106);
03327           cob_string_finish ();
03328         }
03329       }
03330     else
03331       {
03332         /* OCic.cbl:1520: IF */
03333         {
03334           if ((((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 2) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 3) == 0)))
03335             {
03336               /* OCic.cbl:1521: STRING */
03337               {
03338                 cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03339                 cob_string_delimited (0);
03340                 cob_string_append (&c_168);
03341                 cob_string_finish ();
03342               }
03343             }
03344         }
03345       }
03346   }
03347   /* OCic.cbl:1527: STRING */
03348   {
03349     cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03350     cob_string_delimited (0);
03351     cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_160, 2));
03352     cob_string_finish ();
03353   }
03354   /* OCic.cbl:1531: IF */
03355   {
03356     if ((((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 163) - 32) == 0) && ((int)(int)(*(b_182 + 158) - 32) != 0)))
03357       {
03358         /* OCic.cbl:1533: STRING */
03359         {
03360           cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03361           cob_string_delimited (0);
03362           cob_string_append (&c_169);
03363           cob_string_finish ();
03364         }
03365       }
03366   }
03367   /* OCic.cbl:1538: IF */
03368   {
03369     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_183, &cob_space) != 0))
03370       {
03371         /* OCic.cbl:1539: STRING */
03372         {
03373           cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03374           cob_string_delimited (0);
03375           cob_string_append (&c_138);
03376           cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_183, 2));
03377           cob_string_finish ();
03378         }
03379       }
03380   }
03381   /* OCic.cbl:1544: IF */
03382   {
03383     if ((((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 0) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_149, 1) == 0)))
03384       {
03385         /* OCic.cbl:1545: STRING */
03386         {
03387           cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03388           cob_string_delimited (0);
03389           cob_string_append (&c_170);
03390           cob_string_finish ();
03391         }
03392       }
03393     else
03394       {
03395         /* OCic.cbl:1550: STRING */
03396         {
03397           cob_string_init (&f_93, &f_144);
03398           cob_string_delimited (0);
03399           cob_string_append (&c_171);
03400           cob_string_finish ();
03401         }
03402       }
03403   }
03405   /* 233-Run-Program */
03407   /* OCic.cbl:1558: DISPLAY */
03408   {
03409     cob_screen_display (&s_212, NULL, NULL);
03410   }
03411   /* OCic.cbl:1562: CALL */
03412   {
03413     {
03415       module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_93, 2);
03416       module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = NULL;
03417       module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
03418       module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
03419       module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
03420       cob_call_params = 1;
03421       (*(int *) (b_1)) = SYSTEM (module.cob_procedure_parameters[0]->data);
03422     }
03423   }
03424   /* OCic.cbl:1565: PERFORM */
03425   {
03426     /* PERFORM 900-Terminate */
03427     frame_ptr++;
03428     frame_ptr->perform_through = 58;
03429     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_167;
03430     goto l_58;
03431     l_167:
03432     frame_ptr--;
03433   }
03435   /* 239-Done */
03437   /* OCic.cbl:1569: EXIT */
03439   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 54)
03440     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
03442   /* 900-Terminate SECTION */
03444   l_58:;
03446   /* 901-Display-Message */
03448   /* OCic.cbl:1577: IF */
03449   {
03450     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_155, &cob_space) >  0))
03451       {
03452         /* OCic.cbl:1578: DISPLAY */
03453         {
03454           cob_move (&f_183, &f_351);
03455           cob_move (&f_192, &f_350);
03456           cob_move (&f_191, &f_340);
03457           cob_move (&f_190, &f_339);
03458           cob_move (&f_189, &f_338);
03459           cob_move (&f_188, &f_337);
03460           cob_move (&f_187, &f_336);
03461           cob_move (&f_186, &f_335);
03462           cob_move (&f_185, &f_334);
03463           cob_move (&f_196, &f_314);
03464           cob_move (&f_197, &f_313);
03465           cob_move (&f_202, &f_312);
03466           cob_move (&f_201, &f_311);
03467           cob_move (&f_199, &f_310);
03468           cob_move (&f_198, &f_309);
03469           cob_move (&f_200, &f_308);
03470           cob_move (&f_195, &f_307);
03471           cob_move (&f_194, &f_306);
03472           cob_move (&f_159, &f_294);
03473           cob_move (&f_157, &f_293);
03474           cob_move (&f_160, &f_292);
03475           cob_move (&f_155, &f_278);
03476           cob_move (&f_148, &f_276);
03477           cob_move (&f_143, &f_272);
03478           cob_move (&f_143, &f_267);
03479           cob_move (&f_143, &f_264);
03480           cob_move (&f_143, &f_259);
03481           cob_move (&f_143, &f_256);
03482           cob_move (&f_143, &f_254);
03483           cob_move (&f_143, &f_230);
03484           cob_move (&f_143, &f_228);
03485           cob_move (&f_143, &f_225);
03486           cob_move (&f_143, &f_216);
03487           cob_screen_display (&s_213, NULL, NULL);
03488         }
03489         /* OCic.cbl:1581: CALL */
03490         {
03491           {
03492             union {
03493                 unsigned char data[8];
03494                 long long     datall;
03495                 int           dataint;
03496             } content_1;
03498             content_1.dataint = 2;
03499             module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = &c_156;
03500             module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = NULL;
03501             module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
03502             module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
03503             module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
03504             cob_call_params = 1;
03505             (*(int *) (b_1)) = cob_acuw_sleep (;
03506           }
03507         }
03508       }
03509   }
03510   /* OCic.cbl:1585: DISPLAY */
03511   {
03512     cob_screen_display (&s_212, NULL, NULL);
03513   }
03515   /* 909-Done */
03517   /* OCic.cbl:1591: GOBACK */
03518   {
03519     goto exit_program;
03520   }
03522   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 58)
03523     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
03525   /* Program exit */
03527   exit_program:
03529   /* Pop module stack */
03530   cob_current_module = cob_current_module->next;
03532   /* Program return */
03533   return (*(int *) (b_1));
03536   /* Default Error Handler */
03538   l_1:;
03540   if (!(cob_error_file->flag_select_features & COB_SELECT_FILE_STATUS)) {
03541         cob_default_error_handle ();
03542         cob_stop_run (1);
03543   }
03545   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 1)
03546     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
03548   cob_fatal_error (COB_FERROR_CODEGEN);
03550 }
03552 int
03553 GETOSTYPE ()
03554 {
03555   return GETOSTYPE_ (0);
03556 }
03558 static int
03559 GETOSTYPE_ (const int entry)
03560 {
03561   /* Local variables */
03562   #include "OCic.c.l2.h"
03564   static int initialized = 0;
03565   static cob_field *cob_user_parameters[COB_MAX_FIELD_PARAMS];
03566   static struct cob_module module = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cob_user_parameters, 0, '.', '$', ',', 1, 1, 1, 0 };
03568   /* Start of function code */
03570   /* CANCEL callback handling */
03571   if (unlikely(entry < 0)) {
03572         if (!initialized) {
03573                 return 0;
03574         }
03575         initialized = 0;
03576         return 0;
03577   }
03579   /* Initialize frame stack */
03580   frame_ptr = &frame_stack[0];
03581   frame_ptr->perform_through = 0;
03583   /* Push module stack */
03584 = cob_current_module;
03585   cob_current_module = &module;
03587   /* Initialize program */
03588   if (unlikely(initialized == 0))
03589     {
03590       if (!cob_initialized) {
03591         cob_fatal_error (COB_FERROR_INITIALIZED);
03592       }
03593       cob_check_version (COB_SOURCE_FILE, COB_PACKAGE_VERSION, COB_PATCH_LEVEL);
03594       if (
03595         cob_set_cancel ((const char *)"GETOSTYPE", (void *)GETOSTYPE, (void *)GETOSTYPE_);
03596       (*(int *) (b_353)) = 0;
03597       memset (b_357, 32, 1024);
03598       memset (b_358, 0, 4);
03599       initialized = 1;
03600     }
03602   cob_save_call_params = cob_call_params;
03604   /* Entry dispatch */
03605   goto l_61;
03609   /* Entry GETOSTYPE */
03611   l_61:;
03613   /* 000-Main SECTION */
03615   /* 010-Get-TEMP-Var */
03617   /* OCic.cbl:1623: MOVE */
03618   {
03619     memset (b_357, 32, 1024);
03620   }
03621   /* OCic.cbl:1624: ACCEPT */
03622   cob_exception_code = 0;
03623   {
03624     cob_get_environment (&c_172, &f_357);
03625   }
03626   if (unlikely(cob_exception_code == 0x0601))
03627     {
03628       {
03629         /* OCic.cbl:1627: MOVE */
03630         {
03631           (*(int *) (b_353)) = 0;
03632         }
03633         /* OCic.cbl:1628: GOBACK */
03634         {
03635           goto exit_program;
03636         }
03637       }
03638     }
03639   /* OCic.cbl:1630: IF */
03640   {
03641     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_357, &cob_space) == 0))
03642       {
03643         /* OCic.cbl:1631: MOVE */
03644         {
03645           (*(int *) (b_353)) = 0;
03646         }
03647       }
03648     else
03649       {
03650         /* OCic.cbl:1633: MOVE */
03651         {
03652           (*(int *)(b_358)) = 0;
03653         }
03654         /* OCic.cbl:1634: INSPECT */
03655         {
03656           cob_inspect_init (&f_357, 0);
03657           cob_inspect_start ();
03658           cob_inspect_all (&f_358, &c_173);
03659           cob_inspect_finish ();
03660         }
03661         /* OCic.cbl:1636: IF */
03662         {
03663           if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_358, 0) == 0))
03664             {
03665               /* OCic.cbl:1637: MOVE */
03666               {
03667                 (*(int *)(b_358)) = 0;
03668               }
03669               /* OCic.cbl:1638: INSPECT */
03670               {
03671                 cob_inspect_init (&f_357, 0);
03672                 cob_inspect_start ();
03673                 cob_inspect_all (&f_358, &c_167);
03674                 cob_inspect_finish ();
03675               }
03676               /* OCic.cbl:1640: IF */
03677               {
03678                 if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_358, 0) == 0))
03679                   {
03680                     /* OCic.cbl:1641: MOVE */
03681                     {
03682                       (*(int *) (b_353)) = 3;
03683                     }
03684                   }
03685                 else
03686                   {
03687                     /* OCic.cbl:1643: MOVE */
03688                     {
03689                       (*(int *) (b_353)) = 2;
03690                     }
03691                   }
03692               }
03693             }
03694           else
03695             {
03696               /* OCic.cbl:1646: MOVE */
03697               {
03698                 (*(int *) (b_353)) = 1;
03699               }
03700             }
03701         }
03702       }
03703   }
03704   /* OCic.cbl:1649: GOBACK */
03705   {
03706     goto exit_program;
03707   }
03709   /* Program exit */
03711   exit_program:
03713   /* Pop module stack */
03714   cob_current_module = cob_current_module->next;
03716   /* Program return */
03717   return (*(int *) (b_353));
03718 }
03720 int
03721 CHECKSOURCE (unsigned char *b_372, unsigned char *b_374)
03722 {
03723   return CHECKSOURCE_ (0, b_372, b_374);
03724 }
03726 static int
03727 CHECKSOURCE_ (const int entry, unsigned char *b_372, unsigned char *b_374)
03728 {
03729   /* Local variables */
03730   #include "OCic.c.l3.h"
03732   static int initialized = 0;
03733   static cob_field *cob_user_parameters[COB_MAX_FIELD_PARAMS];
03734   static struct cob_module module = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cob_user_parameters, 0, '.', '$', ',', 1, 1, 1, 0 };
03736   /* Start of function code */
03738   /* CANCEL callback handling */
03739   if (unlikely(entry < 0)) {
03740         if (!initialized) {
03741                 return 0;
03742         }
03743         initialized = 0;
03744         return 0;
03745   }
03747   /* Initialize frame stack */
03748   frame_ptr = &frame_stack[0];
03749   frame_ptr->perform_through = 0;
03751   /* Push module stack */
03752 = cob_current_module;
03753   cob_current_module = &module;
03755   /* Initialize program */
03756   if (unlikely(initialized == 0))
03757     {
03758       if (!cob_initialized) {
03759         cob_fatal_error (COB_FERROR_INITIALIZED);
03760       }
03761       cob_check_version (COB_SOURCE_FILE, COB_PACKAGE_VERSION, COB_PATCH_LEVEL);
03762       if (
03763         cob_set_cancel ((const char *)"CHECKSOURCE", (void *)CHECKSOURCE, (void *)CHECKSOURCE_);
03764       (*(int *) (b_360)) = 0;
03765       memset (b_364, 32, 80);
03766       *(unsigned char *)(b_366) = 32;
03767       *(unsigned char *)(b_370) = 0;
03768       *(unsigned char *)(b_371) = 0;
03769       initialized = 1;
03770     }
03772   cob_save_call_params = cob_call_params;
03774   /* Entry dispatch */
03775   goto l_64;
03779   /* Entry CHECKSOURCE */
03781   l_64:;
03783   /* 000-Main SECTION */
03785   /* 010-Initialize */
03787   /* OCic.cbl:1698: SET */
03788   {
03789     *(b_374) = 32;
03790   }
03791   /* OCic.cbl:1699: IF */
03792   {
03793     if (((int)(int)(*(b_372 + 6) - 42) == 0))
03794       {
03795         /* OCic.cbl:1700: GOBACK */
03796         {
03797           goto exit_program;
03798         }
03799       }
03800   }
03802   /* 020-Compress-Multiple-SPACES */
03804   /* OCic.cbl:1705: SET */
03805   {
03806     *(b_366) = 78;
03807   }
03808   /* OCic.cbl:1706: MOVE */
03809   {
03810     (*(signed char *) (b_371)) = 0;
03811   }
03812   /* OCic.cbl:1707: MOVE */
03813   {
03814     memset (b_364, 32, 80);
03815   }
03816   /* OCic.cbl:1708: PERFORM */
03817   {
03818     (*(signed char *) (b_370)) = 1;
03819     while (1)
03820       {
03821         if (((int)cob_cmp_s8_binary (b_370, 80) >  0))
03822           break;
03823         {
03824           /* OCic.cbl:1710: IF */
03825           {
03826             if (((int)(int)(*(b_372 + ((*(signed char *) (b_370)) - 1)) - ' ') == 0))
03827               {
03828                 /* OCic.cbl:1711: IF */
03829                 {
03830                   if (((int)(int)(*(b_366) - 78) == 0))
03831                     {
03832                       /* OCic.cbl:1712: ADD */
03833                       {
03834                         (*(signed char *) (b_371)) = ((*(signed char *) (b_371)) + 1);
03835                       }
03836                       /* OCic.cbl:1713: MOVE */
03837                       {
03838                         cob_move (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, (f0.size = 1, = b_372 + ((*(signed char *) (b_370)) - 1), f0.attr = &a_2, &f0)), (f1.size = 1, = b_364 + ((*(signed char *) (b_371)) - 1), f1.attr = &a_2, &f1));
03839                       }
03840                       /* OCic.cbl:1714: SET */
03841                       {
03842                         *(b_366) = 89;
03843                       }
03844                     }
03845                 }
03846               }
03847             else
03848               {
03849                 /* OCic.cbl:1717: SET */
03850                 {
03851                   *(b_366) = 78;
03852                 }
03853                 /* OCic.cbl:1718: ADD */
03854                 {
03855                   (*(signed char *) (b_371)) = ((*(signed char *) (b_371)) + 1);
03856                 }
03857                 /* OCic.cbl:1719: MOVE */
03858                 {
03859                   *(b_364 + ((*(signed char *) (b_371)) - 1)) = *(b_372 + ((*(signed char *) (b_370)) - 1));
03860                 }
03861               }
03862           }
03863         }
03864         (*(signed char *) (b_370)) = ((*(signed char *) (b_370)) + 1);
03865       }
03866   }
03868   /* 030-Scan-Compressed-Src */
03870   /* OCic.cbl:1725: PERFORM */
03871   {
03872     (*(signed char *) (b_370)) = 1;
03873     while (1)
03874       {
03875         if (((int)cob_cmp_s8_binary (b_370, 66) >  0))
03876           break;
03877         {
03878           /* OCic.cbl:1727: EVALUATE */
03879           {
03880             if (((int)(int)(*(b_364 + ((*(signed char *) (b_370)) - 1)) - 42) == 0))
03881               {
03882                 /* OCic.cbl:1729: IF */
03883                 {
03884                   if (((int)memcmp (b_364 + ((*(signed char *) (b_370)) - 1), (unsigned char *)"*>", 2) == 0))
03885                     {
03886                       /* OCic.cbl:1730: GOBACK */
03887                       {
03888                         goto exit_program;
03889                       }
03890                     }
03891                 }
03892               }
03893             else
03894               if ((((int)(int)(*(b_364 + ((*(signed char *) (b_370)) - 1)) - 76) == 0) && ((int)cob_cmp_s8_binary (b_370, 66) <  0)))
03895                 {
03896                   /* OCic.cbl:1733: IF */
03897                   {
03898                     if (((int)memcmp (b_364 + ((*(signed char *) (b_370)) - 1), (unsigned char *)"LINKAGE SECTION", 15) == 0))
03899                       {
03900                         /* OCic.cbl:1734: SET */
03901                         {
03902                           *(b_374) = 76;
03903                         }
03904                         /* OCic.cbl:1735: GOBACK */
03905                         {
03906                           goto exit_program;
03907                         }
03908                       }
03909                   }
03910                 }
03911               else
03912                 if ((((int)(int)(*(b_364 + ((*(signed char *) (b_370)) - 1)) - 73) == 0) && ((int)cob_cmp_s8_binary (b_370, 58) <  0)))
03913                   {
03914                     /* OCic.cbl:1738: IF */
03915                     {
03916                       if (((int)memcmp (b_364 + ((*(signed char *) (b_370)) - 1), (unsigned char *)"IDENTIFICATION DIVISION", 23) == 0))
03917                         {
03918                           /* OCic.cbl:1740: SET */
03919                           {
03920                             *(b_374) = 73;
03921                           }
03922                           /* OCic.cbl:1741: GOBACK */
03923                           {
03924                             goto exit_program;
03925                           }
03926                         }
03927                     }
03928                   }
03929           }
03930         }
03931         (*(signed char *) (b_370)) = ((*(signed char *) (b_370)) + 1);
03932       }
03933   }
03935   /* 099-Never-Found-Either-One */
03937   /* OCic.cbl:1748: GOBACK */
03938   {
03939     goto exit_program;
03940   }
03942   /* Program exit */
03944   exit_program:
03946   /* Pop module stack */
03947   cob_current_module = cob_current_module->next;
03949   /* Program return */
03950   return (*(int *) (b_360));
03951 }
03953 int
03954 LISTING (unsigned char *b_1107, unsigned char *b_1108, unsigned char *b_1109)
03955 {
03956   return LISTING_ (0, b_1107, b_1108, b_1109);
03957 }
03959 static int
03960 LISTING_ (const int entry, unsigned char *b_1107, unsigned char *b_1108, unsigned char *b_1109)
03961 {
03962   /* Local variables */
03963   #include "OCic.c.l4.h"
03965   static int initialized = 0;
03966   static cob_field *cob_user_parameters[COB_MAX_FIELD_PARAMS];
03967   static struct cob_module module = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, cob_user_parameters, 0, '.', '$', ',', 1, 1, 1, 0 };
03969   /* Start of function code */
03971   /* CANCEL callback handling */
03972   if (unlikely(entry < 0)) {
03973         if (!initialized) {
03974                 return 0;
03975         }
03976         cob_close (h_EXPAND_CODE, 0, NULL);
03977         cob_close (h_REPORT_FILE, 0, NULL);
03978         cob_close (h_SOURCE_CODE, 0, NULL);
03979         mpz_clear (d0.value);
03980         d0.scale = 0;
03981         mpz_clear (d1.value);
03982         d1.scale = 0;
03983         initialized = 0;
03984         return 0;
03985   }
03987   /* Initialize frame stack */
03988   frame_ptr = &frame_stack[0];
03989   frame_ptr->perform_through = 0;
03991   /* Push module stack */
03992 = cob_current_module;
03993   cob_current_module = &module;
03995   /* Initialize program */
03996   if (unlikely(initialized == 0))
03997     {
03998       if (!cob_initialized) {
03999         cob_fatal_error (COB_FERROR_INITIALIZED);
04000       }
04001       cob_check_version (COB_SOURCE_FILE, COB_PACKAGE_VERSION, COB_PATCH_LEVEL);
04002       if (
04003         cob_set_cancel ((const char *)"LISTING", (void *)LISTING, (void *)LISTING_);
04004       /* Initialize decimal numbers */
04005       cob_decimal_init (&d0);
04006       cob_decimal_init (&d1);
04008       (*(int *) (b_379)) = 0;
04009       (*(int *) (b_380)) = 0;
04010       (*(int *) (b_1063)) = 1;
04011       memset (b_410, 32, 256);
04012       memset (b_411, 32, 2);
04013       cob_move (&cob_zero, &f_413);
04014       memset (b_412 + 6, 32, 129);
04015       memset (b_416, 32, 49);
04016       cob_move (&cob_zero, &f_421);
04017       memset (b_416 + 55, 32, 17);
04018       for (i1 = 1; i1 <= 8; i1++)
04019         {
04020           cob_move (&cob_zero, (f0.size = 6, = b_416 + 72 + 8 * (i1 - 1), f0.attr = &a_8, &f0));
04021           memset (b_416 + 78 + 8 * (i1 - 1), 32, 2);
04022         }
04023       *(unsigned char *)(b_429) = 32;
04024       memset (b_430, 32, 256);
04025       memset (b_431, 32, 256);
04026       memset (b_432, 32, 256);
04027       memset (b_433, 32, 7);
04028       memset (b_443, 32, 47);
04029       memcpy (b_446, "OpenCOBOL 1.1 06FEB2009 Source Listing - OCic Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Gary L. Cutler, GPL", 90);
04030       memset (b_446 + 90, 32, 35);
04031       cob_move (&cob_zero, &f_448);
04032       memcpy (b_449, "OpenCOBOL 1.1 06FEB2009 Cross-Reference Listing - OCic Copyright (C) 2009-2010, Gary L. Cutler, GPL", 99);
04033       memset (b_449 + 99, 32, 26);
04034       cob_move (&cob_zero, &f_451);
04035       memset (b_452, 32, 135);
04036       memcpy (b_453, "Line   Statement", 16);
04037       memcpy (b_454, "PROGRAM-ID      Identifier/Register/Function     Defn   Where Defined   References (* = Updated)", 96);
04038       memcpy (b_455, "====== ", 7);
04039       memset (b_455 + 7, 61, 128);
04040       memcpy (b_456, "=============== ================================ ====== =============== ", 72);
04041       memset (b_456 + 72, 61, 63);
04042       memset (b_457, 32, 100);
04043       memset (b_458, 0, 4);
04044       memset (b_459, 0, 4);
04045       memset (b_460, 0, 4);
04046       memset (b_461, 0, 4);
04047       memset (b_462, 32, 256);
04048       memset (b_463, 0, 4);
04049       memset (b_464, 32, 10);
04050       memset (b_465, 32, 32);
04051       memset (b_466, 32, 256);
04052       memset (b_467, 32, 256);
04053       memset (b_468, 32, 256);
04054       memcpy (b_469, "IABS", 4);
04055       memset (b_469 + 4, 32, 29);
04056       memcpy (b_469 + 33, "VACCEPT", 7);
04057       memset (b_469 + 33 + 7, 32, 26);
04058       memcpy (b_469 + 66, " ACCESS", 7);
04059       memset (b_469 + 66 + 7, 32, 26);
04060       memcpy (b_469 + 99, "IACOS", 5);
04061       memset (b_469 + 99 + 5, 32, 28);
04062       memcpy (b_469 + 132, " ACTIVE-CLASS", 13);
04063       memset (b_469 + 132 + 13, 32, 20);
04064       memcpy (b_469 + 165, "VADD", 4);
04065       memset (b_469 + 165 + 4, 32, 29);
04066       memcpy (b_469 + 198, " ADDRESS", 8);
04067       memset (b_469 + 198 + 8, 32, 25);
04068       memcpy (b_469 + 231, " ADVANCING", 10);
04069       memset (b_469 + 231 + 10, 32, 23);
04070       memcpy (b_469 + 264, "KAFTER", 6);
04071       memset (b_469 + 264 + 6, 32, 27);
04072       memcpy (b_469 + 297, " ALIGNED", 8);
04073       memset (b_469 + 297 + 8, 32, 25);
04074       memcpy (b_469 + 330, " ALL", 4);
04075       memset (b_469 + 330 + 4, 32, 29);
04076       memcpy (b_469 + 363, "VALLOCATE", 9);
04077       memset (b_469 + 363 + 9, 32, 24);
04078       memcpy (b_469 + 396, " ALPHABET", 9);
04079       memset (b_469 + 396 + 9, 32, 24);
04080       memcpy (b_469 + 429, " ALPHABETIC", 11);
04081       memset (b_469 + 429 + 11, 32, 22);
04082       memcpy (b_469 + 462, " ALPHABETIC-LOWER", 17);
04083       memset (b_469 + 462 + 17, 32, 16);
04084       memcpy (b_469 + 495, " ALPHABETIC-UPPER", 17);
04085       memset (b_469 + 495 + 17, 32, 16);
04086       memcpy (b_469 + 528, " ALPHANUMERIC", 13);
04087       memset (b_469 + 528 + 13, 32, 20);
04088       memcpy (b_469 + 561, " ALPHANUMERIC-EDITED", 20);
04089       memset (b_469 + 561 + 20, 32, 13);
04090       memcpy (b_469 + 594, " ALSO", 5);
04091       memset (b_469 + 594 + 5, 32, 28);
04092       memcpy (b_469 + 627, "VALTER", 6);
04093       memset (b_469 + 627 + 6, 32, 27);
04094       memcpy (b_469 + 660, " ALTERNATE", 10);
04095       memset (b_469 + 660 + 10, 32, 23);
04096       memcpy (b_469 + 693, " AND", 4);
04097       memset (b_469 + 693 + 4, 32, 29);
04098       memcpy (b_469 + 726, "IANNUITY", 8);
04099       memset (b_469 + 726 + 8, 32, 25);
04100       memcpy (b_469 + 759, " ANY", 4);
04101       memset (b_469 + 759 + 4, 32, 29);
04102       memcpy (b_469 + 792, " ANYCASE", 8);
04103       memset (b_469 + 792 + 8, 32, 25);
04104       memcpy (b_469 + 825, " ARE", 4);
04105       memset (b_469 + 825 + 4, 32, 29);
04106       memcpy (b_469 + 858, " AREA", 5);
04107       memset (b_469 + 858 + 5, 32, 28);
04108       memcpy (b_469 + 891, " AREAS", 6);
04109       memset (b_469 + 891 + 6, 32, 27);
04110       memcpy (b_469 + 924, " ARGUMENT-NUMBER", 16);
04111       memset (b_469 + 924 + 16, 32, 17);
04112       memcpy (b_469 + 957, " ARGUMENT-VALUE", 15);
04113       memset (b_469 + 957 + 15, 32, 18);
04114       memcpy (b_469 + 990, " AS", 3);
04115       memset (b_469 + 990 + 3, 32, 30);
04116       memcpy (b_469 + 1023, " ASCENDING", 10);
04117       memset (b_469 + 1023 + 10, 32, 23);
04118       memcpy (b_469 + 1056, "IASIN", 5);
04119       memset (b_469 + 1056 + 5, 32, 28);
04120       memcpy (b_469 + 1089, " ASSIGN", 7);
04121       memset (b_469 + 1089 + 7, 32, 26);
04122       memcpy (b_469 + 1122, " AT", 3);
04123       memset (b_469 + 1122 + 3, 32, 30);
04124       memcpy (b_469 + 1155, "IATAN", 5);
04125       memset (b_469 + 1155 + 5, 32, 28);
04126       memcpy (b_469 + 1188, " AUTHOR", 7);
04127       memset (b_469 + 1188 + 7, 32, 26);
04128       memcpy (b_469 + 1221, " AUTO", 5);
04129       memset (b_469 + 1221 + 5, 32, 28);
04130       memcpy (b_469 + 1254, " AUTO-SKIP", 10);
04131       memset (b_469 + 1254 + 10, 32, 23);
04132       memcpy (b_469 + 1287, " AUTOMATIC", 10);
04133       memset (b_469 + 1287 + 10, 32, 23);
04134       memcpy (b_469 + 1320, " AUTOTERMINATE", 14);
04135       memset (b_469 + 1320 + 14, 32, 19);
04136       memcpy (b_469 + 1353, " BACKGROUND-COLOR", 17);
04137       memset (b_469 + 1353 + 17, 32, 16);
04138       memcpy (b_469 + 1386, " BASED", 6);
04139       memset (b_469 + 1386 + 6, 32, 27);
04140       memcpy (b_469 + 1419, " BEEP", 5);
04141       memset (b_469 + 1419 + 5, 32, 28);
04142       memcpy (b_469 + 1452, " BEFORE", 7);
04143       memset (b_469 + 1452 + 7, 32, 26);
04144       memcpy (b_469 + 1485, " BELL", 5);
04145       memset (b_469 + 1485 + 5, 32, 28);
04146       memcpy (b_469 + 1518, " BINARY", 7);
04147       memset (b_469 + 1518 + 7, 32, 26);
04148       memcpy (b_469 + 1551, " BINARY-C-LONG", 14);
04149       memset (b_469 + 1551 + 14, 32, 19);
04150       memcpy (b_469 + 1584, " BINARY-CHAR", 12);
04151       memset (b_469 + 1584 + 12, 32, 21);
04152       memcpy (b_469 + 1617, " BINARY-DOUBLE", 14);
04153       memset (b_469 + 1617 + 14, 32, 19);
04154       memcpy (b_469 + 1650, " BINARY-LONG", 12);
04155       memset (b_469 + 1650 + 12, 32, 21);
04156       memcpy (b_469 + 1683, " BINARY-SHORT", 13);
04157       memset (b_469 + 1683 + 13, 32, 20);
04158       memcpy (b_469 + 1716, " BIT", 4);
04159       memset (b_469 + 1716 + 4, 32, 29);
04160       memcpy (b_469 + 1749, " BLANK", 6);
04161       memset (b_469 + 1749 + 6, 32, 27);
04162       memcpy (b_469 + 1782, " BLINK", 6);
04163       memset (b_469 + 1782 + 6, 32, 27);
04164       memcpy (b_469 + 1815, " BLOCK", 6);
04165       memset (b_469 + 1815 + 6, 32, 27);
04166       memcpy (b_469 + 1848, " BOOLEAN", 8);
04167       memset (b_469 + 1848 + 8, 32, 25);
04168       memcpy (b_469 + 1881, " BOTTOM", 7);
04169       memset (b_469 + 1881 + 7, 32, 26);
04170       memcpy (b_469 + 1914, "YBY", 3);
04171       memset (b_469 + 1914 + 3, 32, 30);
04172       memcpy (b_469 + 1947, "IBYTE-LENGTH", 12);
04173       memset (b_469 + 1947 + 12, 32, 21);
04174       memcpy (b_469 + 1980, "MC01", 4);
04175       memset (b_469 + 1980 + 4, 32, 29);
04176       memcpy (b_469 + 2013, "MC02", 4);
04177       memset (b_469 + 2013 + 4, 32, 29);
04178       memcpy (b_469 + 2046, "MC03", 4);
04179       memset (b_469 + 2046 + 4, 32, 29);
04180       memcpy (b_469 + 2079, "MC04", 4);
04181       memset (b_469 + 2079 + 4, 32, 29);
04182       memcpy (b_469 + 2112, "MC05", 4);
04183       memset (b_469 + 2112 + 4, 32, 29);
04184       memcpy (b_469 + 2145, "MC06", 4);
04185       memset (b_469 + 2145 + 4, 32, 29);
04186       memcpy (b_469 + 2178, "MC07", 4);
04187       memset (b_469 + 2178 + 4, 32, 29);
04188       memcpy (b_469 + 2211, "MC08", 4);
04189       memset (b_469 + 2211 + 4, 32, 29);
04190       memcpy (b_469 + 2244, "MC09", 4);
04191       memset (b_469 + 2244 + 4, 32, 29);
04192       memcpy (b_469 + 2277, "MC10", 4);
04193       memset (b_469 + 2277 + 4, 32, 29);
04194       memcpy (b_469 + 2310, "MC11", 4);
04195       memset (b_469 + 2310 + 4, 32, 29);
04196       memcpy (b_469 + 2343, "MC12", 4);
04197       memset (b_469 + 2343 + 4, 32, 29);
04198       memcpy (b_469 + 2376, "VCALL", 5);
04199       memset (b_469 + 2376 + 5, 32, 28);
04200       memcpy (b_469 + 2409, "VCANCEL", 7);
04201       memset (b_469 + 2409 + 7, 32, 26);
04202       memcpy (b_469 + 2442, " CF", 3);
04203       memset (b_469 + 2442 + 3, 32, 30);
04204       memcpy (b_469 + 2475, " CH", 3);
04205       memset (b_469 + 2475 + 3, 32, 30);
04206       memcpy (b_469 + 2508, " CHAINING", 9);
04207       memset (b_469 + 2508 + 9, 32, 24);
04208       memcpy (b_469 + 2541, "ICHAR", 5);
04209       memset (b_469 + 2541 + 5, 32, 28);
04210       memcpy (b_469 + 2574, " CHARACTER", 10);
04211       memset (b_469 + 2574 + 10, 32, 23);
04212       memcpy (b_469 + 2607, " CHARACTERS", 11);
04213       memset (b_469 + 2607 + 11, 32, 22);
04214       memcpy (b_469 + 2640, " CLASS", 6);
04215       memset (b_469 + 2640 + 6, 32, 27);
04216       memcpy (b_469 + 2673, " CLASS-ID", 9);
04217       memset (b_469 + 2673 + 9, 32, 24);
04218       memcpy (b_469 + 2706, "VCLOSE", 6);
04219       memset (b_469 + 2706 + 6, 32, 27);
04220       memcpy (b_469 + 2739, "ICOB-CRT-STATUS", 15);
04221       memset (b_469 + 2739 + 15, 32, 18);
04222       memcpy (b_469 + 2772, " CODE", 5);
04223       memset (b_469 + 2772 + 5, 32, 28);
04224       memcpy (b_469 + 2805, " CODE-SET", 9);
04225       memset (b_469 + 2805 + 9, 32, 24);
04226       memcpy (b_469 + 2838, " COL", 4);
04227       memset (b_469 + 2838 + 4, 32, 29);
04228       memcpy (b_469 + 2871, " COLLATING", 10);
04229       memset (b_469 + 2871 + 10, 32, 23);
04230       memcpy (b_469 + 2904, " COLS", 5);
04231       memset (b_469 + 2904 + 5, 32, 28);
04232       memcpy (b_469 + 2937, " COLUMN", 7);
04233       memset (b_469 + 2937 + 7, 32, 26);
04234       memcpy (b_469 + 2970, " COLUMNS", 8);
04235       memset (b_469 + 2970 + 8, 32, 25);
04236       memcpy (b_469 + 3003, "ICOMBINED-DATETIME", 18);
04237       memset (b_469 + 3003 + 18, 32, 15);
04238       memcpy (b_469 + 3036, " COMMA", 6);
04239       memset (b_469 + 3036 + 6, 32, 27);
04240       memcpy (b_469 + 3069, " COMMAND-LINE", 13);
04241       memset (b_469 + 3069 + 13, 32, 20);
04242       memcpy (b_469 + 3102, "VCOMMIT", 7);
04243       memset (b_469 + 3102 + 7, 32, 26);
04244       memcpy (b_469 + 3135, " COMMON", 7);
04245       memset (b_469 + 3135 + 7, 32, 26);
04246       memcpy (b_469 + 3168, " COMP", 5);
04247       memset (b_469 + 3168 + 5, 32, 28);
04248       memcpy (b_469 + 3201, " COMP-1", 7);
04249       memset (b_469 + 3201 + 7, 32, 26);
04250       memcpy (b_469 + 3234, " COMP-2", 7);
04251       memset (b_469 + 3234 + 7, 32, 26);
04252       memcpy (b_469 + 3267, " COMP-3", 7);
04253       memset (b_469 + 3267 + 7, 32, 26);
04254       memcpy (b_469 + 3300, " COMP-4", 7);
04255       memset (b_469 + 3300 + 7, 32, 26);
04256       memcpy (b_469 + 3333, " COMP-5", 7);
04257       memset (b_469 + 3333 + 7, 32, 26);
04258       memcpy (b_469 + 3366, " COMP-X", 7);
04259       memset (b_469 + 3366 + 7, 32, 26);
04260       memcpy (b_469 + 3399, " COMPUTATIONAL", 14);
04261       memset (b_469 + 3399 + 14, 32, 19);
04262       memcpy (b_469 + 3432, " COMPUTATIONAL-1", 16);
04263       memset (b_469 + 3432 + 16, 32, 17);
04264       memcpy (b_469 + 3465, " COMPUTATIONAL-2", 16);
04265       memset (b_469 + 3465 + 16, 32, 17);
04266       memcpy (b_469 + 3498, " COMPUTATIONAL-3", 16);
04267       memset (b_469 + 3498 + 16, 32, 17);
04268       memcpy (b_469 + 3531, " COMPUTATIONAL-4", 16);
04269       memset (b_469 + 3531 + 16, 32, 17);
04270       memcpy (b_469 + 3564, " COMPUTATIONAL-5", 16);
04271       memset (b_469 + 3564 + 16, 32, 17);
04272       memcpy (b_469 + 3597, " COMPUTATIONAL-X", 16);
04273       memset (b_469 + 3597 + 16, 32, 17);
04274       memcpy (b_469 + 3630, "VCOMPUTE", 8);
04275       memset (b_469 + 3630 + 8, 32, 25);
04276       memcpy (b_469 + 3663, "ICONCATENATE", 12);
04277       memset (b_469 + 3663 + 12, 32, 21);
04278       memcpy (b_469 + 3696, " CONDITION", 10);
04279       memset (b_469 + 3696 + 10, 32, 23);
04280       memcpy (b_469 + 3729, "KCONFIGURATION", 14);
04281       memset (b_469 + 3729 + 14, 32, 19);
04282       memcpy (b_469 + 3762, "MCONSOLE", 8);
04283       memset (b_469 + 3762 + 8, 32, 25);
04284       memcpy (b_469 + 3795, " CONSTANT", 9);
04285       memset (b_469 + 3795 + 9, 32, 24);
04286       memcpy (b_469 + 3828, " CONTAINS", 9);
04287       memset (b_469 + 3828 + 9, 32, 24);
04288       memcpy (b_469 + 3861, " CONTENT", 8);
04289       memset (b_469 + 3861 + 8, 32, 25);
04290       memcpy (b_469 + 3894, "VCONTINUE", 9);
04291       memset (b_469 + 3894 + 9, 32, 24);
04292       memcpy (b_469 + 3927, " CONTROL", 8);
04293       memset (b_469 + 3927 + 8, 32, 25);
04294       memcpy (b_469 + 3960, " CONTROLS", 9);
04295       memset (b_469 + 3960 + 9, 32, 24);
04296       memcpy (b_469 + 3993, "KCONVERTING", 11);
04297       memset (b_469 + 3993 + 11, 32, 22);
04298       memcpy (b_469 + 4026, " COPY", 5);
04299       memset (b_469 + 4026 + 5, 32, 28);
04300       memcpy (b_469 + 4059, " CORR", 5);
04301       memset (b_469 + 4059 + 5, 32, 28);
04302       memcpy (b_469 + 4092, " CORRESPONDING", 14);
04303       memset (b_469 + 4092 + 14, 32, 19);
04304       memcpy (b_469 + 4125, "ICOS", 4);
04305       memset (b_469 + 4125 + 4, 32, 29);
04306       memcpy (b_469 + 4158, "KCOUNT", 6);
04307       memset (b_469 + 4158 + 6, 32, 27);
04308       memcpy (b_469 + 4191, " CRT", 4);
04309       memset (b_469 + 4191 + 4, 32, 29);
04310       memcpy (b_469 + 4224, " CURRENCY", 9);
04311       memset (b_469 + 4224 + 9, 32, 24);
04312       memcpy (b_469 + 4257, "ICURRENT-DATE", 13);
04313       memset (b_469 + 4257 + 13, 32, 20);
04314       memcpy (b_469 + 4290, " CURSOR", 7);
04315       memset (b_469 + 4290 + 7, 32, 26);
04316       memcpy (b_469 + 4323, " CYCLE", 6);
04317       memset (b_469 + 4323 + 6, 32, 27);
04318       memcpy (b_469 + 4356, "KDATA", 5);
04319       memset (b_469 + 4356 + 5, 32, 28);
04320       memcpy (b_469 + 4389, " DATA-POINTER", 13);
04321       memset (b_469 + 4389 + 13, 32, 20);
04322       memcpy (b_469 + 4422, " DATE", 5);
04323       memset (b_469 + 4422 + 5, 32, 28);
04324       memcpy (b_469 + 4455, " DATE-COMPILED", 14);
04325       memset (b_469 + 4455 + 14, 32, 19);
04326       memcpy (b_469 + 4488, " DATE-MODIFIED", 14);
04327       memset (b_469 + 4488 + 14, 32, 19);
04328       memcpy (b_469 + 4521, "IDATE-OF-INTEGER", 16);
04329       memset (b_469 + 4521 + 16, 32, 17);
04330       memcpy (b_469 + 4554, "IDATE-TO-YYYYMMDD", 17);
04331       memset (b_469 + 4554 + 17, 32, 16);
04332       memcpy (b_469 + 4587, " DATE-WRITTEN", 13);
04333       memset (b_469 + 4587 + 13, 32, 20);
04334       memcpy (b_469 + 4620, " DAY", 4);
04335       memset (b_469 + 4620 + 4, 32, 29);
04336       memcpy (b_469 + 4653, "IDAY-OF-INTEGER", 15);
04337       memset (b_469 + 4653 + 15, 32, 18);
04338       memcpy (b_469 + 4686, " DAY-OF-WEEK", 12);
04339       memset (b_469 + 4686 + 12, 32, 21);
04340       memcpy (b_469 + 4719, "IDAY-TO-YYYYDDD", 15);
04341       memset (b_469 + 4719 + 15, 32, 18);
04342       memcpy (b_469 + 4752, " DE", 3);
04343       memset (b_469 + 4752 + 3, 32, 30);
04344       memcpy (b_469 + 4785, " DEBUGGING", 10);
04345       memset (b_469 + 4785 + 10, 32, 23);
04346       memcpy (b_469 + 4818, " DECIMAL-POINT", 14);
04347       memset (b_469 + 4818 + 14, 32, 19);
04348       memcpy (b_469 + 4851, " DECLARATIVES", 13);
04349       memset (b_469 + 4851 + 13, 32, 20);
04350       memcpy (b_469 + 4884, " DEFAULT", 8);
04351       memset (b_469 + 4884 + 8, 32, 25);
04352       memcpy (b_469 + 4917, "VDELETE", 7);
04353       memset (b_469 + 4917 + 7, 32, 26);
04354       memcpy (b_469 + 4950, " DELIMITED", 10);
04355       memset (b_469 + 4950 + 10, 32, 23);
04356       memcpy (b_469 + 4983, "KDELIMITER", 10);
04357       memset (b_469 + 4983 + 10, 32, 23);
04358       memcpy (b_469 + 5016, " DEPENDING", 10);
04359       memset (b_469 + 5016 + 10, 32, 23);
04360       memcpy (b_469 + 5049, " DESCENDING", 11);
04361       memset (b_469 + 5049 + 11, 32, 22);
04362       memcpy (b_469 + 5082, " DESTINATION", 12);
04363       memset (b_469 + 5082 + 12, 32, 21);
04364       memcpy (b_469 + 5115, " DETAIL", 7);
04365       memset (b_469 + 5115 + 7, 32, 26);
04366       memcpy (b_469 + 5148, " DISABLE", 8);
04367       memset (b_469 + 5148 + 8, 32, 25);
04368       memcpy (b_469 + 5181, " DISK", 5);
04369       memset (b_469 + 5181 + 5, 32, 28);
04370       memcpy (b_469 + 5214, "VDISPLAY", 8);
04371       memset (b_469 + 5214 + 8, 32, 25);
04372       memcpy (b_469 + 5247, "VDIVIDE", 7);
04373       memset (b_469 + 5247 + 7, 32, 26);
04374       memcpy (b_469 + 5280, "KDIVISION", 9);
04375       memset (b_469 + 5280 + 9, 32, 24);
04376       memcpy (b_469 + 5313, "KDOWN", 5);
04377       memset (b_469 + 5313 + 5, 32, 28);
04378       memcpy (b_469 + 5346, " DUPLICATES", 11);
04379       memset (b_469 + 5346 + 11, 32, 22);
04380       memcpy (b_469 + 5379, " DYNAMIC", 8);
04381       memset (b_469 + 5379 + 8, 32, 25);
04382       memcpy (b_469 + 5412, "IE", 2);
04383       memset (b_469 + 5412 + 2, 32, 31);
04384       memcpy (b_469 + 5445, " EBCDIC", 7);
04385       memset (b_469 + 5445 + 7, 32, 26);
04386       memcpy (b_469 + 5478, " EC", 3);
04387       memset (b_469 + 5478 + 3, 32, 30);
04388       memcpy (b_469 + 5511, "VELSE", 5);
04389       memset (b_469 + 5511 + 5, 32, 28);
04390       memcpy (b_469 + 5544, "KEND", 4);
04391       memset (b_469 + 5544 + 4, 32, 29);
04392       memcpy (b_469 + 5577, " END-ACCEPT", 11);
04393       memset (b_469 + 5577 + 11, 32, 22);
04394       memcpy (b_469 + 5610, " END-ADD", 8);
04395       memset (b_469 + 5610 + 8, 32, 25);
04396       memcpy (b_469 + 5643, " END-CALL", 9);
04397       memset (b_469 + 5643 + 9, 32, 24);
04398       memcpy (b_469 + 5676, " END-COMPUTE", 12);
04399       memset (b_469 + 5676 + 12, 32, 21);
04400       memcpy (b_469 + 5709, " END-DELETE", 11);
04401       memset (b_469 + 5709 + 11, 32, 22);
04402       memcpy (b_469 + 5742, " END-DISPLAY", 12);
04403       memset (b_469 + 5742 + 12, 32, 21);
04404       memcpy (b_469 + 5775, " END-DIVIDE", 11);
04405       memset (b_469 + 5775 + 11, 32, 22);
04406       memcpy (b_469 + 5808, " END-EVALUATE", 13);
04407       memset (b_469 + 5808 + 13, 32, 20);
04408       memcpy (b_469 + 5841, " END-IF", 7);
04409       memset (b_469 + 5841 + 7, 32, 26);
04410       memcpy (b_469 + 5874, " END-MULTIPLY", 13);
04411       memset (b_469 + 5874 + 13, 32, 20);
04412       memcpy (b_469 + 5907, " END-OF-PAGE", 12);
04413       memset (b_469 + 5907 + 12, 32, 21);
04414       memcpy (b_469 + 5940, " END-PERFORM", 12);
04415       memset (b_469 + 5940 + 12, 32, 21);
04416       memcpy (b_469 + 5973, " END-READ", 9);
04417       memset (b_469 + 5973 + 9, 32, 24);
04418       memcpy (b_469 + 6006, " END-RETURN", 11);
04419       memset (b_469 + 6006 + 11, 32, 22);
04420       memcpy (b_469 + 6039, " END-REWRITE", 12);
04421       memset (b_469 + 6039 + 12, 32, 21);
04422       memcpy (b_469 + 6072, " END-SEARCH", 11);
04423       memset (b_469 + 6072 + 11, 32, 22);
04424       memcpy (b_469 + 6105, " END-START", 10);
04425       memset (b_469 + 6105 + 10, 32, 23);
04426       memcpy (b_469 + 6138, " END-STRING", 11);
04427       memset (b_469 + 6138 + 11, 32, 22);
04428       memcpy (b_469 + 6171, " END-SUBTRACT", 13);
04429       memset (b_469 + 6171 + 13, 32, 20);
04430       memcpy (b_469 + 6204, " END-UNSTRING", 13);
04431       memset (b_469 + 6204 + 13, 32, 20);
04432       memcpy (b_469 + 6237, " END-WRITE", 10);
04433       memset (b_469 + 6237 + 10, 32, 23);
04434       memcpy (b_469 + 6270, "VENTRY", 6);
04435       memset (b_469 + 6270 + 6, 32, 27);
04436       memcpy (b_469 + 6303, "KENVIRONMENT", 12);
04437       memset (b_469 + 6303 + 12, 32, 21);
04438       memcpy (b_469 + 6336, " ENVIRONMENT-NAME", 17);
04439       memset (b_469 + 6336 + 17, 32, 16);
04440       memcpy (b_469 + 6369, " ENVIRONMENT-VALUE", 18);
04441       memset (b_469 + 6369 + 18, 32, 15);
04442       memcpy (b_469 + 6402, " EO", 3);
04443       memset (b_469 + 6402 + 3, 32, 30);
04444       memcpy (b_469 + 6435, " EOL", 4);
04445       memset (b_469 + 6435 + 4, 32, 29);
04446       memcpy (b_469 + 6468, " EOP", 4);
04447       memset (b_469 + 6468 + 4, 32, 29);
04448       memcpy (b_469 + 6501, " EOS", 4);
04449       memset (b_469 + 6501 + 4, 32, 29);
04450       memcpy (b_469 + 6534, " EQUAL", 6);
04451       memset (b_469 + 6534 + 6, 32, 27);
04452       memcpy (b_469 + 6567, "KEQUALS", 7);
04453       memset (b_469 + 6567 + 7, 32, 26);
04454       memcpy (b_469 + 6600, " ERASE", 6);
04455       memset (b_469 + 6600 + 6, 32, 27);
04456       memcpy (b_469 + 6633, " ERROR", 6);
04457       memset (b_469 + 6633 + 6, 32, 27);
04458       memcpy (b_469 + 6666, " ESCAPE", 7);
04459       memset (b_469 + 6666 + 7, 32, 26);
04460       memcpy (b_469 + 6699, "VEVALUATE", 9);
04461       memset (b_469 + 6699 + 9, 32, 24);
04462       memcpy (b_469 + 6732, " EXCEPTION", 10);
04463       memset (b_469 + 6732 + 10, 32, 23);
04464       memcpy (b_469 + 6765, "IEXCEPTION-FILE", 15);
04465       memset (b_469 + 6765 + 15, 32, 18);
04466       memcpy (b_469 + 6798, "IEXCEPTION-LOCATION", 19);
04467       memset (b_469 + 6798 + 19, 32, 14);
04468       memcpy (b_469 + 6831, " EXCEPTION-OBJECT", 17);
04469       memset (b_469 + 6831 + 17, 32, 16);
04470       memcpy (b_469 + 6864, "IEXCEPTION-STATEMENT", 20);
04471       memset (b_469 + 6864 + 20, 32, 13);
04472       memcpy (b_469 + 6897, "IEXCEPTION-STATUS", 17);
04473       memset (b_469 + 6897 + 17, 32, 16);
04474       memcpy (b_469 + 6930, " EXCLUSIVE", 10);
04475       memset (b_469 + 6930 + 10, 32, 23);
04476       memcpy (b_469 + 6963, "VEXIT", 5);
04477       memset (b_469 + 6963 + 5, 32, 28);
04478       memcpy (b_469 + 6996, "IEXP", 4);
04479       memset (b_469 + 6996 + 4, 32, 29);
04480       memcpy (b_469 + 7029, "IEXP10", 6);
04481       memset (b_469 + 7029 + 6, 32, 27);
04482       memcpy (b_469 + 7062, " EXTEND", 7);
04483       memset (b_469 + 7062 + 7, 32, 26);
04484       memcpy (b_469 + 7095, " EXTERNAL", 9);
04485       memset (b_469 + 7095 + 9, 32, 24);
04486       memcpy (b_469 + 7128, "IFACTORIAL", 10);
04487       memset (b_469 + 7128 + 10, 32, 23);
04488       memcpy (b_469 + 7161, " FACTORY", 8);
04489       memset (b_469 + 7161 + 8, 32, 25);
04490       memcpy (b_469 + 7194, " FALSE", 6);
04491       memset (b_469 + 7194 + 6, 32, 27);
04492       memcpy (b_469 + 7227, "KFD", 3);
04493       memset (b_469 + 7227 + 3, 32, 30);
04494       memcpy (b_469 + 7260, "KFILE", 5);
04495       memset (b_469 + 7260 + 5, 32, 28);
04496       memcpy (b_469 + 7293, " FILE-CONTROL", 13);
04497       memset (b_469 + 7293 + 13, 32, 20);
04498       memcpy (b_469 + 7326, " FILE-ID", 8);
04499       memset (b_469 + 7326 + 8, 32, 25);
04500       memcpy (b_469 + 7359, " FILLER", 7);
04501       memset (b_469 + 7359 + 7, 32, 26);
04502       memcpy (b_469 + 7392, " FINAL", 6);
04503       memset (b_469 + 7392 + 6, 32, 27);
04504       memcpy (b_469 + 7425, " FIRST", 6);
04505       memset (b_469 + 7425 + 6, 32, 27);
04506       memcpy (b_469 + 7458, " FLOAT-BINARY-16", 16);
04507       memset (b_469 + 7458 + 16, 32, 17);
04508       memcpy (b_469 + 7491, " FLOAT-BINARY-34", 16);
04509       memset (b_469 + 7491 + 16, 32, 17);
04510       memcpy (b_469 + 7524, " FLOAT-BINARY-7", 15);
04511       memset (b_469 + 7524 + 15, 32, 18);
04512       memcpy (b_469 + 7557, " FLOAT-DECIMAL-16", 17);
04513       memset (b_469 + 7557 + 17, 32, 16);
04514       memcpy (b_469 + 7590, " FLOAT-DECIMAL-34", 17);
04515       memset (b_469 + 7590 + 17, 32, 16);
04516       memcpy (b_469 + 7623, " FLOAT-EXTENDED", 15);
04517       memset (b_469 + 7623 + 15, 32, 18);
04518       memcpy (b_469 + 7656, " FLOAT-LONG", 11);
04519       memset (b_469 + 7656 + 11, 32, 22);
04520       memcpy (b_469 + 7689, " FLOAT-SHORT", 12);
04521       memset (b_469 + 7689 + 12, 32, 21);
04522       memcpy (b_469 + 7722, " FOOTING", 8);
04523       memset (b_469 + 7722 + 8, 32, 25);
04524       memcpy (b_469 + 7755, " FOR", 4);
04525       memset (b_469 + 7755 + 4, 32, 29);
04526       memcpy (b_469 + 7788, " FOREGROUND-COLOR", 17);
04527       memset (b_469 + 7788 + 17, 32, 16);
04528       memcpy (b_469 + 7821, " FOREVER", 8);
04529       memset (b_469 + 7821 + 8, 32, 25);
04530       memcpy (b_469 + 7854, " FORMAT", 7);
04531       memset (b_469 + 7854 + 7, 32, 26);
04532       memcpy (b_469 + 7887, "MFORMFEED", 9);
04533       memset (b_469 + 7887 + 9, 32, 24);
04534       memcpy (b_469 + 7920, "IFRACTION-PART", 14);
04535       memset (b_469 + 7920 + 14, 32, 19);
04536       memcpy (b_469 + 7953, "VFREE", 5);
04537       memset (b_469 + 7953 + 5, 32, 28);
04538       memcpy (b_469 + 7986, " FROM", 5);
04539       memset (b_469 + 7986 + 5, 32, 28);
04540       memcpy (b_469 + 8019, " FULL", 5);
04541       memset (b_469 + 8019 + 5, 32, 28);
04542       memcpy (b_469 + 8052, " FUNCTION", 9);
04543       memset (b_469 + 8052 + 9, 32, 24);
04544       memcpy (b_469 + 8085, " FUNCTION-ID", 12);
04545       memset (b_469 + 8085 + 12, 32, 21);
04546       memcpy (b_469 + 8118, " FUNCTION-POINTER", 17);
04547       memset (b_469 + 8118 + 17, 32, 16);
04548       memcpy (b_469 + 8151, "VGENERATE", 9);
04549       memset (b_469 + 8151 + 9, 32, 24);
04550       memcpy (b_469 + 8184, " GET", 4);
04551       memset (b_469 + 8184 + 4, 32, 29);
04552       memcpy (b_469 + 8217, "KGIVING", 7);
04553       memset (b_469 + 8217 + 7, 32, 26);
04554       memcpy (b_469 + 8250, " GLOBAL", 7);
04555       memset (b_469 + 8250 + 7, 32, 26);
04556       memcpy (b_469 + 8283, "VGO", 3);
04557       memset (b_469 + 8283 + 3, 32, 30);
04558       memcpy (b_469 + 8316, "VGOBACK", 7);
04559       memset (b_469 + 8316 + 7, 32, 26);
04560       memcpy (b_469 + 8349, " GREATER", 8);
04561       memset (b_469 + 8349 + 8, 32, 25);
04562       memcpy (b_469 + 8382, " GROUP", 6);
04563       memset (b_469 + 8382 + 6, 32, 27);
04564       memcpy (b_469 + 8415, " GROUP-USAGE", 12);
04565       memset (b_469 + 8415 + 12, 32, 21);
04566       memcpy (b_469 + 8448, " HEADING", 8);
04567       memset (b_469 + 8448 + 8, 32, 25);
04568       memcpy (b_469 + 8481, " HIGH-VALUE", 11);
04569       memset (b_469 + 8481 + 11, 32, 22);
04570       memcpy (b_469 + 8514, " HIGH-VALUES", 12);
04571       memset (b_469 + 8514 + 12, 32, 21);
04572       memcpy (b_469 + 8547, " HIGHLIGHT", 10);
04573       memset (b_469 + 8547 + 10, 32, 23);
04574       memcpy (b_469 + 8580, " I-O", 4);
04575       memset (b_469 + 8580 + 4, 32, 29);
04576       memcpy (b_469 + 8613, " I-O-CONTROL", 12);
04577       memset (b_469 + 8613 + 12, 32, 21);
04578       memcpy (b_469 + 8646, "KID", 3);
04579       memset (b_469 + 8646 + 3, 32, 30);
04580       memcpy (b_469 + 8679, "KIDENTIFICATION", 15);
04581       memset (b_469 + 8679 + 15, 32, 18);
04582       memcpy (b_469 + 8712, "VIF", 3);
04583       memset (b_469 + 8712 + 3, 32, 30);
04584       memcpy (b_469 + 8745, " IGNORE", 7);
04585       memset (b_469 + 8745 + 7, 32, 26);
04586       memcpy (b_469 + 8778, " IGNORING", 9);
04587       memset (b_469 + 8778 + 9, 32, 24);
04588       memcpy (b_469 + 8811, " IN", 3);
04589       memset (b_469 + 8811 + 3, 32, 30);
04590       memcpy (b_469 + 8844, " INDEX", 6);
04591       memset (b_469 + 8844 + 6, 32, 27);
04592       memcpy (b_469 + 8877, "KINDEXED", 8);
04593       memset (b_469 + 8877 + 8, 32, 25);
04594       memcpy (b_469 + 8910, " INDICATE", 9);
04595       memset (b_469 + 8910 + 9, 32, 24);
04596       memcpy (b_469 + 8943, " INFINITY", 9);
04597       memset (b_469 + 8943 + 9, 32, 24);
04598       memcpy (b_469 + 8976, " INHERITS", 9);
04599       memset (b_469 + 8976 + 9, 32, 24);
04600       memcpy (b_469 + 9009, " INITIAL", 8);
04601       memset (b_469 + 9009 + 8, 32, 25);
04602       memcpy (b_469 + 9042, " INITIALISED", 12);
04603       memset (b_469 + 9042 + 12, 32, 21);
04604       memcpy (b_469 + 9075, "VINITIALIZE", 11);
04605       memset (b_469 + 9075 + 11, 32, 22);
04606       memcpy (b_469 + 9108, " INITIALIZED", 12);
04607       memset (b_469 + 9108 + 12, 32, 21);
04608       memcpy (b_469 + 9141, "VINITIATE", 9);
04609       memset (b_469 + 9141 + 9, 32, 24);
04610       memcpy (b_469 + 9174, " INPUT", 6);
04611       memset (b_469 + 9174 + 6, 32, 27);
04612       memcpy (b_469 + 9207, "KINPUT-OUTPUT", 13);
04613       memset (b_469 + 9207 + 13, 32, 20);
04614       memcpy (b_469 + 9240, "VINSPECT", 8);
04615       memset (b_469 + 9240 + 8, 32, 25);
04616       memcpy (b_469 + 9273, " INSTALLATION", 13);
04617       memset (b_469 + 9273 + 13, 32, 20);
04618       memcpy (b_469 + 9306, "IINTEGER", 8);
04619       memset (b_469 + 9306 + 8, 32, 25);
04620       memcpy (b_469 + 9339, "IINTEGER-OF-DATE", 16);
04621       memset (b_469 + 9339 + 16, 32, 17);
04622       memcpy (b_469 + 9372, "IINTEGER-OF-DAY", 15);
04623       memset (b_469 + 9372 + 15, 32, 18);
04624       memcpy (b_469 + 9405, "IINTEGER-PART", 13);
04625       memset (b_469 + 9405 + 13, 32, 20);
04626       memcpy (b_469 + 9438, " INTERFACE", 10);
04627       memset (b_469 + 9438 + 10, 32, 23);
04628       memcpy (b_469 + 9471, " INTERFACE-ID", 13);
04629       memset (b_469 + 9471 + 13, 32, 20);
04630       memcpy (b_469 + 9504, "KINTO", 5);
04631       memset (b_469 + 9504 + 5, 32, 28);
04632       memcpy (b_469 + 9537, " INTRINSIC", 10);
04633       memset (b_469 + 9537 + 10, 32, 23);
04634       memcpy (b_469 + 9570, " INVALID", 8);
04635       memset (b_469 + 9570 + 8, 32, 25);
04636       memcpy (b_469 + 9603, " INVOKE", 7);
04637       memset (b_469 + 9603 + 7, 32, 26);
04638       memcpy (b_469 + 9636, " IS", 3);
04639       memset (b_469 + 9636 + 3, 32, 30);
04640       memcpy (b_469 + 9669, " JUST", 5);
04641       memset (b_469 + 9669 + 5, 32, 28);
04642       memcpy (b_469 + 9702, " JUSTIFIED", 10);
04643       memset (b_469 + 9702 + 10, 32, 23);
04644       memcpy (b_469 + 9735, " KEY", 4);
04645       memset (b_469 + 9735 + 4, 32, 29);
04646       memcpy (b_469 + 9768, " LABEL", 6);
04647       memset (b_469 + 9768 + 6, 32, 27);
04648       memcpy (b_469 + 9801, " LAST", 5);
04649       memset (b_469 + 9801 + 5, 32, 28);
04650       memcpy (b_469 + 9834, " LEADING", 8);
04651       memset (b_469 + 9834 + 8, 32, 25);
04652       memcpy (b_469 + 9867, " LEFT", 5);
04653       memset (b_469 + 9867 + 5, 32, 28);
04654       memcpy (b_469 + 9900, " LEFT-JUSTIFY", 13);
04655       memset (b_469 + 9900 + 13, 32, 20);
04656       memcpy (b_469 + 9933, "ILENGTH", 7);
04657       memset (b_469 + 9933 + 7, 32, 26);
04658       memcpy (b_469 + 9966, " LESS", 5);
04659       memset (b_469 + 9966 + 5, 32, 28);
04660       memcpy (b_469 + 9999, " LIMIT", 6);
04661       memset (b_469 + 9999 + 6, 32, 27);
04662       memcpy (b_469 + 10032, " LIMITS", 7);
04663       memset (b_469 + 10032 + 7, 32, 26);
04664       memcpy (b_469 + 10065, " LINAGE", 7);
04665       memset (b_469 + 10065 + 7, 32, 26);
04666       memcpy (b_469 + 10098, "ILINAGE-COUNTER", 15);
04667       memset (b_469 + 10098 + 15, 32, 18);
04668       memcpy (b_469 + 10131, " LINE", 5);
04669       memset (b_469 + 10131 + 5, 32, 28);
04670       memcpy (b_469 + 10164, " LINE-COUNTER", 13);
04671       memset (b_469 + 10164 + 13, 32, 20);
04672       memcpy (b_469 + 10197, " LINES", 6);
04673       memset (b_469 + 10197 + 6, 32, 27);
04674       memcpy (b_469 + 10230, "KLINKAGE", 8);
04675       memset (b_469 + 10230 + 8, 32, 25);
04676       memcpy (b_469 + 10263, "KLOCAL-STORAGE", 14);
04677       memset (b_469 + 10263 + 14, 32, 19);
04678       memcpy (b_469 + 10296, " LOCALE", 7);
04679       memset (b_469 + 10296 + 7, 32, 26);
04680       memcpy (b_469 + 10329, "ILOCALE-DATE", 12);
04681       memset (b_469 + 10329 + 12, 32, 21);
04682       memcpy (b_469 + 10362, "ILOCALE-TIME", 12);
04683       memset (b_469 + 10362 + 12, 32, 21);
04684       memcpy (b_469 + 10395, "ILOCALE-TIME-FROM-SECONDS", 25);
04685       memset (b_469 + 10395 + 25, 32, 8);
04686       memcpy (b_469 + 10428, " LOCK", 5);
04687       memset (b_469 + 10428 + 5, 32, 28);
04688       memcpy (b_469 + 10461, "ILOG", 4);
04689       memset (b_469 + 10461 + 4, 32, 29);
04690       memcpy (b_469 + 10494, "ILOG10", 6);
04691       memset (b_469 + 10494 + 6, 32, 27);
04692       memcpy (b_469 + 10527, " LOW-VALUE", 10);
04693       memset (b_469 + 10527 + 10, 32, 23);
04694       memcpy (b_469 + 10560, " LOW-VALUES", 11);
04695       memset (b_469 + 10560 + 11, 32, 22);
04696       memcpy (b_469 + 10593, " LOWER", 6);
04697       memset (b_469 + 10593 + 6, 32, 27);
04698       memcpy (b_469 + 10626, "ILOWER-CASE", 11);
04699       memset (b_469 + 10626 + 11, 32, 22);
04700       memcpy (b_469 + 10659, " LOWLIGHT", 9);
04701       memset (b_469 + 10659 + 9, 32, 24);
04702       memcpy (b_469 + 10692, " MANUAL", 7);
04703       memset (b_469 + 10692 + 7, 32, 26);
04704       memcpy (b_469 + 10725, "IMAX", 4);
04705       memset (b_469 + 10725 + 4, 32, 29);
04706       memcpy (b_469 + 10758, "IMEAN", 5);
04707       memset (b_469 + 10758 + 5, 32, 28);
04708       memcpy (b_469 + 10791, "IMEDIAN", 7);
04709       memset (b_469 + 10791 + 7, 32, 26);
04710       memcpy (b_469 + 10824, " MEMORY", 7);
04711       memset (b_469 + 10824 + 7, 32, 26);
04712       memcpy (b_469 + 10857, "VMERGE", 6);
04713       memset (b_469 + 10857 + 6, 32, 27);
04714       memcpy (b_469 + 10890, " METHOD", 7);
04715       memset (b_469 + 10890 + 7, 32, 26);
04716       memcpy (b_469 + 10923, " METHOD-ID", 10);
04717       memset (b_469 + 10923 + 10, 32, 23);
04718       memcpy (b_469 + 10956, "IMIDRANGE", 9);
04719       memset (b_469 + 10956 + 9, 32, 24);
04720       memcpy (b_469 + 10989, "IMIN", 4);
04721       memset (b_469 + 10989 + 4, 32, 29);
04722       memcpy (b_469 + 11022, " MINUS", 6);
04723       memset (b_469 + 11022 + 6, 32, 27);
04724       memcpy (b_469 + 11055, "IMOD", 4);
04725       memset (b_469 + 11055 + 4, 32, 29);
04726       memcpy (b_469 + 11088, " MODE", 5);
04727       memset (b_469 + 11088 + 5, 32, 28);
04728       memcpy (b_469 + 11121, "VMOVE", 5);
04729       memset (b_469 + 11121 + 5, 32, 28);
04730       memcpy (b_469 + 11154, " MULTIPLE", 9);
04731       memset (b_469 + 11154 + 9, 32, 24);
04732       memcpy (b_469 + 11187, "VMULTIPLY", 9);
04733       memset (b_469 + 11187 + 9, 32, 24);
04734       memcpy (b_469 + 11220, " NATIONAL", 9);
04735       memset (b_469 + 11220 + 9, 32, 24);
04736       memcpy (b_469 + 11253, " NATIONAL-EDITED", 16);
04737       memset (b_469 + 11253 + 16, 32, 17);
04738       memcpy (b_469 + 11286, " NATIVE", 7);
04739       memset (b_469 + 11286 + 7, 32, 26);
04740       memcpy (b_469 + 11319, " NEGATIVE", 9);
04741       memset (b_469 + 11319 + 9, 32, 24);
04742       memcpy (b_469 + 11352, " NESTED", 7);
04743       memset (b_469 + 11352 + 7, 32, 26);
04744       memcpy (b_469 + 11385, "VNEXT", 5);
04745       memset (b_469 + 11385 + 5, 32, 28);
04746       memcpy (b_469 + 11418, " NO", 3);
04747       memset (b_469 + 11418 + 3, 32, 30);
04748       memcpy (b_469 + 11451, " NOT", 4);
04749       memset (b_469 + 11451 + 4, 32, 29);
04750       memcpy (b_469 + 11484, " NULL", 5);
04751       memset (b_469 + 11484 + 5, 32, 28);
04752       memcpy (b_469 + 11517, " NULLS", 6);
04753       memset (b_469 + 11517 + 6, 32, 27);
04754       memcpy (b_469 + 11550, " NUMBER", 7);
04755       memset (b_469 + 11550 + 7, 32, 26);
04756       memcpy (b_469 + 11583, "INUMBER-OF-CALL-PARAMETERS", 26);
04757       memset (b_469 + 11583 + 26, 32, 7);
04758       memcpy (b_469 + 11616, " NUMBERS", 8);
04759       memset (b_469 + 11616 + 8, 32, 25);
04760       memcpy (b_469 + 11649, " NUMERIC", 8);
04761       memset (b_469 + 11649 + 8, 32, 25);
04762       memcpy (b_469 + 11682, " NUMERIC-EDITED", 15);
04763       memset (b_469 + 11682 + 15, 32, 18);
04764       memcpy (b_469 + 11715, "INUMVAL", 7);
04765       memset (b_469 + 11715 + 7, 32, 26);
04766       memcpy (b_469 + 11748, "INUMVAL-C", 9);
04767       memset (b_469 + 11748 + 9, 32, 24);
04768       memcpy (b_469 + 11781, " OBJECT", 7);
04769       memset (b_469 + 11781 + 7, 32, 26);
04770       memcpy (b_469 + 11814, " OBJECT-COMPUTER", 16);
04771       memset (b_469 + 11814 + 16, 32, 17);
04772       memcpy (b_469 + 11847, " OBJECT-REFERENCE", 17);
04773       memset (b_469 + 11847 + 17, 32, 16);
04774       memcpy (b_469 + 11880, " OCCURS", 7);
04775       memset (b_469 + 11880 + 7, 32, 26);
04776       memcpy (b_469 + 11913, " OF", 3);
04777       memset (b_469 + 11913 + 3, 32, 30);
04778       memcpy (b_469 + 11946, " OFF", 4);
04779       memset (b_469 + 11946 + 4, 32, 29);
04780       memcpy (b_469 + 11979, " OMITTED", 8);
04781       memset (b_469 + 11979 + 8, 32, 25);
04782       memcpy (b_469 + 12012, " ON", 3);
04783       memset (b_469 + 12012 + 3, 32, 30);
04784       memcpy (b_469 + 12045, " ONLY", 5);
04785       memset (b_469 + 12045 + 5, 32, 28);
04786       memcpy (b_469 + 12078, "VOPEN", 5);
04787       memset (b_469 + 12078 + 5, 32, 28);
04788       memcpy (b_469 + 12111, " OPTIONAL", 9);
04789       memset (b_469 + 12111 + 9, 32, 24);
04790       memcpy (b_469 + 12144, " OPTIONS", 8);
04791       memset (b_469 + 12144 + 8, 32, 25);
04792       memcpy (b_469 + 12177, " OR", 3);
04793       memset (b_469 + 12177 + 3, 32, 30);
04794       memcpy (b_469 + 12210, "IORD", 4);
04795       memset (b_469 + 12210 + 4, 32, 29);
04796       memcpy (b_469 + 12243, "IORD-MAX", 8);
04797       memset (b_469 + 12243 + 8, 32, 25);
04798       memcpy (b_469 + 12276, "IORD-MIN", 8);
04799       memset (b_469 + 12276 + 8, 32, 25);
04800       memcpy (b_469 + 12309, " ORDER", 6);
04801       memset (b_469 + 12309 + 6, 32, 27);
04802       memcpy (b_469 + 12342, " ORGANIZATION", 13);
04803       memset (b_469 + 12342 + 13, 32, 20);
04804       memcpy (b_469 + 12375, " OTHER", 6);
04805       memset (b_469 + 12375 + 6, 32, 27);
04806       memcpy (b_469 + 12408, " OUTPUT", 7);
04807       memset (b_469 + 12408 + 7, 32, 26);
04808       memcpy (b_469 + 12441, " OVERFLOW", 9);
04809       memset (b_469 + 12441 + 9, 32, 24);
04810       memcpy (b_469 + 12474, " OVERLINE", 9);
04811       memset (b_469 + 12474 + 9, 32, 24);
04812       memcpy (b_469 + 12507, " OVERRIDE", 9);
04813       memset (b_469 + 12507 + 9, 32, 24);
04814       memcpy (b_469 + 12540, " PACKED-DECIMAL", 15);
04815       memset (b_469 + 12540 + 15, 32, 18);
04816       memcpy (b_469 + 12573, " PADDING", 8);
04817       memset (b_469 + 12573 + 8, 32, 25);
04818       memcpy (b_469 + 12606, " PAGE", 5);
04819       memset (b_469 + 12606 + 5, 32, 28);
04820       memcpy (b_469 + 12639, " PAGE-COUNTER", 13);
04821       memset (b_469 + 12639 + 13, 32, 20);
04822       memcpy (b_469 + 12672, " PARAGRAPH", 10);
04823       memset (b_469 + 12672 + 10, 32, 23);
04824       memcpy (b_469 + 12705, "VPERFORM", 8);
04825       memset (b_469 + 12705 + 8, 32, 25);
04826       memcpy (b_469 + 12738, " PF", 3);
04827       memset (b_469 + 12738 + 3, 32, 30);
04828       memcpy (b_469 + 12771, " PH", 3);
04829       memset (b_469 + 12771 + 3, 32, 30);
04830       memcpy (b_469 + 12804, "IPI", 3);
04831       memset (b_469 + 12804 + 3, 32, 30);
04832       memcpy (b_469 + 12837, "KPIC", 4);
04833       memset (b_469 + 12837 + 4, 32, 29);
04834       memcpy (b_469 + 12870, "KPICTURE", 8);
04835       memset (b_469 + 12870 + 8, 32, 25);
04836       memcpy (b_469 + 12903, " PLUS", 5);
04837       memset (b_469 + 12903 + 5, 32, 28);
04838       memcpy (b_469 + 12936, "KPOINTER", 8);
04839       memset (b_469 + 12936 + 8, 32, 25);
04840       memcpy (b_469 + 12969, " POSITION", 9);
04841       memset (b_469 + 12969 + 9, 32, 24);
04842       memcpy (b_469 + 13002, " POSITIVE", 9);
04843       memset (b_469 + 13002 + 9, 32, 24);
04844       memcpy (b_469 + 13035, " PRESENT", 8);
04845       memset (b_469 + 13035 + 8, 32, 25);
04846       memcpy (b_469 + 13068, "IPRESENT-VALUE", 14);
04847       memset (b_469 + 13068 + 14, 32, 19);
04848       memcpy (b_469 + 13101, " PREVIOUS", 9);
04849       memset (b_469 + 13101 + 9, 32, 24);
04850       memcpy (b_469 + 13134, "MPRINTER", 8);
04851       memset (b_469 + 13134 + 8, 32, 25);
04852       memcpy (b_469 + 13167, " PRINTING", 9);
04853       memset (b_469 + 13167 + 9, 32, 24);
04854       memcpy (b_469 + 13200, "KPROCEDURE", 10);
04855       memset (b_469 + 13200 + 10, 32, 23);
04856       memcpy (b_469 + 13233, " PROCEDURE-POINTER", 18);
04857       memset (b_469 + 13233 + 18, 32, 15);
04858       memcpy (b_469 + 13266, " PROCEDURES", 11);
04859       memset (b_469 + 13266 + 11, 32, 22);
04860       memcpy (b_469 + 13299, " PROCEED", 8);
04861       memset (b_469 + 13299 + 8, 32, 25);
04862       memcpy (b_469 + 13332, " PROGRAM", 8);
04863       memset (b_469 + 13332 + 8, 32, 25);
04864       memcpy (b_469 + 13365, "KPROGRAM-ID", 11);
04865       memset (b_469 + 13365 + 11, 32, 22);
04866       memcpy (b_469 + 13398, " PROGRAM-POINTER", 16);
04867       memset (b_469 + 13398 + 16, 32, 17);
04868       memcpy (b_469 + 13431, " PROMPT", 7);
04869       memset (b_469 + 13431 + 7, 32, 26);
04870       memcpy (b_469 + 13464, " PROPERTY", 9);
04871       memset (b_469 + 13464 + 9, 32, 24);
04872       memcpy (b_469 + 13497, " PROTOTYPE", 10);
04873       memset (b_469 + 13497 + 10, 32, 23);
04874       memcpy (b_469 + 13530, " QUOTE", 6);
04875       memset (b_469 + 13530 + 6, 32, 27);
04876       memcpy (b_469 + 13563, " QUOTES", 7);
04877       memset (b_469 + 13563 + 7, 32, 26);
04878       memcpy (b_469 + 13596, " RAISE", 6);
04879       memset (b_469 + 13596 + 6, 32, 27);
04880       memcpy (b_469 + 13629, " RAISING", 8);
04881       memset (b_469 + 13629 + 8, 32, 25);
04882       memcpy (b_469 + 13662, "IRANDOM", 7);
04883       memset (b_469 + 13662 + 7, 32, 26);
04884       memcpy (b_469 + 13695, "IRANGE", 6);
04885       memset (b_469 + 13695 + 6, 32, 27);
04886       memcpy (b_469 + 13728, " RD", 3);
04887       memset (b_469 + 13728 + 3, 32, 30);
04888       memcpy (b_469 + 13761, "VREAD", 5);
04889       memset (b_469 + 13761 + 5, 32, 28);
04890       memcpy (b_469 + 13794, "VREADY", 6);
04891       memset (b_469 + 13794 + 6, 32, 27);
04892       memcpy (b_469 + 13827, " RECORD", 7);
04893       memset (b_469 + 13827 + 7, 32, 26);
04894       memcpy (b_469 + 13860, " RECORDING", 10);
04895       memset (b_469 + 13860 + 10, 32, 23);
04896       memcpy (b_469 + 13893, " RECORDS", 8);
04897       memset (b_469 + 13893 + 8, 32, 25);
04898       memcpy (b_469 + 13926, " RECURSIVE", 10);
04899       memset (b_469 + 13926 + 10, 32, 23);
04900       memcpy (b_469 + 13959, "KREDEFINES", 10);
04901       memset (b_469 + 13959 + 10, 32, 23);
04902       memcpy (b_469 + 13992, " REEL", 5);
04903       memset (b_469 + 13992 + 5, 32, 28);
04904       memcpy (b_469 + 14025, " REFERENCE", 10);
04905       memset (b_469 + 14025 + 10, 32, 23);
04906       memcpy (b_469 + 14058, " RELATIVE", 9);
04907       memset (b_469 + 14058 + 9, 32, 24);
04908       memcpy (b_469 + 14091, "VRELEASE", 8);
04909       memset (b_469 + 14091 + 8, 32, 25);
04910       memcpy (b_469 + 14124, "IREM", 4);
04911       memset (b_469 + 14124 + 4, 32, 29);
04912       memcpy (b_469 + 14157, " REMAINDER", 10);
04913       memset (b_469 + 14157 + 10, 32, 23);
04914       memcpy (b_469 + 14190, " REMARKS", 8);
04915       memset (b_469 + 14190 + 8, 32, 25);
04916       memcpy (b_469 + 14223, " REMOVAL", 8);
04917       memset (b_469 + 14223 + 8, 32, 25);
04918       memcpy (b_469 + 14256, "KRENAMES", 8);
04919       memset (b_469 + 14256 + 8, 32, 25);
04920       memcpy (b_469 + 14289, "KREPLACING", 10);
04921       memset (b_469 + 14289 + 10, 32, 23);
04922       memcpy (b_469 + 14322, "KREPORT", 7);
04923       memset (b_469 + 14322 + 7, 32, 26);
04924       memcpy (b_469 + 14355, " REPORTING", 10);
04925       memset (b_469 + 14355 + 10, 32, 23);
04926       memcpy (b_469 + 14388, " REPORTS", 8);
04927       memset (b_469 + 14388 + 8, 32, 25);
04928       memcpy (b_469 + 14421, " REPOSITORY", 11);
04929       memset (b_469 + 14421 + 11, 32, 22);
04930       memcpy (b_469 + 14454, " REPRESENTS-NOT-A-NUMBER", 24);
04931       memset (b_469 + 14454 + 24, 32, 9);
04932       memcpy (b_469 + 14487, " REQUIRED", 9);
04933       memset (b_469 + 14487 + 9, 32, 24);
04934       memcpy (b_469 + 14520, " RESERVE", 8);
04935       memset (b_469 + 14520 + 8, 32, 25);
04936       memcpy (b_469 + 14553, " RESUME", 7);
04937       memset (b_469 + 14553 + 7, 32, 26);
04938       memcpy (b_469 + 14586, " RETRY", 6);
04939       memset (b_469 + 14586 + 6, 32, 27);
04940       memcpy (b_469 + 14619, "VRETURN", 7);
04941       memset (b_469 + 14619 + 7, 32, 26);
04942       memcpy (b_469 + 14652, "IRETURN-CODE", 12);
04943       memset (b_469 + 14652 + 12, 32, 21);
04944       memcpy (b_469 + 14685, "KRETURNING", 10);
04945       memset (b_469 + 14685 + 10, 32, 23);
04946       memcpy (b_469 + 14718, "IREVERSE", 8);
04947       memset (b_469 + 14718 + 8, 32, 25);
04948       memcpy (b_469 + 14751, " REVERSE-VIDEO", 14);
04949       memset (b_469 + 14751 + 14, 32, 19);
04950       memcpy (b_469 + 14784, " REWIND", 7);
04951       memset (b_469 + 14784 + 7, 32, 26);
04952       memcpy (b_469 + 14817, "VREWRITE", 8);
04953       memset (b_469 + 14817 + 8, 32, 25);
04954       memcpy (b_469 + 14850, " RF", 3);
04955       memset (b_469 + 14850 + 3, 32, 30);
04956       memcpy (b_469 + 14883, " RH", 3);
04957       memset (b_469 + 14883 + 3, 32, 30);
04958       memcpy (b_469 + 14916, " RIGHT", 6);
04959       memset (b_469 + 14916 + 6, 32, 27);
04960       memcpy (b_469 + 14949, " RIGHT-JUSTIFY", 14);
04961       memset (b_469 + 14949 + 14, 32, 19);
04962       memcpy (b_469 + 14982, "VROLLBACK", 9);
04963       memset (b_469 + 14982 + 9, 32, 24);
04964       memcpy (b_469 + 15015, " ROUNDED", 8);
04965       memset (b_469 + 15015 + 8, 32, 25);
04966       memcpy (b_469 + 15048, " RUN", 4);
04967       memset (b_469 + 15048 + 4, 32, 29);
04968       memcpy (b_469 + 15081, " SAME", 5);
04969       memset (b_469 + 15081 + 5, 32, 28);
04970       memcpy (b_469 + 15114, "KSCREEN", 7);
04971       memset (b_469 + 15114 + 7, 32, 26);
04972       memcpy (b_469 + 15147, " SCROLL", 7);
04973       memset (b_469 + 15147 + 7, 32, 26);
04974       memcpy (b_469 + 15180, "KSD", 3);
04975       memset (b_469 + 15180 + 3, 32, 30);
04976       memcpy (b_469 + 15213, "VSEARCH", 7);
04977       memset (b_469 + 15213 + 7, 32, 26);
04978       memcpy (b_469 + 15246, "ISECONDS-FROM-FORMATTED-TIME", 28);
04979       memset (b_469 + 15246 + 28, 32, 5);
04980       memcpy (b_469 + 15279, "ISECONDS-PAST-MIDNIGHT", 22);
04981       memset (b_469 + 15279 + 22, 32, 11);
04982       memcpy (b_469 + 15312, "KSECTION", 8);
04983       memset (b_469 + 15312 + 8, 32, 25);
04984       memcpy (b_469 + 15345, " SECURE", 7);
04985       memset (b_469 + 15345 + 7, 32, 26);
04986       memcpy (b_469 + 15378, " SECURITY", 9);
04987       memset (b_469 + 15378 + 9, 32, 24);
04988       memcpy (b_469 + 15411, " SEGMENT-LIMIT", 14);
04989       memset (b_469 + 15411 + 14, 32, 19);
04990       memcpy (b_469 + 15444, " SELECT", 7);
04991       memset (b_469 + 15444 + 7, 32, 26);
04992       memcpy (b_469 + 15477, " SELF", 5);
04993       memset (b_469 + 15477 + 5, 32, 28);
04994       memcpy (b_469 + 15510, " SENTENCE", 9);
04995       memset (b_469 + 15510 + 9, 32, 24);
04996       memcpy (b_469 + 15543, " SEPARATE", 9);
04997       memset (b_469 + 15543 + 9, 32, 24);
04998       memcpy (b_469 + 15576, " SEQUENCE", 9);
04999       memset (b_469 + 15576 + 9, 32, 24);
05000       memcpy (b_469 + 15609, " SEQUENTIAL", 11);
05001       memset (b_469 + 15609 + 11, 32, 22);
05002       memcpy (b_469 + 15642, "VSET", 4);
05003       memset (b_469 + 15642 + 4, 32, 29);
05004       memcpy (b_469 + 15675, " SHARING", 8);
05005       memset (b_469 + 15675 + 8, 32, 25);
05006       memcpy (b_469 + 15708, "ISIGN", 5);
05007       memset (b_469 + 15708 + 5, 32, 28);
05008       memcpy (b_469 + 15741, " SIGNED", 7);
05009       memset (b_469 + 15741 + 7, 32, 26);
05010       memcpy (b_469 + 15774, " SIGNED-INT", 11);
05011       memset (b_469 + 15774 + 11, 32, 22);
05012       memcpy (b_469 + 15807, " SIGNED-LONG", 12);
05013       memset (b_469 + 15807 + 12, 32, 21);
05014       memcpy (b_469 + 15840, " SIGNED-SHORT", 13);
05015       memset (b_469 + 15840 + 13, 32, 20);
05016       memcpy (b_469 + 15873, "ISIN", 4);
05017       memset (b_469 + 15873 + 4, 32, 29);
05018       memcpy (b_469 + 15906, " SIZE", 5);
05019       memset (b_469 + 15906 + 5, 32, 28);
05020       memcpy (b_469 + 15939, "VSORT", 5);
05021       memset (b_469 + 15939 + 5, 32, 28);
05022       memcpy (b_469 + 15972, " SORT-MERGE", 11);
05023       memset (b_469 + 15972 + 11, 32, 22);
05024       memcpy (b_469 + 16005, "ISORT-RETURN", 12);
05025       memset (b_469 + 16005 + 12, 32, 21);
05026       memcpy (b_469 + 16038, " SOURCE", 7);
05027       memset (b_469 + 16038 + 7, 32, 26);
05028       memcpy (b_469 + 16071, " SOURCE-COMPUTER", 16);
05029       memset (b_469 + 16071 + 16, 32, 17);
05030       memcpy (b_469 + 16104, " SOURCES", 8);
05031       memset (b_469 + 16104 + 8, 32, 25);
05032       memcpy (b_469 + 16137, " SPACE", 6);
05033       memset (b_469 + 16137 + 6, 32, 27);
05034       memcpy (b_469 + 16170, " SPACE-FILL", 11);
05035       memset (b_469 + 16170 + 11, 32, 22);
05036       memcpy (b_469 + 16203, " SPACES", 7);
05037       memset (b_469 + 16203 + 7, 32, 26);
05038       memcpy (b_469 + 16236, " SPECIAL-NAMES", 14);
05039       memset (b_469 + 16236 + 14, 32, 19);
05040       memcpy (b_469 + 16269, "ISQRT", 5);
05041       memset (b_469 + 16269 + 5, 32, 28);
05042       memcpy (b_469 + 16302, " STANDARD", 9);
05043       memset (b_469 + 16302 + 9, 32, 24);
05044       memcpy (b_469 + 16335, " STANDARD-1", 11);
05045       memset (b_469 + 16335 + 11, 32, 22);
05046       memcpy (b_469 + 16368, " STANDARD-2", 11);
05047       memset (b_469 + 16368 + 11, 32, 22);
05048       memcpy (b_469 + 16401, "ISTANDARD-DEVIATION", 19);
05049       memset (b_469 + 16401 + 19, 32, 14);
05050       memcpy (b_469 + 16434, "VSTART", 6);
05051       memset (b_469 + 16434 + 6, 32, 27);
05052       memcpy (b_469 + 16467, " STATUS", 7);
05053       memset (b_469 + 16467 + 7, 32, 26);
05054       memcpy (b_469 + 16500, "VSTOP", 5);
05055       memset (b_469 + 16500 + 5, 32, 28);
05056       memcpy (b_469 + 16533, "ISTORED-CHAR-LENGTH", 19);
05057       memset (b_469 + 16533 + 19, 32, 14);
05058       memcpy (b_469 + 16566, "VSTRING", 7);
05059       memset (b_469 + 16566 + 7, 32, 26);
05060       memcpy (b_469 + 16599, "ISUBSTITUTE", 11);
05061       memset (b_469 + 16599 + 11, 32, 22);
05062       memcpy (b_469 + 16632, "ISUBSTITUTE-CASE", 16);
05063       memset (b_469 + 16632 + 16, 32, 17);
05064       memcpy (b_469 + 16665, "VSUBTRACT", 9);
05065       memset (b_469 + 16665 + 9, 32, 24);
05066       memcpy (b_469 + 16698, "ISUM", 4);
05067       memset (b_469 + 16698 + 4, 32, 29);
05068       memcpy (b_469 + 16731, " SUPER", 6);
05069       memset (b_469 + 16731 + 6, 32, 27);
05070       memcpy (b_469 + 16764, "VSUPPRESS", 9);
05071       memset (b_469 + 16764 + 9, 32, 24);
05072       memcpy (b_469 + 16797, "MSWITCH-1", 9);
05073       memset (b_469 + 16797 + 9, 32, 24);
05074       memcpy (b_469 + 16830, "MSWITCH-2", 9);
05075       memset (b_469 + 16830 + 9, 32, 24);
05076       memcpy (b_469 + 16863, "MSWITCH-3", 9);
05077       memset (b_469 + 16863 + 9, 32, 24);
05078       memcpy (b_469 + 16896, "MSWITCH-4", 9);
05079       memset (b_469 + 16896 + 9, 32, 24);
05080       memcpy (b_469 + 16929, "MSWITCH-5", 9);
05081       memset (b_469 + 16929 + 9, 32, 24);
05082       memcpy (b_469 + 16962, "MSWITCH-6", 9);
05083       memset (b_469 + 16962 + 9, 32, 24);
05084       memcpy (b_469 + 16995, "MSWITCH-7", 9);
05085       memset (b_469 + 16995 + 9, 32, 24);
05086       memcpy (b_469 + 17028, "MSWITCH-8", 9);
05087       memset (b_469 + 17028 + 9, 32, 24);
05088       memcpy (b_469 + 17061, " SYMBOLIC", 9);
05089       memset (b_469 + 17061 + 9, 32, 24);
05090       memcpy (b_469 + 17094, " SYNC", 5);
05091       memset (b_469 + 17094 + 5, 32, 28);
05092       memcpy (b_469 + 17127, " SYNCHRONIZED", 13);
05093       memset (b_469 + 17127 + 13, 32, 20);
05094       memcpy (b_469 + 17160, "MSYSERR", 7);
05095       memset (b_469 + 17160 + 7, 32, 26);
05096       memcpy (b_469 + 17193, "MSYSIN", 6);
05097       memset (b_469 + 17193 + 6, 32, 27);
05098       memcpy (b_469 + 17226, "MSYSIPT", 7);
05099       memset (b_469 + 17226 + 7, 32, 26);
05100       memcpy (b_469 + 17259, "MSYSLIST", 8);
05101       memset (b_469 + 17259 + 8, 32, 25);
05102       memcpy (b_469 + 17292, "MSYSLST", 7);
05103       memset (b_469 + 17292 + 7, 32, 26);
05104       memcpy (b_469 + 17325, "MSYSOUT", 7);
05105       memset (b_469 + 17325 + 7, 32, 26);
05106       memcpy (b_469 + 17358, " SYSTEM-DEFAULT", 15);
05107       memset (b_469 + 17358 + 15, 32, 18);
05108       memcpy (b_469 + 17391, " TABLE", 6);
05109       memset (b_469 + 17391 + 6, 32, 27);
05110       memcpy (b_469 + 17424, "KTALLYING", 9);
05111       memset (b_469 + 17424 + 9, 32, 24);
05112       memcpy (b_469 + 17457, "ITAN", 4);
05113       memset (b_469 + 17457 + 4, 32, 29);
05114       memcpy (b_469 + 17490, " TAPE", 5);
05115       memset (b_469 + 17490 + 5, 32, 28);
05116       memcpy (b_469 + 17523, "VTERMINATE", 10);
05117       memset (b_469 + 17523 + 10, 32, 23);
05118       memcpy (b_469 + 17556, " TEST", 5);
05119       memset (b_469 + 17556 + 5, 32, 28);
05120       memcpy (b_469 + 17589, "ITEST-DATE-YYYYMMDD", 19);
05121       memset (b_469 + 17589 + 19, 32, 14);
05122       memcpy (b_469 + 17622, "ITEST-DAY-YYYYDDD", 17);
05123       memset (b_469 + 17622 + 17, 32, 16);
05124       memcpy (b_469 + 17655, " THAN", 5);
05125       memset (b_469 + 17655 + 5, 32, 28);
05126       memcpy (b_469 + 17688, " THEN", 5);
05127       memset (b_469 + 17688 + 5, 32, 28);
05128       memcpy (b_469 + 17721, " THROUGH", 8);
05129       memset (b_469 + 17721 + 8, 32, 25);
05130       memcpy (b_469 + 17754, " THRU", 5);
05131       memset (b_469 + 17754 + 5, 32, 28);
05132       memcpy (b_469 + 17787, " TIME", 5);
05133       memset (b_469 + 17787 + 5, 32, 28);
05134       memcpy (b_469 + 17820, " TIMES", 6);
05135       memset (b_469 + 17820 + 6, 32, 27);
05136       memcpy (b_469 + 17853, "KTO", 3);
05137       memset (b_469 + 17853 + 3, 32, 30);
05138       memcpy (b_469 + 17886, " TOP", 4);
05139       memset (b_469 + 17886 + 4, 32, 29);
05140       memcpy (b_469 + 17919, " TRAILING", 9);
05141       memset (b_469 + 17919 + 9, 32, 24);
05142       memcpy (b_469 + 17952, " TRAILING-SIGN", 14);
05143       memset (b_469 + 17952 + 14, 32, 19);
05144       memcpy (b_469 + 17985, "VTRANSFORM", 10);
05145       memset (b_469 + 17985 + 10, 32, 23);
05146       memcpy (b_469 + 18018, "ITRIM", 5);
05147       memset (b_469 + 18018 + 5, 32, 28);
05148       memcpy (b_469 + 18051, " TRUE", 5);
05149       memset (b_469 + 18051 + 5, 32, 28);
05150       memcpy (b_469 + 18084, " TYPE", 5);
05151       memset (b_469 + 18084 + 5, 32, 28);
05152       memcpy (b_469 + 18117, " TYPEDEF", 8);
05153       memset (b_469 + 18117 + 8, 32, 25);
05154       memcpy (b_469 + 18150, " UNDERLINE", 10);
05155       memset (b_469 + 18150 + 10, 32, 23);
05156       memcpy (b_469 + 18183, " UNIT", 5);
05157       memset (b_469 + 18183 + 5, 32, 28);
05158       memcpy (b_469 + 18216, " UNIVERSAL", 10);
05159       memset (b_469 + 18216 + 10, 32, 23);
05160       memcpy (b_469 + 18249, "VUNLOCK", 7);
05161       memset (b_469 + 18249 + 7, 32, 26);
05162       memcpy (b_469 + 18282, " UNSIGNED", 9);
05163       memset (b_469 + 18282 + 9, 32, 24);
05164       memcpy (b_469 + 18315, " UNSIGNED-INT", 13);
05165       memset (b_469 + 18315 + 13, 32, 20);
05166       memcpy (b_469 + 18348, " UNSIGNED-LONG", 14);
05167       memset (b_469 + 18348 + 14, 32, 19);
05168       memcpy (b_469 + 18381, " UNSIGNED-SHORT", 15);
05169       memset (b_469 + 18381 + 15, 32, 18);
05170       memcpy (b_469 + 18414, "VUNSTRING", 9);
05171       memset (b_469 + 18414 + 9, 32, 24);
05172       memcpy (b_469 + 18447, " UNTIL", 6);
05173       memset (b_469 + 18447 + 6, 32, 27);
05174       memcpy (b_469 + 18480, "KUP", 3);
05175       memset (b_469 + 18480 + 3, 32, 30);
05176       memcpy (b_469 + 18513, " UPDATE", 7);
05177       memset (b_469 + 18513 + 7, 32, 26);
05178       memcpy (b_469 + 18546, " UPON", 5);
05179       memset (b_469 + 18546 + 5, 32, 28);
05180       memcpy (b_469 + 18579, " UPPER", 6);
05181       memset (b_469 + 18579 + 6, 32, 27);
05182       memcpy (b_469 + 18612, "IUPPER-CASE", 11);
05183       memset (b_469 + 18612 + 11, 32, 22);
05184       memcpy (b_469 + 18645, " USAGE", 6);
05185       memset (b_469 + 18645 + 6, 32, 27);
05186       memcpy (b_469 + 18678, "VUSE", 4);
05187       memset (b_469 + 18678 + 4, 32, 29);
05188       memcpy (b_469 + 18711, " USER-DEFAULT", 13);
05189       memset (b_469 + 18711 + 13, 32, 20);
05190       memcpy (b_469 + 18744, "KUSING", 6);
05191       memset (b_469 + 18744 + 6, 32, 27);
05192       memcpy (b_469 + 18777, " VAL-STATUS", 11);
05193       memset (b_469 + 18777 + 11, 32, 22);
05194       memcpy (b_469 + 18810, " VALID", 6);
05195       memset (b_469 + 18810 + 6, 32, 27);
05196       memcpy (b_469 + 18843, " VALIDATE", 9);
05197       memset (b_469 + 18843 + 9, 32, 24);
05198       memcpy (b_469 + 18876, " VALIDATE-STATUS", 16);
05199       memset (b_469 + 18876 + 16, 32, 17);
05200       memcpy (b_469 + 18909, " VALUE", 6);
05201       memset (b_469 + 18909 + 6, 32, 27);
05202       memcpy (b_469 + 18942, " VALUES", 7);
05203       memset (b_469 + 18942 + 7, 32, 26);
05204       memcpy (b_469 + 18975, "IVARIANCE", 9);
05205       memset (b_469 + 18975 + 9, 32, 24);
05206       memcpy (b_469 + 19008, "KVARYING", 8);
05207       memset (b_469 + 19008 + 8, 32, 25);
05208       memcpy (b_469 + 19041, " WAIT", 5);
05209       memset (b_469 + 19041 + 5, 32, 28);
05210       memcpy (b_469 + 19074, "VWHEN", 5);
05211       memset (b_469 + 19074 + 5, 32, 28);
05212       memcpy (b_469 + 19107, "IWHEN-COMPILED", 14);
05213       memset (b_469 + 19107 + 14, 32, 19);
05214       memcpy (b_469 + 19140, " WITH", 5);
05215       memset (b_469 + 19140 + 5, 32, 28);
05216       memcpy (b_469 + 19173, " WORDS", 6);
05217       memset (b_469 + 19173 + 6, 32, 27);
05218       memcpy (b_469 + 19206, "KWORKING-STORAGE", 16);
05219       memset (b_469 + 19206 + 16, 32, 17);
05220       memcpy (b_469 + 19239, "VWRITE", 6);
05221       memset (b_469 + 19239 + 6, 32, 27);
05222       memcpy (b_469 + 19272, "IYEAR-TO-YYYY", 13);
05223       memset (b_469 + 19272 + 13, 32, 20);
05224       memcpy (b_469 + 19305, " YYYYDDD", 8);
05225       memset (b_469 + 19305 + 8, 32, 25);
05226       memcpy (b_469 + 19338, " YYYYMMDD", 9);
05227       memset (b_469 + 19338 + 9, 32, 24);
05228       memcpy (b_469 + 19371, " ZERO", 5);
05229       memset (b_469 + 19371 + 5, 32, 28);
05230       memcpy (b_469 + 19404, " ZERO-FILL", 10);
05231       memset (b_469 + 19404 + 10, 32, 23);
05232       memcpy (b_469 + 19437, " ZEROES", 7);
05233       memset (b_469 + 19437 + 7, 32, 26);
05234       memcpy (b_469 + 19470, " ZEROS", 6);
05235       memset (b_469 + 19470 + 6, 32, 27);
05236       memset (b_1066, 32, 15);
05237       memset (b_1067, 32, 32);
05238       memset (b_1068, 48, 6);
05239       memset (b_1069, 0, 4);
05240       memset (b_1070, 32, 2);
05241       memset (b_1070 + 2, 48, 6);
05242       memset (b_1070 + 8, 32, 140);
05243       memset (b_1105, 0, 4);
05244       memset (b_1106, 48, 8);
05246       if (!h_EXPAND_CODE)
05247       {
05248         h_EXPAND_CODE = cob_malloc (sizeof(cob_file));
05249       }
05250       h_EXPAND_CODE->select_name = (const char *)"Expand-Code";
05251       h_EXPAND_CODE->file_status = h_EXPAND_CODE_status;
05252       memset (h_EXPAND_CODE_status, '0', 2);
05253       h_EXPAND_CODE->assign = &f_431;
05254       h_EXPAND_CODE->record = &f_389;
05255       h_EXPAND_CODE->record_size = NULL;
05256       h_EXPAND_CODE->record_min = 0;
05257       h_EXPAND_CODE->record_max = 257;
05258       h_EXPAND_CODE->nkeys = 0;
05259       h_EXPAND_CODE->keys = NULL;
05260       h_EXPAND_CODE->file = NULL;
05261       h_EXPAND_CODE->organization = 1;
05262       h_EXPAND_CODE->access_mode = 1;
05263       h_EXPAND_CODE->lock_mode = 0;
05264       h_EXPAND_CODE->open_mode = 0;
05265       h_EXPAND_CODE->flag_optional = 0;
05266       h_EXPAND_CODE->last_open_mode = 0;
05267       h_EXPAND_CODE->special = 0;
05268       h_EXPAND_CODE->flag_nonexistent = 0;
05269       h_EXPAND_CODE->flag_end_of_file = 0;
05270       h_EXPAND_CODE->flag_begin_of_file = 0;
05271       h_EXPAND_CODE->flag_first_read = 0;
05272       h_EXPAND_CODE->flag_read_done = 0;
05273       h_EXPAND_CODE->flag_select_features = 0;
05274       h_EXPAND_CODE->flag_needs_nl = 0;
05275       h_EXPAND_CODE->flag_needs_top = 0;
05276       h_EXPAND_CODE->file_version = 0;
05277       if (!h_REPORT_FILE)
05278       {
05279         h_REPORT_FILE = cob_malloc (sizeof(cob_file));
05280       }
05281       h_REPORT_FILE->select_name = (const char *)"Report-File";
05282       h_REPORT_FILE->file_status = h_REPORT_FILE_status;
05283       memset (h_REPORT_FILE_status, '0', 2);
05284       h_REPORT_FILE->assign = &f_468;
05285       h_REPORT_FILE->record = &f_391;
05286       h_REPORT_FILE->record_size = NULL;
05287       h_REPORT_FILE->record_min = 0;
05288       h_REPORT_FILE->record_max = 135;
05289       h_REPORT_FILE->nkeys = 0;
05290       h_REPORT_FILE->keys = NULL;
05291       h_REPORT_FILE->file = NULL;
05292       h_REPORT_FILE->organization = 1;
05293       h_REPORT_FILE->access_mode = 1;
05294       h_REPORT_FILE->lock_mode = 0;
05295       h_REPORT_FILE->open_mode = 0;
05296       h_REPORT_FILE->flag_optional = 0;
05297       h_REPORT_FILE->last_open_mode = 0;
05298       h_REPORT_FILE->special = 0;
05299       h_REPORT_FILE->flag_nonexistent = 0;
05300       h_REPORT_FILE->flag_end_of_file = 0;
05301       h_REPORT_FILE->flag_begin_of_file = 0;
05302       h_REPORT_FILE->flag_first_read = 0;
05303       h_REPORT_FILE->flag_read_done = 0;
05304       h_REPORT_FILE->flag_select_features = 0;
05305       h_REPORT_FILE->flag_needs_nl = 0;
05306       h_REPORT_FILE->flag_needs_top = 0;
05307       h_REPORT_FILE->file_version = 0;
05308       if (!h_SORT_FILE)
05309       {
05310         h_SORT_FILE = cob_malloc (sizeof(cob_file));
05311       }
05312       h_SORT_FILE->select_name = (const char *)"Sort-File";
05313       h_SORT_FILE->file_status = h_SORT_FILE_status;
05314       memset (h_SORT_FILE_status, '0', 2);
05315       h_SORT_FILE->assign = &c_174;
05316       h_SORT_FILE->record = &f_401;
05317       h_SORT_FILE->record_size = NULL;
05318       h_SORT_FILE->record_min = 107;
05319       h_SORT_FILE->record_max = 107;
05320       h_SORT_FILE->nkeys = 0;
05321       h_SORT_FILE->keys = NULL;
05322       h_SORT_FILE->file = NULL;
05323       h_SORT_FILE->organization = 4;
05324       h_SORT_FILE->access_mode = 1;
05325       h_SORT_FILE->lock_mode = 0;
05326       h_SORT_FILE->open_mode = 0;
05327       h_SORT_FILE->flag_optional = 0;
05328       h_SORT_FILE->last_open_mode = 0;
05329       h_SORT_FILE->special = 0;
05330       h_SORT_FILE->flag_nonexistent = 0;
05331       h_SORT_FILE->flag_end_of_file = 0;
05332       h_SORT_FILE->flag_begin_of_file = 0;
05333       h_SORT_FILE->flag_first_read = 0;
05334       h_SORT_FILE->flag_read_done = 0;
05335       h_SORT_FILE->flag_select_features = 0;
05336       h_SORT_FILE->flag_needs_nl = 0;
05337       h_SORT_FILE->flag_needs_top = 0;
05338       h_SORT_FILE->file_version = 0;
05339       if (!h_SOURCE_CODE)
05340       {
05341         h_SOURCE_CODE = cob_malloc (sizeof(cob_file));
05342       }
05343       h_SOURCE_CODE->select_name = (const char *)"Source-Code";
05344       h_SOURCE_CODE->file_status = h_SOURCE_CODE_status;
05345       memset (h_SOURCE_CODE_status, '0', 2);
05346       h_SOURCE_CODE->assign = ( = b_1109, &f_1109);
05347       h_SOURCE_CODE->record = &f_408;
05348       h_SOURCE_CODE->record_size = NULL;
05349       h_SOURCE_CODE->record_min = 0;
05350       h_SOURCE_CODE->record_max = 256;
05351       h_SOURCE_CODE->nkeys = 0;
05352       h_SOURCE_CODE->keys = NULL;
05353       h_SOURCE_CODE->file = NULL;
05354       h_SOURCE_CODE->organization = 1;
05355       h_SOURCE_CODE->access_mode = 1;
05356       h_SOURCE_CODE->lock_mode = 0;
05357       h_SOURCE_CODE->open_mode = 0;
05358       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_optional = 0;
05359       h_SOURCE_CODE->last_open_mode = 0;
05360       h_SOURCE_CODE->special = 0;
05361       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_nonexistent = 0;
05362       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_end_of_file = 0;
05363       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_begin_of_file = 0;
05364       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_first_read = 0;
05365       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_read_done = 0;
05366       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_select_features = 0;
05367       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_needs_nl = 0;
05368       h_SOURCE_CODE->flag_needs_top = 0;
05369       h_SOURCE_CODE->file_version = 0;
05371       initialized = 1;
05372     }
05374   cob_save_call_params = cob_call_params;
05376   /* Entry dispatch */
05377   goto l_70;
05381   /* Entry LISTING */
05383   l_70:;
05385   /* 000-Main SECTION */
05387   /* 001-Init */
05389   /* OCic.cbl:2598: PERFORM */
05390   {
05391     /* PERFORM 100-Initialization */
05392     frame_ptr++;
05393     frame_ptr->perform_through = 73;
05394     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_168;
05395     goto l_73;
05396     l_168:
05397     frame_ptr--;
05398   }
05399   /* OCic.cbl:2599: PERFORM */
05400   {
05401     /* PERFORM 200-Execute-cobc */
05402     frame_ptr++;
05403     frame_ptr->perform_through = 75;
05404     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_169;
05405     goto l_75;
05406     l_169:
05407     frame_ptr--;
05408   }
05409   /* OCic.cbl:2600: OPEN */
05410   {
05411     cob_exception_code = 0;
05412     {
05413       cob_open (h_REPORT_FILE, 2, 1, NULL);
05414     }
05415     if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
05416       {
05417         /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
05418         frame_ptr++;
05419         frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
05420         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_170;
05421         goto l_1;
05422         l_170:
05423         frame_ptr--;
05424       }
05425   }
05426   /* OCic.cbl:2601: IF */
05427   {
05428     if (((int)(int)(*(b_1107) - ' ') != 0))
05429       {
05430         /* OCic.cbl:2602: PERFORM */
05431         {
05432           /* PERFORM 500-Produce-Source-Listing */
05433           frame_ptr++;
05434           frame_ptr->perform_through = 125;
05435           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_171;
05436           goto l_125;
05437           l_171:
05438           frame_ptr--;
05439         }
05440       }
05441   }
05442   /* OCic.cbl:2604: IF */
05443   {
05444     if (((int)(int)(*(b_1108) - ' ') != 0))
05445       {
05446         /* OCic.cbl:2605: SORT */
05447         {
05448           cob_file_sort_init (h_SORT_FILE, 3, 0, b_380, NULL);
05449           cob_file_sort_init_key (h_SORT_FILE, 0, &f_393, 0);
05450           cob_file_sort_init_key (h_SORT_FILE, 0, &f_394, 15);
05451           cob_file_sort_init_key (h_SORT_FILE, 0, &f_399, 100);
05452           /* PERFORM 300-Tokenize-Source */
05453           frame_ptr++;
05454           frame_ptr->perform_through = 78;
05455           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_172;
05456           goto l_78;
05457           l_172:
05458           frame_ptr--;
05459           /* PERFORM 400-Produce-Xref-Listing */
05460           frame_ptr++;
05461           frame_ptr->perform_through = 118;
05462           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_173;
05463           goto l_118;
05464           l_173:
05465           frame_ptr--;
05466           cob_file_sort_close (h_SORT_FILE);
05467         }
05468       }
05469   }
05470   /* OCic.cbl:2612: CLOSE */
05471   {
05472     cob_exception_code = 0;
05473     {
05474       cob_close (h_REPORT_FILE, 0, NULL);
05475     }
05476     if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
05477       {
05478         /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
05479         frame_ptr++;
05480         frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
05481         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_174;
05482         goto l_1;
05483         l_174:
05484         frame_ptr--;
05485       }
05486   }
05487   /* OCic.cbl:2613: GOBACK */
05488   {
05489     goto exit_program;
05490   }
05492   /* 100-Initialization SECTION */
05494   l_73:;
05496   /* 101-Establish-Working-Env */
05498   /* OCic.cbl:2621: MOVE */
05499   {
05500     cob_move (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, ( = b_1109, &f_1109), 1), ( = b_1109, &f_1109));
05501   }
05502   /* OCic.cbl:2622: ACCEPT */
05503   {
05504     cob_get_environment (&c_129, &f_430);
05505   }
05506   /* OCic.cbl:2625: ACCEPT */
05507   {
05508     cob_get_environment (&c_175, &f_462);
05509   }
05510   /* OCic.cbl:2628: INSPECT */
05511   {
05512     cob_inspect_init (( = b_1109, &f_1109), 1);
05513     cob_inspect_start ();
05514     cob_inspect_all (&c_133, &c_176);
05515     cob_inspect_finish ();
05516   }
05517   /* OCic.cbl:2629: INSPECT */
05518   {
05519     cob_inspect_init (&f_430, 1);
05520     cob_inspect_start ();
05521     cob_inspect_all (&c_133, &c_176);
05522     cob_inspect_finish ();
05523   }
05524   /* OCic.cbl:2630: MOVE */
05525   {
05526     memcpy (b_467, b_1109, 256);
05527   }
05528   /* OCic.cbl:2631: MOVE */
05529   {
05530     memcpy (b_452, b_467, 135);
05531   }
05532   /* OCic.cbl:2632: CALL */
05533   {
05534     {
05536       module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = &f_452;
05537       module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = &c_177;
05538       module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
05539       module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
05540       module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
05541       module.cob_procedure_parameters[5] = NULL;
05542       cob_call_params = 2;
05543       (*(int *) (b_379)) = cob_acuw_justify (b_452, (unsigned char *)"Right");
05544     }
05545   }
05546   /* OCic.cbl:2635: MOVE */
05547   {
05548     cob_move (cob_intr_length (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, ( = b_1109, &f_1109), 2)), &f_458);
05549   }
05550   /* OCic.cbl:2636: MOVE */
05551   {
05552     (*(int *)(b_459)) = 0;
05553   }
05554   /* OCic.cbl:2637: PERFORM */
05555   {
05556     while (1)
05557       {
05558         if ((((int)(int)(*(b_1109 + ((*(int *)(b_458)) - 1)) - 47) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_458, 0) == 0)))
05559           break;
05560         {
05561           /* OCic.cbl:2639: SUBTRACT */
05562           {
05563             (*(int *)(b_458)) = ((*(int *)(b_458)) - 1);
05564           }
05565           /* OCic.cbl:2640: ADD */
05566           {
05567             (*(int *)(b_459)) = ((*(int *)(b_459)) + 1);
05568           }
05569         }
05570       }
05571   }
05572   /* OCic.cbl:2642: UNSTRING */
05573   {
05574     cob_unstring_init ((f0.size = (*(int *)(b_459)), = b_1109 + (((*(int *)(b_458)) + 1) - 1), f0.attr = &a_2, &f0), 0, 1);
05575     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_140, 0);
05576     cob_unstring_into (&f_432, 0, 0);
05577     cob_unstring_into (&f_429, 0, 0);
05578     cob_unstring_finish ();
05579   }
05580   /* OCic.cbl:2645: STRING */
05581   {
05582     cob_string_init (&f_431, 0);
05583     cob_string_delimited (0);
05584     cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_430, 2));
05585     cob_string_append (&c_133);
05586     cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_432, 2));
05587     cob_string_append (&c_178);
05588     cob_string_finish ();
05589   }
05590   /* OCic.cbl:2652: STRING */
05591   {
05592     cob_string_init (&f_468, 0);
05593     cob_string_delimited (0);
05594     cob_string_append ((f0.size = (*(int *)(b_458)), = b_467 + 0, f0.attr = &a_2, &f0));
05595     cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_432, 2));
05596     cob_string_append (&c_161);
05597     cob_string_finish ();
05598   }
05599   /* OCic.cbl:2658: IF */
05600   {
05601     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_462, &cob_space) != 0))
05602       {
05603         /* OCic.cbl:2659: MOVE */
05604         {
05605           cob_move (cob_intr_numval (&f_462), &f_461);
05606         }
05607       }
05608     else
05609       {
05610         /* OCic.cbl:2661: MOVE */
05611         {
05612           (*(int *)(b_461)) = 60;
05613         }
05614       }
05615   }
05616   /* OCic.cbl:2663: ACCEPT */
05617   {
05618     cob_accept_date_yyyymmdd (&f_1106);
05619   }
05620   /* OCic.cbl:2666: MOVE */
05621   {
05622     cob_move (&f_1106, &f_451);
05623     cob_move (&f_1106, &f_448);
05624   }
05625   /* OCic.cbl:2668: MOVE */
05626   {
05627     memcpy (b_1070 + 8, "????????????...", 15);
05628   }
05629   /* OCic.cbl:2669: MOVE */
05630   {
05631     memset (b_1070 + 102, 32, 12);
05632     memset (b_457, 32, 100);
05633   }
05634   /* OCic.cbl:2671: MOVE */
05635   {
05636     *(b_433 + 1) = 89;
05637   }
05639   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 73)
05640     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
05642   /* 200-Execute-cobc SECTION */
05644   l_75:;
05646   /* 201-Build-Cmd */
05648   /* OCic.cbl:2676: STRING */
05649   {
05650     cob_string_init (&f_410, 0);
05651     cob_string_delimited (0);
05652     cob_string_append (&c_179);
05653     cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_467, 2));
05654     cob_string_append (&c_180);
05655     cob_string_append (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_431, 2));
05656     cob_string_finish ();
05657   }
05658   /* OCic.cbl:2683: CALL */
05659   {
05660     {
05662       module.cob_procedure_parameters[0] = &f_410;
05663       module.cob_procedure_parameters[1] = NULL;
05664       module.cob_procedure_parameters[2] = NULL;
05665       module.cob_procedure_parameters[3] = NULL;
05666       module.cob_procedure_parameters[4] = NULL;
05667       cob_call_params = 1;
05668       (*(int *) (b_379)) = SYSTEM (b_410);
05669     }
05670   }
05671   /* OCic.cbl:2686: IF */
05672   {
05673     if (((int)((*(int *) (b_379)) - 0) != 0))
05674       {
05675         /* OCic.cbl:2687: DISPLAY */
05676         {
05677           cob_display (1, 1, 1, &c_181);
05678         }
05679         /* OCic.cbl:2691: GOBACK */
05680         {
05681           goto exit_program;
05682         }
05683       }
05684   }
05686   /* 209-Exit */
05688   /* OCic.cbl:2696: EXIT */
05690   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 75)
05691     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
05693   /* 300-Tokenize-Source SECTION */
05695   l_78:;
05697   /* 301-Driver */
05699   /* OCic.cbl:2701: OPEN */
05700   {
05701     cob_exception_code = 0;
05702     {
05703       cob_open (h_EXPAND_CODE, 1, 0, NULL);
05704     }
05705     if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
05706       {
05707         /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
05708         frame_ptr++;
05709         frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
05710         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_175;
05711         goto l_1;
05712         l_175:
05713         frame_ptr--;
05714       }
05715   }
05716   /* OCic.cbl:2702: MOVE */
05717   {
05718     memset (b_389, 32, 257);
05719   }
05720   /* OCic.cbl:2703: MOVE */
05721   {
05722     (*(int *)(b_1069)) = 256;
05723   }
05724   /* OCic.cbl:2704: MOVE */
05725   {
05726     (*(int *)(b_463)) = 0;
05727     memset (b_1070 + 2, 48, 6);
05728   }
05729   /* OCic.cbl:2706: MOVE */
05730   {
05731     *(b_1070 + 1) = 63;
05732   }
05733   /* OCic.cbl:2707: MOVE */
05734   {
05735     *(b_433 + 6) = 78;
05736   }
05737   /* OCic.cbl:2708: PERFORM */
05738   {
05739     while (1)
05740       {
05741         {
05742           /* OCic.cbl:2709: PERFORM */
05743           {
05744             /* PERFORM 310-Get-Token */
05745             frame_ptr++;
05746             frame_ptr->perform_through = 82;
05747             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_176;
05748             goto l_82;
05749             l_176:
05750             frame_ptr--;
05751           }
05752           /* OCic.cbl:2710: IF */
05753           {
05754             if (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 255) == 0))
05755               {
05756                 /* OCic.cbl:2711: EXIT */
05757                 {
05758                   goto l_80;
05759                 }
05760               }
05761           }
05762           /* OCic.cbl:2713: MOVE */
05763           {
05764             cob_move (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, &f_1091), &f_1092);
05765           }
05766           /* OCic.cbl:2715: IF */
05767           {
05768             if (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 86) == 0))
05769               {
05770                 /* OCic.cbl:2716: MOVE */
05771                 {
05772                   memcpy (b_1070 + 102, b_1070 + 70, 12);
05773                   memcpy (b_1070 + 115, b_1070 + 70, 32);
05774                 }
05775                 /* OCic.cbl:2718: IF */
05776                 {
05777                   if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_457, &cob_space) != 0))
05778                     {
05779                       /* OCic.cbl:2719: MOVE */
05780                       {
05781                         cob_move (&f_457, &f_392);
05782                       }
05783                       /* OCic.cbl:2720: MOVE */
05784                       {
05785                         memset (b_457, 32, 100);
05786                       }
05787                       /* OCic.cbl:2721: RELEASE */
05788                       cob_exception_code = 0;
05789                       {
05790                         cob_file_release (h_SORT_FILE);
05791                       }
05792                       if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
05793                         {
05794                           /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
05795                           frame_ptr++;
05796                           frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
05797                           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_177;
05798                           goto l_1;
05799                           l_177:
05800                           frame_ptr--;
05801                         }
05802                     }
05803                 }
05804               }
05805           }
05806           /* OCic.cbl:2724: EVALUATE */
05807           {
05808             if ((((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 1) - 73) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 1) - 63) == 0)))
05809               {
05810                 /* OCic.cbl:2726: PERFORM */
05811                 {
05812                   /* PERFORM 320-IDENTIFICATION-DIVISION */
05813                   frame_ptr++;
05814                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 88;
05815                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_178;
05816                   goto l_88;
05817                   l_178:
05818                   frame_ptr--;
05819                 }
05820               }
05821             else
05822               if (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 1) - 69) == 0))
05823                 {
05824                   /* OCic.cbl:2728: PERFORM */
05825                   {
05826                     /* PERFORM 330-ENVIRONMENT-DIVISION */
05827                     frame_ptr++;
05828                     frame_ptr->perform_through = 90;
05829                     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_179;
05830                     goto l_90;
05831                     l_179:
05832                     frame_ptr--;
05833                   }
05834                 }
05835               else
05836                 if (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 1) - 68) == 0))
05837                   {
05838                     /* OCic.cbl:2730: PERFORM */
05839                     {
05840                       /* PERFORM 340-DATA-DIVISION */
05841                       frame_ptr++;
05842                       frame_ptr->perform_through = 92;
05843                       frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_180;
05844                       goto l_92;
05845                       l_180:
05846                       frame_ptr--;
05847                     }
05848                   }
05849                 else
05850                   if (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 1) - 80) == 0))
05851                     {
05852                       /* OCic.cbl:2732: PERFORM */
05853                       {
05854                         /* PERFORM 350-PROCEDURE-DIVISION */
05855                         frame_ptr++;
05856                         frame_ptr->perform_through = 94;
05857                         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_181;
05858                         goto l_94;
05859                         l_181:
05860                         frame_ptr--;
05861                       }
05862                     }
05863           }
05864           /* OCic.cbl:2734: IF */
05865           {
05866             if ((((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 75) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 86) == 0)))
05867               {
05868                 /* OCic.cbl:2735: MOVE */
05869                 {
05870                   memcpy (b_1070 + 115, b_1070 + 70, 32);
05871                 }
05872               }
05873           }
05874           /* OCic.cbl:2737: IF */
05875           {
05876             if ((((int)(int)(*(b_433 + 5) - 89) == 0) && ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 1) - 73) != 0)))
05877               {
05878                 /* OCic.cbl:2739: MOVE */
05879                 {
05880                   memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
05881                   memset (b_1070 + 102, 32, 12);
05882                 }
05883               }
05884           }
05885         }
05886       }
05888     /* EXIT PERFORM 80 */
05890     l_80:;
05891   }
05892   /* OCic.cbl:2744: CLOSE */
05893   {
05894     cob_exception_code = 0;
05895     {
05896       cob_close (h_EXPAND_CODE, 0, NULL);
05897     }
05898     if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
05899       {
05900         /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
05901         frame_ptr++;
05902         frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
05903         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_182;
05904         goto l_1;
05905         l_182:
05906         frame_ptr--;
05907       }
05908   }
05909   /* OCic.cbl:2745: EXIT */
05910   {
05911     goto l_81;
05912   }
05914   /* 310-Get-Token */
05916   l_82:;
05917   /* OCic.cbl:2750: MOVE */
05918   {
05919     *(b_433 + 3) = *(b_433 + 5);
05920   }
05921   /* OCic.cbl:2751: MOVE */
05922   {
05923     *(b_433 + 5) = 78;
05924   }
05925   /* OCic.cbl:2752: PERFORM */
05926   {
05927     while (1)
05928       {
05929         if (((int)(int)(*(b_389 + ((*(int *)(b_1069)) - 1)) - ' ') != 0))
05930           break;
05931         {
05932           /* OCic.cbl:2753: IF */
05933           {
05934             if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_1069, 255) >  0))
05935               {
05936                 /* OCic.cbl:2754: READ */
05937                 cob_exception_code = 0;
05938                 {
05939                   cob_read (h_EXPAND_CODE, 0, NULL, 1);
05940                 }
05941                 if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
05942                   {
05943                     if (cob_exception_code == 0x0501)
05944                       {
05945                         {
05946                           /* OCic.cbl:2755: IF */
05947                           {
05948                             if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_457, &cob_space) != 0))
05949                               {
05950                                 /* OCic.cbl:2756: MOVE */
05951                                 {
05952                                   cob_move (&f_457, &f_392);
05953                                 }
05954                                 /* OCic.cbl:2757: MOVE */
05955                                 {
05956                                   memset (b_457, 32, 100);
05957                                 }
05958                                 /* OCic.cbl:2758: RELEASE */
05959                                 cob_exception_code = 0;
05960                                 {
05961                                   cob_file_release (h_SORT_FILE);
05962                                 }
05963                                 if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
05964                                   {
05965                                     /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
05966                                     frame_ptr++;
05967                                     frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
05968                                     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_183;
05969                                     goto l_1;
05970                                     l_183:
05971                                     frame_ptr--;
05972                                   }
05973                               }
05974                           }
05975                           /* OCic.cbl:2760: SET */
05976                           {
05977                             *(b_1070 + 147) = 255;
05978                           }
05979                           /* OCic.cbl:2761: MOVE */
05980                           {
05981                             memset (b_1070 + 2, 48, 6);
05982                           }
05983                           /* OCic.cbl:2762: EXIT */
05984                           {
05985                             goto l_83;
05986                           }
05987                         }
05988                       }
05989                     else
05990                       {
05991                         /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
05992                         frame_ptr++;
05993                         frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
05994                         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_184;
05995                         goto l_1;
05996                         l_184:
05997                         frame_ptr--;
05998                       }
05999                   }
06000                 /* OCic.cbl:2764: IF */
06001                 {
06002                   if (((int)(int)(*(b_389) - 35) == 0))
06003                     {
06004                       /* OCic.cbl:2765: PERFORM */
06005                       {
06006                         /* PERFORM 311-Control-Record */
06007                         frame_ptr++;
06008                         frame_ptr->perform_through = 84;
06009                         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_185;
06010                         goto l_84;
06011                         l_185:
06012                         frame_ptr--;
06013                       }
06014                     }
06015                   else
06016                     {
06017                       /* OCic.cbl:2767: PERFORM */
06018                       {
06019                         /* PERFORM 312-Expand-Code-Record */
06020                         frame_ptr++;
06021                         frame_ptr->perform_through = 85;
06022                         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_186;
06023                         goto l_85;
06024                         l_186:
06025                         frame_ptr--;
06026                       }
06027                     }
06028                 }
06029               }
06030             else
06031               {
06032                 /* OCic.cbl:2770: ADD */
06033                 {
06034                   (*(int *)(b_1069)) = ((*(int *)(b_1069)) + 1);
06035                 }
06036               }
06037           }
06038         }
06039       }
06040   }
06041   /* OCic.cbl:2774: MOVE */
06042   {
06043     *(b_1070) = *(b_389 + ((*(int *)(b_1069)) - 1));
06044   }
06045   /* OCic.cbl:2775: MOVE */
06046   {
06047     *(b_1070 + 114) = *(b_389 + (((*(int *)(b_1069)) + 1) - 1));
06048   }
06049   /* OCic.cbl:2776: IF */
06050   {
06051     if (((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 46) == 0))
06052       {
06053         /* OCic.cbl:2777: ADD */
06054         {
06055           (*(int *)(b_1069)) = ((*(int *)(b_1069)) + 1);
06056         }
06057         /* OCic.cbl:2778: MOVE */
06058         {
06059           cob_move (&f_1071, &f_1091);
06060         }
06061         /* OCic.cbl:2779: MOVE */
06062         {
06063           *(b_1070 + 147) = 32;
06064         }
06065         /* OCic.cbl:2780: MOVE */
06066         {
06067           *(b_433 + 5) = 89;
06068         }
06069         /* OCic.cbl:2781: EXIT */
06070         {
06071           goto l_83;
06072         }
06073       }
06074   }
06075   /* OCic.cbl:2783: IF */
06076   {
06077     if (((((((((((((((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 61) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 40) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 41) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 42) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 47) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 38) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 59) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 44) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 60) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 62) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 58) == 0)) && ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 61) == 0)) && ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 1) - 80) == 0)))
06078       {
06079         /* OCic.cbl:2786: ADD */
06080         {
06081           (*(int *)(b_1069)) = ((*(int *)(b_1069)) + 1);
06082         }
06083         /* OCic.cbl:2787: MOVE */
06084         {
06085           cob_move (&c_182, &f_1091);
06086         }
06087         /* OCic.cbl:2788: MOVE */
06088         {
06089           *(b_1070 + 147) = 75;
06090         }
06091         /* OCic.cbl:2789: EXIT */
06092         {
06093           goto l_83;
06094         }
06095       }
06096   }
06097   /* OCic.cbl:2791: IF */
06098   {
06099     if (((((((((((((((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 61) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 40) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 41) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 42) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 47) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 38) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 59) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 44) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 60) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 62) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 58) == 0)) && ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 40) == 0)) && ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 1) - 80) == 0)))
06100       {
06101         /* OCic.cbl:2794: MOVE */
06102         {
06103           memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
06104         }
06105       }
06106   }
06107   /* OCic.cbl:2796: IF */
06108   {
06109     if (((((((((((((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 61) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 40) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 41) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 42) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 47) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 38) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 59) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 44) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 60) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 62) == 0)) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 58) == 0)))
06110       {
06111         /* OCic.cbl:2797: ADD */
06112         {
06113           (*(int *)(b_1069)) = ((*(int *)(b_1069)) + 1);
06114         }
06115         /* OCic.cbl:2798: MOVE */
06116         {
06117           cob_move (&f_1071, &f_1091);
06118         }
06119         /* OCic.cbl:2799: MOVE */
06120         {
06121           *(b_1070 + 147) = 32;
06122         }
06123         /* OCic.cbl:2800: EXIT */
06124         {
06125           goto l_83;
06126         }
06127       }
06128   }
06129   /* OCic.cbl:2802: IF */
06130   {
06131     if ((((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 34) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 39) == 0)))
06132       {
06133         /* OCic.cbl:2803: ADD */
06134         {
06135           (*(int *)(b_1069)) = ((*(int *)(b_1069)) + 1);
06136         }
06137         /* OCic.cbl:2804: UNSTRING */
06138         {
06139           cob_unstring_init (&f_383, &f_1069, 1);
06140           cob_unstring_delimited (&f_1071, 0);
06141           cob_unstring_into (&f_1091, 0, 0);
06142           cob_unstring_finish ();
06143         }
06144         /* OCic.cbl:2809: IF */
06145         {
06146           if (((int)(int)(*(b_389 + ((*(int *)(b_1069)) - 1)) - 46) == 0))
06147             {
06148               /* OCic.cbl:2810: MOVE */
06149               {
06150                 *(b_433 + 5) = 89;
06151               }
06152               /* OCic.cbl:2811: ADD */
06153               {
06154                 (*(int *)(b_1069)) = ((*(int *)(b_1069)) + 1);
06155               }
06156             }
06157         }
06158         /* OCic.cbl:2813: SET */
06159         {
06160           *(b_1070 + 147) = 76;
06161         }
06162         /* OCic.cbl:2814: EXIT */
06163         {
06164           goto l_83;
06165         }
06166       }
06167   }
06168   /* OCic.cbl:2816: IF */
06169   {
06170     if (((((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 120) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 88) == 0)) && (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 114) - 34) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 114) - 39) == 0))))
06171       {
06172         /* OCic.cbl:2817: ADD */
06173         {
06174           (*(int *)(b_1069)) = ((*(int *)(b_1069)) + 2);
06175         }
06176         /* OCic.cbl:2818: UNSTRING */
06177         {
06178           cob_unstring_init (&f_383, &f_1069, 1);
06179           cob_unstring_delimited (&f_1094, 0);
06180           cob_unstring_into (&f_1091, 0, 0);
06181           cob_unstring_finish ();
06182         }
06183         /* OCic.cbl:2823: IF */
06184         {
06185           if (((int)(int)(*(b_389 + ((*(int *)(b_1069)) - 1)) - 46) == 0))
06186             {
06187               /* OCic.cbl:2824: MOVE */
06188               {
06189                 *(b_433 + 5) = 89;
06190               }
06191               /* OCic.cbl:2825: ADD */
06192               {
06193                 (*(int *)(b_1069)) = ((*(int *)(b_1069)) + 1);
06194               }
06195             }
06196         }
06197         /* OCic.cbl:2827: SET */
06198         {
06199           *(b_1070 + 147) = 78;
06200         }
06201         /* OCic.cbl:2828: EXIT */
06202         {
06203           goto l_83;
06204         }
06205       }
06206   }
06207   /* OCic.cbl:2830: IF */
06208   {
06209     if (((((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 122) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070) - 90) == 0)) && (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 114) - 34) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 114) - 39) == 0))))
06210       {
06211         /* OCic.cbl:2831: ADD */
06212         {
06213           (*(int *)(b_1069)) = ((*(int *)(b_1069)) + 2);
06214         }
06215         /* OCic.cbl:2832: UNSTRING */
06216         {
06217           cob_unstring_init (&f_383, &f_1069, 1);
06218           cob_unstring_delimited (&f_1094, 0);
06219           cob_unstring_into (&f_1091, 0, 0);
06220           cob_unstring_finish ();
06221         }
06222         /* OCic.cbl:2837: IF */
06223         {
06224           if (((int)(int)(*(b_389 + ((*(int *)(b_1069)) - 1)) - 46) == 0))
06225             {
06226               /* OCic.cbl:2838: MOVE */
06227               {
06228                 *(b_433 + 5) = 89;
06229               }
06230               /* OCic.cbl:2839: ADD */
06231               {
06232                 (*(int *)(b_1069)) = ((*(int *)(b_1069)) + 1);
06233               }
06234             }
06235         }
06236         /* OCic.cbl:2841: SET */
06237         {
06238           *(b_1070 + 147) = 76;
06239         }
06240         /* OCic.cbl:2842: EXIT */
06241         {
06242           goto l_83;
06243         }
06244       }
06245   }
06246   /* OCic.cbl:2844: IF */
06247   {
06248     if (((int)(int)(*(b_433 + 4) - 89) == 0))
06249       {
06250         /* OCic.cbl:2845: UNSTRING */
06251         {
06252           cob_unstring_init (&f_383, &f_1069, 2);
06253           cob_unstring_delimited (&c_183, 0);
06254           cob_unstring_delimited (&c_138, 0);
06255           cob_unstring_into (&f_1091, &f_411, 0);
06256           cob_unstring_finish ();
06257         }
06258         /* OCic.cbl:2851: IF */
06259         {
06260           if (((int)memcmp (b_411, (unsigned char *)". ", 2) == 0))
06261             {
06262               /* OCic.cbl:2852: MOVE */
06263               {
06264                 *(b_433 + 5) = 89;
06265               }
06266               /* OCic.cbl:2853: ADD */
06267               {
06268                 (*(int *)(b_1069)) = ((*(int *)(b_1069)) + 1);
06269               }
06270             }
06271         }
06272         /* OCic.cbl:2855: IF */
06273         {
06274           if (((int)cob_cmp (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, &f_1091), &c_184) == 0))
06275             {
06276               /* OCic.cbl:2856: MOVE */
06277               {
06278                 *(b_1070 + 147) = 32;
06279               }
06280               /* OCic.cbl:2857: EXIT */
06281               {
06282                 goto l_83;
06283               }
06284             }
06285           else
06286             {
06287               /* OCic.cbl:2859: MOVE */
06288               {
06289                 *(b_433 + 4) = 78;
06290               }
06291               /* OCic.cbl:2860: MOVE */
06292               {
06293                 *(b_1070 + 147) = 32;
06294               }
06295               /* OCic.cbl:2861: EXIT */
06296               {
06297                 goto l_83;
06298               }
06299             }
06300         }
06301       }
06302   }
06303   /* OCic.cbl:2864: UNSTRING */
06304   {
06305     cob_unstring_init (&f_383, &f_1069, 13);
06306     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_183, 0);
06307     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_138, 0);
06308     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_93, 0);
06309     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_185, 0);
06310     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_186, 0);
06311     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_139, 0);
06312     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_133, 0);
06313     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_187, 0);
06314     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_173, 0);
06315     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_188, 0);
06316     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_189, 0);
06317     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_137, 0);
06318     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_132, 0);
06319     cob_unstring_into (&f_1091, &f_411, 0);
06320     cob_unstring_finish ();
06321   }
06322   /* OCic.cbl:2872: IF */
06323   {
06324     if (((int)memcmp (b_411, (unsigned char *)". ", 2) == 0))
06325       {
06326         /* OCic.cbl:2873: MOVE */
06327         {
06328           *(b_433 + 5) = 89;
06329         }
06330       }
06331   }
06332   /* OCic.cbl:2875: IF */
06333   {
06334     if ((((int)memcmp (b_411, (unsigned char *)". ", 2) != 0) && ((int)cob_cmp (&f_411, &c_138) != 0)))
06335       {
06336         /* OCic.cbl:2876: SUBTRACT */
06337         {
06338           (*(int *)(b_1069)) = ((*(int *)(b_1069)) - 1);
06339         }
06340       }
06341   }
06342   /* OCic.cbl:2879: MOVE */
06343   {
06344     cob_move (cob_intr_upper_case (0, 0, &f_1091), &f_1067);
06345   }
06346   /* OCic.cbl:2880: IF */
06347   {
06348     if ((((int)cob_cmp (&f_1067, &c_190) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp (&f_1067, &c_182) == 0)))
06349       {
06350         /* OCic.cbl:2881: MOVE */
06351         {
06352           cob_move (&c_182, &f_1091);
06353         }
06354         /* OCic.cbl:2882: MOVE */
06355         {
06356           *(b_1070 + 147) = 75;
06357         }
06358         /* OCic.cbl:2883: EXIT */
06359         {
06360           goto l_83;
06361         }
06362       }
06363   }
06364   /* OCic.cbl:2885: SEARCH */
06365   {
06366     {
06367       int ret;
06368       int head = 1 - 1;
06369       int tail = 591 + 1;
06370       while (1)
06371         {
06372           if (head >= tail - 1)
06373             {
06374               break;
06375             }
06376           (*(int *) (b_1063)) = (head + tail) / 2;
06377           if (((int)(ret = memcmp (b_469 + 1 + 33 * ((*(int *) (b_1063)) - 1), b_1067, 32)) == 0))
06378             {
06379               /* OCic.cbl:2887: MOVE */
06380               {
06381                 *(b_1070 + 147) = *(b_469 + 33 * ((*(int *) (b_1063)) - 1));
06382               }
06383               /* OCic.cbl:2888: IF */
06384               {
06385                 if (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 86) == 0))
06386                   {
06387                     /* OCic.cbl:2889: MOVE */
06388                     {
06389                       *(b_433 + 6) = 89;
06390                     }
06391                   }
06392               }
06393               /* OCic.cbl:2891: EXIT */
06394               {
06395                 goto l_83;
06396               }
06397             }
06398           else
06399             {
06400               if (ret < 0)
06401                 head = (*(int *) (b_1063));
06402               else
06403                 tail = (*(int *) (b_1063));
06404               continue;
06405             }
06406           break;
06407         }
06408     }
06409   }
06410   /* OCic.cbl:2894: SET */
06411   {
06412     *(b_1070 + 147) = 73;
06413   }
06414   /* OCic.cbl:2895: PERFORM */
06415   {
06416     /* PERFORM 313-Check-For-Numeric-Token */
06417     frame_ptr++;
06418     frame_ptr->perform_through = 86;
06419     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_187;
06420     goto l_86;
06421     l_187:
06422     frame_ptr--;
06423   }
06424   /* OCic.cbl:2896: IF */
06425   {
06426     if (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 78) == 0))
06427       {
06428         /* OCic.cbl:2897: IF */
06429         {
06430           if ((((int)(int)(*(b_433 + 3) - 89) == 0) && ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 1) - 68) == 0)))
06431             {
06432               /* OCic.cbl:2899: MOVE */
06433               {
06434                 cob_move (&c_191, &f_1091);
06435               }
06436               /* OCic.cbl:2900: MOVE */
06437               {
06438                 *(b_1070 + 147) = 75;
06439               }
06440               /* OCic.cbl:2901: EXIT */
06441               {
06442                 goto l_83;
06443               }
06444             }
06445           else
06446             {
06447               /* OCic.cbl:2903: EXIT */
06448               {
06449                 goto l_83;
06450               }
06451             }
06452         }
06453       }
06454   }
06455   /* OCic.cbl:2906: EXIT */
06456   {
06457     goto l_83;
06458   }
06460   /* EXIT PARAGRAPH 83 */
06462   l_83:;
06464   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 82)
06465     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
06467   /* 311-Control-Record */
06469   l_84:;
06470   /* OCic.cbl:2910: UNSTRING */
06471   {
06472     cob_unstring_init (&f_385, 0, 1);
06473     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_91, 0);
06474     cob_unstring_into (&f_464, 0, 0);
06475     cob_unstring_into (&f_466, 0, 0);
06476     cob_unstring_into (&f_429, 0, 0);
06477     cob_unstring_finish ();
06478   }
06479   /* OCic.cbl:2914: INSPECT */
06480   {
06481     cob_inspect_init (&f_464, 1);
06482     cob_inspect_start ();
06483     cob_inspect_all (&cob_space, &c_91);
06484     cob_inspect_finish ();
06485   }
06486   /* OCic.cbl:2915: COMPUTE */
06487   {
06488     {
06489       {
06490         cob_decimal_set_field (&d0, cob_intr_numval (&f_464));
06491         cob_decimal_set_int (&d1, 1);
06492         cob_decimal_sub (&d0, &d1);
06493         cob_decimal_get_field (&d0, &f_458, 0);
06494       }
06495     }
06496   }
06497   /* OCic.cbl:2916: IF */
06498   {
06499     if (((int)cob_cmp (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_466, 2), cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_467, 2)) == 0))
06500       {
06501         /* OCic.cbl:2917: MOVE */
06502         {
06503           cob_move (&f_458, &f_1081);
06504         }
06505         /* OCic.cbl:2918: SET */
06506         {
06507           *(b_433 + 2) = 77;
06508         }
06509         /* OCic.cbl:2919: IF */
06510         {
06511           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1066, &cob_space) != 0))
06512             {
06513               /* OCic.cbl:2920: MOVE */
06514               {
06515                 memcpy (b_1070 + 23, b_1066, 15);
06516               }
06517             }
06518         }
06519       }
06520     else
06521       {
06522         /* OCic.cbl:2923: SET */
06523         {
06524           *(b_433 + 2) = 67;
06525         }
06526         /* OCic.cbl:2924: IF */
06527         {
06528           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1066, &cob_space) == 0))
06529             {
06530               /* OCic.cbl:2925: MOVE */
06531               {
06532                 memcpy (b_1066, b_1070 + 23, 15);
06533               }
06534             }
06535         }
06536         /* OCic.cbl:2927: MOVE */
06537         {
06538           cob_move (cob_intr_length (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_466, 2)), &f_458);
06539         }
06540         /* OCic.cbl:2928: MOVE */
06541         {
06542           (*(int *)(b_459)) = 0;
06543         }
06544         /* OCic.cbl:2929: PERFORM */
06545         {
06546           while (1)
06547             {
06548               if ((((int)(int)(*(b_466 + ((*(int *)(b_458)) - 1)) - 47) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_458, 0) == 0)))
06549                 break;
06550               {
06551                 /* OCic.cbl:2931: SUBTRACT */
06552                 {
06553                   (*(int *)(b_458)) = ((*(int *)(b_458)) - 1);
06554                 }
06555                 /* OCic.cbl:2932: ADD */
06556                 {
06557                   (*(int *)(b_459)) = ((*(int *)(b_459)) + 1);
06558                 }
06559               }
06560             }
06561         }
06562         /* OCic.cbl:2934: UNSTRING */
06563         {
06564           cob_unstring_init ((f0.size = (*(int *)(b_459)), = b_466 + (((*(int *)(b_458)) + 1) - 1), f0.attr = &a_2, &f0), 0, 1);
06565           cob_unstring_delimited (&c_140, 0);
06566           cob_unstring_into (&f_432, 0, 0);
06567           cob_unstring_into (&f_429, 0, 0);
06568           cob_unstring_finish ();
06569         }
06570         /* OCic.cbl:2937: MOVE */
06571         {
06572           *(b_1070 + 23) = 91;
06573         }
06574         /* OCic.cbl:2938: MOVE */
06575         {
06576           memcpy (b_1070 + 24, b_432, 13);
06577         }
06578         /* OCic.cbl:2939: IF */
06579         {
06580           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1089, &cob_space) != 0))
06581             {
06582               /* OCic.cbl:2940: MOVE */
06583               {
06584                 memset (b_1070 + 34, 46, 3);
06585               }
06586             }
06587         }
06588         /* OCic.cbl:2942: MOVE */
06589         {
06590           *(b_1070 + 37) = 93;
06591         }
06592       }
06593   }
06594   /* OCic.cbl:2944: MOVE */
06595   {
06596     memset (b_389, 32, 257);
06597   }
06598   /* OCic.cbl:2945: MOVE */
06599   {
06600     (*(int *)(b_1069)) = 256;
06601   }
06603   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 84)
06604     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
06606   /* 312-Expand-Code-Record */
06608   l_85:;
06609   /* OCic.cbl:2949: MOVE */
06610   {
06611     (*(int *)(b_1069)) = 1;
06612   }
06613   /* OCic.cbl:2950: IF */
06614   {
06615     if (((int)(int)(*(b_433 + 2) - 77) == 0))
06616       {
06617         /* OCic.cbl:2951: ADD */
06618         {
06619           cob_add (&f_1081, &c_70, 2);
06620         }
06621       }
06622   }
06624   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 85)
06625     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
06627   /* 313-Check-For-Numeric-Token */
06629   l_86:;
06630   /* OCic.cbl:2956: MOVE */
06631   {
06632     memcpy (b_465, b_1070 + 38, 32);
06633   }
06634   /* OCic.cbl:2957: INSPECT */
06635   {
06636     cob_inspect_init (&f_465, 1);
06637     cob_inspect_start ();
06638     cob_inspect_trailing (&c_192, &cob_space);
06639     cob_inspect_finish ();
06640   }
06641   /* OCic.cbl:2959: IF */
06642   {
06643     if (cob_is_numeric (&f_465))
06644       {
06645         /* OCic.cbl:2960: SET */
06646         {
06647           *(b_1070 + 147) = 78;
06648         }
06649         /* OCic.cbl:2961: EXIT */
06650         {
06651           goto l_87;
06652         }
06653       }
06654   }
06655   /* OCic.cbl:2963: IF */
06656   {
06657     if ((((int)(int)(*(b_465 + 0) - 43) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_465 + 0) - 45) == 0)))
06658       {
06659         /* OCic.cbl:2964: MOVE */
06660         {
06661           cob_move (&c_192, (f0.size = 1, = b_465 + 0, f0.attr = &a_2, &f0));
06662         }
06663       }
06664   }
06665   /* OCic.cbl:2966: MOVE */
06666   {
06667     (*(int *)(b_1105)) = 0;
06668   }
06669   /* OCic.cbl:2967: INSPECT */
06670   {
06671     cob_inspect_init (&f_465, 0);
06672     cob_inspect_start ();
06673     cob_inspect_all (&f_1105, &c_140);
06674     cob_inspect_finish ();
06675   }
06676   /* OCic.cbl:2969: IF */
06677   {
06678     if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_1105, 1) == 0))
06679       {
06680         /* OCic.cbl:2970: INSPECT */
06681         {
06682           cob_inspect_init (&f_465, 1);
06683           cob_inspect_start ();
06684           cob_inspect_all (&c_192, &c_140);
06685           cob_inspect_finish ();
06686         }
06687       }
06688   }
06689   /* OCic.cbl:2972: IF */
06690   {
06691     if (cob_is_numeric (&f_465))
06692       {
06693         /* OCic.cbl:2973: SET */
06694         {
06695           *(b_1070 + 147) = 78;
06696         }
06697         /* OCic.cbl:2974: EXIT */
06698         {
06699           goto l_87;
06700         }
06701       }
06702   }
06704   /* EXIT PARAGRAPH 87 */
06706   l_87:;
06708   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 86)
06709     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
06713   l_88:;
06714   /* OCic.cbl:2979: MOVE */
06715   {
06716     *(b_433 + 6) = 78;
06717   }
06718   /* OCic.cbl:2980: IF */
06719   {
06720     if (((((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 75) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 86) == 0)) && ((int)cob_cmp (&f_1091, &c_193) == 0)))
06721       {
06722         /* OCic.cbl:2981: MOVE */
06723         {
06724           *(b_1070 + 1) = *(b_1070 + 115);
06725         }
06726         /* OCic.cbl:2982: EXIT */
06727         {
06728           goto l_89;
06729         }
06730       }
06731   }
06732   /* OCic.cbl:2984: IF */
06733   {
06734     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_194) == 0))
06735       {
06736         /* OCic.cbl:2985: MOVE */
06737         {
06738           memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
06739         }
06740         /* OCic.cbl:2986: MOVE */
06741         {
06742           memcpy (b_1070 + 8, b_1070 + 38, 15);
06743         }
06744         /* OCic.cbl:2987: IF */
06745         {
06746           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1084, &cob_space) != 0))
06747             {
06748               /* OCic.cbl:2988: MOVE */
06749               {
06750                 memset (b_1070 + 20, 46, 3);
06751               }
06752             }
06753         }
06754         /* OCic.cbl:2990: EXIT */
06755         {
06756           goto l_89;
06757         }
06758       }
06759   }
06761   /* EXIT PARAGRAPH 89 */
06763   l_89:;
06765   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 88)
06766     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
06768   /* 330-ENVIRONMENT-DIVISION */
06770   l_90:;
06771   /* OCic.cbl:2995: IF */
06772   {
06773     if (((((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 75) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 86) == 0)) && ((int)cob_cmp (&f_1091, &c_193) == 0)))
06774       {
06775         /* OCic.cbl:2996: MOVE */
06776         {
06777           *(b_1070 + 1) = *(b_1070 + 115);
06778         }
06779         /* OCic.cbl:2997: EXIT */
06780         {
06781           goto l_91;
06782         }
06783       }
06784   }
06785   /* OCic.cbl:2999: IF */
06786   {
06787     if (((((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 75) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 86) == 0)) && ((int)cob_cmp (&f_1091, &c_195) == 0)))
06788       {
06789         /* OCic.cbl:3000: MOVE */
06790         {
06791           memcpy (b_1070 + 23, b_1070 + 115, 15);
06792         }
06793         /* OCic.cbl:3001: EXIT */
06794         {
06795           goto l_91;
06796         }
06797       }
06798   }
06799   /* OCic.cbl:3003: IF */
06800   {
06801     if (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 73) == 0))
06802       {
06803         /* OCic.cbl:3004: PERFORM */
06804         {
06805           /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
06806           frame_ptr++;
06807           frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
06808           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_188;
06809           goto l_114;
06810           l_188:
06811           frame_ptr--;
06812         }
06813       }
06814   }
06816   /* EXIT PARAGRAPH 91 */
06818   l_91:;
06820   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 90)
06821     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
06823   /* 340-DATA-DIVISION */
06825   l_92:;
06826   /* OCic.cbl:3009: IF */
06827   {
06828     if (((((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 75) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 86) == 0)) && ((int)cob_cmp (&f_1091, &c_193) == 0)))
06829       {
06830         /* OCic.cbl:3010: MOVE */
06831         {
06832           *(b_1070 + 1) = *(b_1070 + 115);
06833         }
06834         /* OCic.cbl:3011: EXIT */
06835         {
06836           goto l_93;
06837         }
06838       }
06839   }
06840   /* OCic.cbl:3013: IF */
06841   {
06842     if (((((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 75) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 86) == 0)) && ((int)cob_cmp (&f_1091, &c_195) == 0)))
06843       {
06844         /* OCic.cbl:3014: MOVE */
06845         {
06846           memcpy (b_1070 + 23, b_1070 + 115, 15);
06847         }
06848         /* OCic.cbl:3015: EXIT */
06849         {
06850           goto l_93;
06851         }
06852       }
06853   }
06854   /* OCic.cbl:3017: IF */
06855   {
06856     if (((((int)cob_cmp (&f_1091, &c_196) == 0) || ((int)cob_cmp (&f_1091, &c_197) == 0)) && (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 75) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 86) == 0))))
06857       {
06858         /* OCic.cbl:3019: MOVE */
06859         {
06860           *(b_433 + 4) = 89;
06861         }
06862         /* OCic.cbl:3020: EXIT */
06863         {
06864           goto l_93;
06865         }
06866       }
06867   }
06868   /* OCic.cbl:3022: IF */
06869   {
06870     if ((((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 32) == 0) && ((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_191) == 0)))
06871       {
06872         /* OCic.cbl:3024: MOVE */
06873         {
06874           memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
06875         }
06876         /* OCic.cbl:3025: EXIT */
06877         {
06878           goto l_93;
06879         }
06880       }
06881   }
06882   /* OCic.cbl:3027: IF */
06883   {
06884     if (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 73) == 0))
06885       {
06886         /* OCic.cbl:3028: EVALUATE */
06887         {
06888           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_198) == 0))
06889             {
06890               /* OCic.cbl:3030: PERFORM */
06891               {
06892                 /* PERFORM 360-Release-Def */
06893                 frame_ptr++;
06894                 frame_ptr->perform_through = 113;
06895                 frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_189;
06896                 goto l_113;
06897                 l_189:
06898                 frame_ptr--;
06899               }
06900               /* OCic.cbl:3031: MOVE */
06901               {
06902                 memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
06903               }
06904             }
06905           else
06906             if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_199) == 0))
06907               {
06908                 /* OCic.cbl:3033: PERFORM */
06909                 {
06910                   /* PERFORM 360-Release-Def */
06911                   frame_ptr++;
06912                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 113;
06913                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_190;
06914                   goto l_113;
06915                   l_190:
06916                   frame_ptr--;
06917                 }
06918                 /* OCic.cbl:3034: MOVE */
06919                 {
06920                   memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
06921                 }
06922               }
06923             else
06924               if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_191) == 0))
06925                 {
06926                   /* OCic.cbl:3036: PERFORM */
06927                   {
06928                     /* PERFORM 360-Release-Def */
06929                     frame_ptr++;
06930                     frame_ptr->perform_through = 113;
06931                     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_191;
06932                     goto l_113;
06933                     l_191:
06934                     frame_ptr--;
06935                   }
06936                   /* OCic.cbl:3037: MOVE */
06937                   {
06938                     memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
06939                   }
06940                 }
06941               else
06942                 if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_200) == 0))
06943                   {
06944                     /* OCic.cbl:3039: PERFORM */
06945                     {
06946                       /* PERFORM 360-Release-Def */
06947                       frame_ptr++;
06948                       frame_ptr->perform_through = 113;
06949                       frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_192;
06950                       goto l_113;
06951                       l_192:
06952                       frame_ptr--;
06953                     }
06954                     /* OCic.cbl:3040: MOVE */
06955                     {
06956                       memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
06957                     }
06958                   }
06959                 else
06960                   if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_201) == 0))
06961                     {
06962                       /* OCic.cbl:3042: PERFORM */
06963                       {
06964                         /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
06965                         frame_ptr++;
06966                         frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
06967                         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_193;
06968                         goto l_115;
06969                         l_193:
06970                         frame_ptr--;
06971                       }
06972                       /* OCic.cbl:3043: MOVE */
06973                       {
06974                         memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
06975                       }
06976                     }
06977                   else
06978                     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_202) == 0))
06979                       {
06980                         /* OCic.cbl:3045: PERFORM */
06981                         {
06982                           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
06983                           frame_ptr++;
06984                           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
06985                           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_194;
06986                           goto l_115;
06987                           l_194:
06988                           frame_ptr--;
06989                         }
06990                         /* OCic.cbl:3046: MOVE */
06991                         {
06992                           memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
06993                         }
06994                       }
06995                     else
06996                       {
06997                         /* OCic.cbl:3048: PERFORM */
06998                         {
06999                           /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
07000                           frame_ptr++;
07001                           frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
07002                           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_195;
07003                           goto l_114;
07004                           l_195:
07005                           frame_ptr--;
07006                         }
07007                       }
07008         }
07009         /* OCic.cbl:3050: EXIT */
07010         {
07011           goto l_93;
07012         }
07013       }
07014   }
07016   /* EXIT PARAGRAPH 93 */
07018   l_93:;
07020   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 92)
07021     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
07023   /* 350-PROCEDURE-DIVISION */
07025   l_94:;
07026   /* OCic.cbl:3055: IF */
07027   {
07028     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1085, &c_203) != 0))
07029       {
07030         /* OCic.cbl:3056: MOVE */
07031         {
07032           memcpy (b_1070 + 23, "PROCEDURE      ", 15);
07033         }
07034       }
07035   }
07036   /* OCic.cbl:3058: IF */
07037   {
07038     if ((((int)cob_cmp (&f_1092, &c_204) == 0) && ((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_205) == 0)))
07039       {
07040         /* OCic.cbl:3060: MOVE */
07041         {
07042           *(b_1070 + 1) = 63;
07043         }
07044         /* OCic.cbl:3061: EXIT */
07045         {
07046           goto l_95;
07047         }
07048       }
07049   }
07050   /* OCic.cbl:3063: IF */
07051   {
07052     if (((((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 75) == 0) || ((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 86) == 0)) && ((int)cob_cmp (&f_1091, &c_193) == 0)))
07053       {
07054         /* OCic.cbl:3064: MOVE */
07055         {
07056           *(b_1070 + 1) = *(b_1070 + 115);
07057         }
07058         /* OCic.cbl:3065: EXIT */
07059         {
07060           goto l_95;
07061         }
07062       }
07063   }
07064   /* OCic.cbl:3067: IF */
07065   {
07066     if ((((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &cob_space) == 0) && ((int)(int)(*(b_433 + 6) - 89) == 0)))
07067       {
07068         /* OCic.cbl:3069: IF */
07069         {
07070           if (((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 73) == 0))
07071             {
07072               /* OCic.cbl:3070: PERFORM */
07073               {
07074                 /* PERFORM 360-Release-Def */
07075                 frame_ptr++;
07076                 frame_ptr->perform_through = 113;
07077                 frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_196;
07078                 goto l_113;
07079                 l_196:
07080                 frame_ptr--;
07081               }
07082               /* OCic.cbl:3071: MOVE */
07083               {
07084                 memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
07085               }
07086             }
07087         }
07088         /* OCic.cbl:3073: EXIT */
07089         {
07090           goto l_95;
07091         }
07092       }
07093   }
07094   /* OCic.cbl:3075: IF */
07095   {
07096     if (!((int)(int)(*(b_1070 + 147) - 73) == 0))
07097       {
07098         /* OCic.cbl:3076: EXIT */
07099         {
07100           goto l_95;
07101         }
07102       }
07103   }
07104   /* OCic.cbl:3078: EVALUATE */
07105   {
07106     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_206) == 0))
07107       {
07108         /* OCic.cbl:3080: PERFORM */
07109         {
07110           /* PERFORM 351-ACCEPT */
07111           frame_ptr++;
07112           frame_ptr->perform_through = 96;
07113           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_197;
07114           goto l_96;
07115           l_197:
07116           frame_ptr--;
07117         }
07118       }
07119     else
07120       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_207) == 0))
07121         {
07122           /* OCic.cbl:3082: PERFORM */
07123           {
07124             /* PERFORM 351-ADD */
07125             frame_ptr++;
07126             frame_ptr->perform_through = 97;
07127             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_198;
07128             goto l_97;
07129             l_198:
07130             frame_ptr--;
07131           }
07132         }
07133       else
07134         if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_208) == 0))
07135           {
07136             /* OCic.cbl:3084: PERFORM */
07137             {
07138               /* PERFORM 351-ALLOCATE */
07139               frame_ptr++;
07140               frame_ptr->perform_through = 98;
07141               frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_199;
07142               goto l_98;
07143               l_199:
07144               frame_ptr--;
07145             }
07146           }
07147         else
07148           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_209) == 0))
07149             {
07150               /* OCic.cbl:3086: PERFORM */
07151               {
07152                 /* PERFORM 351-CALL */
07153                 frame_ptr++;
07154                 frame_ptr->perform_through = 99;
07155                 frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_200;
07156                 goto l_99;
07157                 l_200:
07158                 frame_ptr--;
07159               }
07160             }
07161           else
07162             if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_210) == 0))
07163               {
07164                 /* OCic.cbl:3088: PERFORM */
07165                 {
07166                   /* PERFORM 351-COMPUTE */
07167                   frame_ptr++;
07168                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 100;
07169                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_201;
07170                   goto l_100;
07171                   l_201:
07172                   frame_ptr--;
07173                 }
07174               }
07175             else
07176               if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_211) == 0))
07177                 {
07178                   /* OCic.cbl:3090: PERFORM */
07179                   {
07180                     /* PERFORM 351-DIVIDE */
07181                     frame_ptr++;
07182                     frame_ptr->perform_through = 101;
07183                     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_202;
07184                     goto l_101;
07185                     l_202:
07186                     frame_ptr--;
07187                   }
07188                 }
07189               else
07190                 if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_212) == 0))
07191                   {
07192                     /* OCic.cbl:3092: PERFORM */
07193                     {
07194                       /* PERFORM 351-FREE */
07195                       frame_ptr++;
07196                       frame_ptr->perform_through = 102;
07197                       frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_203;
07198                       goto l_102;
07199                       l_203:
07200                       frame_ptr--;
07201                     }
07202                   }
07203                 else
07204                   if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_213) == 0))
07205                     {
07206                       /* OCic.cbl:3094: PERFORM */
07207                       {
07208                         /* PERFORM 351-INITIALIZE */
07209                         frame_ptr++;
07210                         frame_ptr->perform_through = 103;
07211                         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_204;
07212                         goto l_103;
07213                         l_204:
07214                         frame_ptr--;
07215                       }
07216                     }
07217                   else
07218                     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_214) == 0))
07219                       {
07220                         /* OCic.cbl:3096: PERFORM */
07221                         {
07222                           /* PERFORM 351-INSPECT */
07223                           frame_ptr++;
07224                           frame_ptr->perform_through = 104;
07225                           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_205;
07226                           goto l_104;
07227                           l_205:
07228                           frame_ptr--;
07229                         }
07230                       }
07231                     else
07232                       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_215) == 0))
07233                         {
07234                           /* OCic.cbl:3098: PERFORM */
07235                           {
07236                             /* PERFORM 351-MOVE */
07237                             frame_ptr++;
07238                             frame_ptr->perform_through = 105;
07239                             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_206;
07240                             goto l_105;
07241                             l_206:
07242                             frame_ptr--;
07243                           }
07244                         }
07245                       else
07246                         if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_216) == 0))
07247                           {
07248                             /* OCic.cbl:3100: PERFORM */
07249                             {
07250                               /* PERFORM 351-MULTIPLY */
07251                               frame_ptr++;
07252                               frame_ptr->perform_through = 106;
07253                               frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_207;
07254                               goto l_106;
07255                               l_207:
07256                               frame_ptr--;
07257                             }
07258                           }
07259                         else
07260                           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_217) == 0))
07261                             {
07262                               /* OCic.cbl:3102: PERFORM */
07263                               {
07264                                 /* PERFORM 351-PERFORM */
07265                                 frame_ptr++;
07266                                 frame_ptr->perform_through = 107;
07267                                 frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_208;
07268                                 goto l_107;
07269                                 l_208:
07270                                 frame_ptr--;
07271                               }
07272                             }
07273                           else
07274                             if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_218) == 0))
07275                               {
07276                                 /* OCic.cbl:3104: PERFORM */
07277                                 {
07278                                   /* PERFORM 351-SET */
07279                                   frame_ptr++;
07280                                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 108;
07281                                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_209;
07282                                   goto l_108;
07283                                   l_209:
07284                                   frame_ptr--;
07285                                 }
07286                               }
07287                             else
07288                               if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_219) == 0))
07289                                 {
07290                                   /* OCic.cbl:3106: PERFORM */
07291                                   {
07292                                     /* PERFORM 351-STRING */
07293                                     frame_ptr++;
07294                                     frame_ptr->perform_through = 109;
07295                                     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_210;
07296                                     goto l_109;
07297                                     l_210:
07298                                     frame_ptr--;
07299                                   }
07300                                 }
07301                               else
07302                                 if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_220) == 0))
07303                                   {
07304                                     /* OCic.cbl:3108: PERFORM */
07305                                     {
07306                                       /* PERFORM 351-SUBTRACT */
07307                                       frame_ptr++;
07308                                       frame_ptr->perform_through = 110;
07309                                       frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_211;
07310                                       goto l_110;
07311                                       l_211:
07312                                       frame_ptr--;
07313                                     }
07314                                   }
07315                                 else
07316                                   if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_221) == 0))
07317                                     {
07318                                       /* OCic.cbl:3110: PERFORM */
07319                                       {
07320                                         /* PERFORM 351-TRANSFORM */
07321                                         frame_ptr++;
07322                                         frame_ptr->perform_through = 111;
07323                                         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_212;
07324                                         goto l_111;
07325                                         l_212:
07326                                         frame_ptr--;
07327                                       }
07328                                     }
07329                                   else
07330                                     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1093, &c_222) == 0))
07331                                       {
07332                                         /* OCic.cbl:3112: PERFORM */
07333                                         {
07334                                           /* PERFORM 351-UNSTRING */
07335                                           frame_ptr++;
07336                                           frame_ptr->perform_through = 112;
07337                                           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_213;
07338                                           goto l_112;
07339                                           l_213:
07340                                           frame_ptr--;
07341                                         }
07342                                       }
07343                                     else
07344                                       {
07345                                         /* OCic.cbl:3114: PERFORM */
07346                                         {
07347                                           /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
07348                                           frame_ptr++;
07349                                           frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
07350                                           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_214;
07351                                           goto l_114;
07352                                           l_214:
07353                                           frame_ptr--;
07354                                         }
07355                                       }
07356   }
07358   /* EXIT PARAGRAPH 95 */
07360   l_95:;
07362   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 94)
07363     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
07365   /* 351-ACCEPT */
07367   l_96:;
07368   /* OCic.cbl:3119: EVALUATE */
07369   {
07370     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_206) == 0))
07371       {
07372         /* OCic.cbl:3121: PERFORM */
07373         {
07374           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07375           frame_ptr++;
07376           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07377           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_215;
07378           goto l_115;
07379           l_215:
07380           frame_ptr--;
07381         }
07382         /* OCic.cbl:3122: MOVE */
07383         {
07384           memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
07385         }
07386       }
07387     else
07388       {
07389         /* OCic.cbl:3124: PERFORM */
07390         {
07391           /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
07392           frame_ptr++;
07393           frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
07394           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_216;
07395           goto l_114;
07396           l_216:
07397           frame_ptr--;
07398         }
07399       }
07400   }
07402   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 96)
07403     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
07405   /* 351-ADD */
07407   l_97:;
07408   /* OCic.cbl:3129: EVALUATE */
07409   {
07410     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_223) == 0))
07411       {
07412         /* OCic.cbl:3131: PERFORM */
07413         {
07414           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07415           frame_ptr++;
07416           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07417           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_217;
07418           goto l_115;
07419           l_217:
07420           frame_ptr--;
07421         }
07422       }
07423     else
07424       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_224) == 0))
07425         {
07426           /* OCic.cbl:3133: PERFORM */
07427           {
07428             /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07429             frame_ptr++;
07430             frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07431             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_218;
07432             goto l_115;
07433             l_218:
07434             frame_ptr--;
07435           }
07436         }
07437       else
07438         {
07439           /* OCic.cbl:3135: PERFORM */
07440           {
07441             /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
07442             frame_ptr++;
07443             frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
07444             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_219;
07445             goto l_114;
07446             l_219:
07447             frame_ptr--;
07448           }
07449         }
07450   }
07452   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 97)
07453     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
07455   /* 351-ALLOCATE */
07457   l_98:;
07458   /* OCic.cbl:3140: EVALUATE */
07459   {
07460     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_208) == 0))
07461       {
07462         /* OCic.cbl:3142: PERFORM */
07463         {
07464           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07465           frame_ptr++;
07466           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07467           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_220;
07468           goto l_115;
07469           l_220:
07470           frame_ptr--;
07471         }
07472         /* OCic.cbl:3143: MOVE */
07473         {
07474           memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
07475         }
07476       }
07477     else
07478       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_225) == 0))
07479         {
07480           /* OCic.cbl:3145: PERFORM */
07481           {
07482             /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07483             frame_ptr++;
07484             frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07485             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_221;
07486             goto l_115;
07487             l_221:
07488             frame_ptr--;
07489           }
07490         }
07491       else
07492         {
07493           /* OCic.cbl:3147: PERFORM */
07494           {
07495             /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
07496             frame_ptr++;
07497             frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
07498             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_222;
07499             goto l_114;
07500             l_222:
07501             frame_ptr--;
07502           }
07503         }
07504   }
07506   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 98)
07507     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
07509   /* 351-CALL */
07511   l_99:;
07512   /* OCic.cbl:3152: EVALUATE */
07513   {
07514     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_225) == 0))
07515       {
07516         /* OCic.cbl:3154: PERFORM */
07517         {
07518           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07519           frame_ptr++;
07520           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07521           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_223;
07522           goto l_115;
07523           l_223:
07524           frame_ptr--;
07525         }
07526       }
07527     else
07528       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_223) == 0))
07529         {
07530           /* OCic.cbl:3156: PERFORM */
07531           {
07532             /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07533             frame_ptr++;
07534             frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07535             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_224;
07536             goto l_115;
07537             l_224:
07538             frame_ptr--;
07539           }
07540         }
07541       else
07542         {
07543           /* OCic.cbl:3158: PERFORM */
07544           {
07545             /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
07546             frame_ptr++;
07547             frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
07548             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_225;
07549             goto l_114;
07550             l_225:
07551             frame_ptr--;
07552           }
07553         }
07554   }
07556   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 99)
07557     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
07559   /* 351-COMPUTE */
07561   l_100:;
07562   /* OCic.cbl:3163: EVALUATE */
07563   {
07564     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_210) == 0))
07565       {
07566         /* OCic.cbl:3165: PERFORM */
07567         {
07568           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07569           frame_ptr++;
07570           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07571           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_226;
07572           goto l_115;
07573           l_226:
07574           frame_ptr--;
07575         }
07576       }
07577     else
07578       {
07579         /* OCic.cbl:3167: PERFORM */
07580         {
07581           /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
07582           frame_ptr++;
07583           frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
07584           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_227;
07585           goto l_114;
07586           l_227:
07587           frame_ptr--;
07588         }
07589       }
07590   }
07592   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 100)
07593     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
07595   /* 351-DIVIDE */
07597   l_101:;
07598   /* OCic.cbl:3172: EVALUATE */
07599   {
07600     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_202) == 0))
07601       {
07602         /* OCic.cbl:3174: PERFORM */
07603         {
07604           /* PERFORM 363-Set-Upd */
07605           frame_ptr++;
07606           frame_ptr->perform_through = 116;
07607           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_228;
07608           goto l_116;
07609           l_228:
07610           frame_ptr--;
07611         }
07612         /* OCic.cbl:3175: MOVE */
07613         {
07614           memcpy (b_457, b_401, 100);
07615         }
07616       }
07617     else
07618       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_223) == 0))
07619         {
07620           /* OCic.cbl:3177: IF */
07621           {
07622             if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_457, &cob_space) != 0))
07623               {
07624                 /* OCic.cbl:3178: MOVE */
07625                 {
07626                   cob_move (&f_457, &f_392);
07627                 }
07628                 /* OCic.cbl:3179: MOVE */
07629                 {
07630                   memset (b_457, 32, 100);
07631                   *(b_401 + 106) = 32;
07632                 }
07633                 /* OCic.cbl:3181: RELEASE */
07634                 cob_exception_code = 0;
07635                 {
07636                   cob_file_release (h_SORT_FILE);
07637                 }
07638                 if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
07639                   {
07640                     /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
07641                     frame_ptr++;
07642                     frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
07643                     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_229;
07644                     goto l_1;
07645                     l_229:
07646                     frame_ptr--;
07647                   }
07648               }
07649           }
07650           /* OCic.cbl:3183: PERFORM */
07651           {
07652             /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07653             frame_ptr++;
07654             frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07655             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_230;
07656             goto l_115;
07657             l_230:
07658             frame_ptr--;
07659           }
07660         }
07661       else
07662         if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_226) == 0))
07663           {
07664             /* OCic.cbl:3185: PERFORM */
07665             {
07666               /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07667               frame_ptr++;
07668               frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07669               frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_231;
07670               goto l_115;
07671               l_231:
07672               frame_ptr--;
07673             }
07674           }
07675         else
07676           {
07677             /* OCic.cbl:3187: PERFORM */
07678             {
07679               /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
07680               frame_ptr++;
07681               frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
07682               frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_232;
07683               goto l_114;
07684               l_232:
07685               frame_ptr--;
07686             }
07687           }
07688   }
07690   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 101)
07691     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
07693   /* 351-FREE */
07695   l_102:;
07696   /* OCic.cbl:3192: PERFORM */
07697   {
07698     /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07699     frame_ptr++;
07700     frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07701     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_233;
07702     goto l_115;
07703     l_233:
07704     frame_ptr--;
07705   }
07707   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 102)
07708     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
07710   /* 351-INITIALIZE */
07712   l_103:;
07713   /* OCic.cbl:3196: EVALUATE */
07714   {
07715     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_213) == 0))
07716       {
07717         /* OCic.cbl:3198: PERFORM */
07718         {
07719           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07720           frame_ptr++;
07721           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07722           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_234;
07723           goto l_115;
07724           l_234:
07725           frame_ptr--;
07726         }
07727       }
07728     else
07729       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_227) == 0))
07730         {
07731           /* OCic.cbl:3200: PERFORM */
07732           {
07733             /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
07734             frame_ptr++;
07735             frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
07736             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_235;
07737             goto l_114;
07738             l_235:
07739             frame_ptr--;
07740           }
07741         }
07742   }
07744   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 103)
07745     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
07747   /* 351-INSPECT */
07749   l_104:;
07750   /* OCic.cbl:3205: EVALUATE */
07751   {
07752     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_214) == 0))
07753       {
07754         /* OCic.cbl:3207: PERFORM */
07755         {
07756           /* PERFORM 364-Set-Ref */
07757           frame_ptr++;
07758           frame_ptr->perform_through = 117;
07759           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_236;
07760           goto l_117;
07761           l_236:
07762           frame_ptr--;
07763         }
07764         /* OCic.cbl:3208: MOVE */
07765         {
07766           memset (b_457, 32, 100);
07767         }
07768         /* OCic.cbl:3209: MOVE */
07769         {
07770           memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
07771         }
07772       }
07773     else
07774       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_228) == 0))
07775         {
07776           /* OCic.cbl:3211: PERFORM */
07777           {
07778             /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07779             frame_ptr++;
07780             frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07781             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_237;
07782             goto l_115;
07783             l_237:
07784             frame_ptr--;
07785           }
07786           /* OCic.cbl:3212: MOVE */
07787           {
07788             memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
07789           }
07790         }
07791       else
07792         if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_227) == 0))
07793           {
07794             /* OCic.cbl:3214: IF */
07795             {
07796               if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_457, &cob_space) != 0))
07797                 {
07798                   /* OCic.cbl:3215: MOVE */
07799                   {
07800                     cob_move (&f_457, &f_392);
07801                   }
07802                   /* OCic.cbl:3216: MOVE */
07803                   {
07804                     memset (b_457, 32, 100);
07805                   }
07806                   /* OCic.cbl:3217: MOVE */
07807                   {
07808                     *(b_401 + 106) = 42;
07809                   }
07810                   /* OCic.cbl:3218: RELEASE */
07811                   cob_exception_code = 0;
07812                   {
07813                     cob_file_release (h_SORT_FILE);
07814                   }
07815                   if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
07816                     {
07817                       /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
07818                       frame_ptr++;
07819                       frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
07820                       frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_238;
07821                       goto l_1;
07822                       l_238:
07823                       frame_ptr--;
07824                     }
07825                 }
07826             }
07827             /* OCic.cbl:3220: MOVE */
07828             {
07829               memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
07830             }
07831           }
07832         else
07833           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_229) == 0))
07834             {
07835               /* OCic.cbl:3222: IF */
07836               {
07837                 if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_457, &cob_space) != 0))
07838                   {
07839                     /* OCic.cbl:3223: MOVE */
07840                     {
07841                       cob_move (&f_457, &f_392);
07842                     }
07843                     /* OCic.cbl:3224: MOVE */
07844                     {
07845                       memset (b_457, 32, 100);
07846                     }
07847                     /* OCic.cbl:3225: MOVE */
07848                     {
07849                       *(b_401 + 106) = 42;
07850                     }
07851                     /* OCic.cbl:3226: RELEASE */
07852                     cob_exception_code = 0;
07853                     {
07854                       cob_file_release (h_SORT_FILE);
07855                     }
07856                     if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
07857                       {
07858                         /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
07859                         frame_ptr++;
07860                         frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
07861                         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_239;
07862                         goto l_1;
07863                         l_239:
07864                         frame_ptr--;
07865                       }
07866                   }
07867               }
07868               /* OCic.cbl:3228: MOVE */
07869               {
07870                 memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
07871               }
07872             }
07873           else
07874             {
07875               /* OCic.cbl:3230: PERFORM */
07876               {
07877                 /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
07878                 frame_ptr++;
07879                 frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
07880                 frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_240;
07881                 goto l_114;
07882                 l_240:
07883                 frame_ptr--;
07884               }
07885             }
07886   }
07888   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 104)
07889     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
07891   /* 351-MOVE */
07893   l_105:;
07894   /* OCic.cbl:3235: EVALUATE */
07895   {
07896     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_224) == 0))
07897       {
07898         /* OCic.cbl:3237: PERFORM */
07899         {
07900           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07901           frame_ptr++;
07902           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07903           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_241;
07904           goto l_115;
07905           l_241:
07906           frame_ptr--;
07907         }
07908       }
07909     else
07910       {
07911         /* OCic.cbl:3239: PERFORM */
07912         {
07913           /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
07914           frame_ptr++;
07915           frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
07916           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_242;
07917           goto l_114;
07918           l_242:
07919           frame_ptr--;
07920         }
07921       }
07922   }
07924   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 105)
07925     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
07927   /* 351-MULTIPLY */
07929   l_106:;
07930   /* OCic.cbl:3244: EVALUATE */
07931   {
07932     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_230) == 0))
07933       {
07934         /* OCic.cbl:3246: PERFORM */
07935         {
07936           /* PERFORM 363-Set-Upd */
07937           frame_ptr++;
07938           frame_ptr->perform_through = 116;
07939           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_243;
07940           goto l_116;
07941           l_243:
07942           frame_ptr--;
07943         }
07944         /* OCic.cbl:3247: MOVE */
07945         {
07946           memcpy (b_457, b_401, 100);
07947         }
07948       }
07949     else
07950       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_223) == 0))
07951         {
07952           /* OCic.cbl:3249: MOVE */
07953           {
07954             cob_move (&f_457, &f_392);
07955           }
07956           /* OCic.cbl:3250: MOVE */
07957           {
07958             memset (b_457, 32, 100);
07959             *(b_401 + 106) = 32;
07960           }
07961           /* OCic.cbl:3252: RELEASE */
07962           cob_exception_code = 0;
07963           {
07964             cob_file_release (h_SORT_FILE);
07965           }
07966           if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
07967             {
07968               /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
07969               frame_ptr++;
07970               frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
07971               frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_244;
07972               goto l_1;
07973               l_244:
07974               frame_ptr--;
07975             }
07976           /* OCic.cbl:3253: PERFORM */
07977           {
07978             /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
07979             frame_ptr++;
07980             frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
07981             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_245;
07982             goto l_115;
07983             l_245:
07984             frame_ptr--;
07985           }
07986         }
07987       else
07988         {
07989           /* OCic.cbl:3255: PERFORM */
07990           {
07991             /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
07992             frame_ptr++;
07993             frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
07994             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_246;
07995             goto l_114;
07996             l_246:
07997             frame_ptr--;
07998           }
07999         }
08000   }
08002   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 106)
08003     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08005   /* 351-PERFORM */
08007   l_107:;
08008   /* OCic.cbl:3260: EVALUATE */
08009   {
08010     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_231) == 0))
08011       {
08012         /* OCic.cbl:3262: PERFORM */
08013         {
08014           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08015           frame_ptr++;
08016           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08017           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_247;
08018           goto l_115;
08019           l_247:
08020           frame_ptr--;
08021         }
08022         /* OCic.cbl:3263: MOVE */
08023         {
08024           memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
08025         }
08026       }
08027     else
08028       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_232) == 0))
08029         {
08030           /* OCic.cbl:3265: PERFORM */
08031           {
08032             /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08033             frame_ptr++;
08034             frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08035             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_248;
08036             goto l_115;
08037             l_248:
08038             frame_ptr--;
08039           }
08040           /* OCic.cbl:3266: MOVE */
08041           {
08042             memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
08043           }
08044         }
08045       else
08046         {
08047           /* OCic.cbl:3268: PERFORM */
08048           {
08049             /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
08050             frame_ptr++;
08051             frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
08052             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_249;
08053             goto l_114;
08054             l_249:
08055             frame_ptr--;
08056           }
08057         }
08058   }
08060   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 107)
08061     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08063   /* 351-SET */
08065   l_108:;
08066   /* OCic.cbl:3273: EVALUATE */
08067   {
08068     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_218) == 0))
08069       {
08070         /* OCic.cbl:3275: PERFORM */
08071         {
08072           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08073           frame_ptr++;
08074           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08075           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_250;
08076           goto l_115;
08077           l_250:
08078           frame_ptr--;
08079         }
08080       }
08081     else
08082       {
08083         /* OCic.cbl:3277: PERFORM */
08084         {
08085           /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
08086           frame_ptr++;
08087           frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
08088           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_251;
08089           goto l_114;
08090           l_251:
08091           frame_ptr--;
08092         }
08093       }
08094   }
08096   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 108)
08097     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08099   /* 351-STRING */
08101   l_109:;
08102   /* OCic.cbl:3282: EVALUATE */
08103   {
08104     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_202) == 0))
08105       {
08106         /* OCic.cbl:3284: PERFORM */
08107         {
08108           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08109           frame_ptr++;
08110           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08111           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_252;
08112           goto l_115;
08113           l_252:
08114           frame_ptr--;
08115         }
08116       }
08117     else
08118       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_233) == 0))
08119         {
08120           /* OCic.cbl:3286: PERFORM */
08121           {
08122             /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08123             frame_ptr++;
08124             frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08125             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_253;
08126             goto l_115;
08127             l_253:
08128             frame_ptr--;
08129           }
08130         }
08131       else
08132         {
08133           /* OCic.cbl:3288: PERFORM */
08134           {
08135             /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
08136             frame_ptr++;
08137             frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
08138             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_254;
08139             goto l_114;
08140             l_254:
08141             frame_ptr--;
08142           }
08143         }
08144   }
08146   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 109)
08147     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08149   /* 351-SUBTRACT */
08151   l_110:;
08152   /* OCic.cbl:3293: EVALUATE */
08153   {
08154     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_223) == 0))
08155       {
08156         /* OCic.cbl:3295: PERFORM */
08157         {
08158           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08159           frame_ptr++;
08160           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08161           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_255;
08162           goto l_115;
08163           l_255:
08164           frame_ptr--;
08165         }
08166       }
08167     else
08168       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_234) == 0))
08169         {
08170           /* OCic.cbl:3297: PERFORM */
08171           {
08172             /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08173             frame_ptr++;
08174             frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08175             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_256;
08176             goto l_115;
08177             l_256:
08178             frame_ptr--;
08179           }
08180         }
08181       else
08182         {
08183           /* OCic.cbl:3299: PERFORM */
08184           {
08185             /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
08186             frame_ptr++;
08187             frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
08188             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_257;
08189             goto l_114;
08190             l_257:
08191             frame_ptr--;
08192           }
08193         }
08194   }
08196   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 110)
08197     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08199   /* 351-TRANSFORM */
08201   l_111:;
08202   /* OCic.cbl:3304: EVALUATE */
08203   {
08204     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_221) == 0))
08205       {
08206         /* OCic.cbl:3306: PERFORM */
08207         {
08208           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08209           frame_ptr++;
08210           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08211           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_258;
08212           goto l_115;
08213           l_258:
08214           frame_ptr--;
08215         }
08216         /* OCic.cbl:3307: MOVE */
08217         {
08218           memset (b_1070 + 115, 32, 32);
08219         }
08220       }
08221     else
08222       {
08223         /* OCic.cbl:3309: PERFORM */
08224         {
08225           /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
08226           frame_ptr++;
08227           frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
08228           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_259;
08229           goto l_114;
08230           l_259:
08231           frame_ptr--;
08232         }
08233       }
08234   }
08236   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 111)
08237     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08239   /* 351-UNSTRING */
08241   l_112:;
08242   /* OCic.cbl:3314: EVALUATE */
08243   {
08244     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_202) == 0))
08245       {
08246         /* OCic.cbl:3316: PERFORM */
08247         {
08248           /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08249           frame_ptr++;
08250           frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08251           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_260;
08252           goto l_115;
08253           l_260:
08254           frame_ptr--;
08255         }
08256       }
08257     else
08258       if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_235) == 0))
08259         {
08260           /* OCic.cbl:3318: PERFORM */
08261           {
08262             /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08263             frame_ptr++;
08264             frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08265             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_261;
08266             goto l_115;
08267             l_261:
08268             frame_ptr--;
08269           }
08270         }
08271       else
08272         if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_236) == 0))
08273           {
08274             /* OCic.cbl:3320: PERFORM */
08275             {
08276               /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08277               frame_ptr++;
08278               frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08279               frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_262;
08280               goto l_115;
08281               l_262:
08282               frame_ptr--;
08283             }
08284           }
08285         else
08286           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_233) == 0))
08287             {
08288               /* OCic.cbl:3322: PERFORM */
08289               {
08290                 /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08291                 frame_ptr++;
08292                 frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08293                 frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_263;
08294                 goto l_115;
08295                 l_263:
08296                 frame_ptr--;
08297               }
08298             }
08299           else
08300             if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_1096, &c_228) == 0))
08301               {
08302                 /* OCic.cbl:3324: PERFORM */
08303                 {
08304                   /* PERFORM 362-Release-Upd */
08305                   frame_ptr++;
08306                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 115;
08307                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_264;
08308                   goto l_115;
08309                   l_264:
08310                   frame_ptr--;
08311                 }
08312               }
08313             else
08314               {
08315                 /* OCic.cbl:3326: PERFORM */
08316                 {
08317                   /* PERFORM 361-Release-Ref */
08318                   frame_ptr++;
08319                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 114;
08320                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_265;
08321                   goto l_114;
08322                   l_265:
08323                   frame_ptr--;
08324                 }
08325               }
08326   }
08328   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 112)
08329     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08331   /* 360-Release-Def */
08333   l_113:;
08334   /* OCic.cbl:3331: MOVE */
08335   {
08336     memset (b_401, 32, 107);
08337   }
08338   /* OCic.cbl:3332: MOVE */
08339   {
08340     memcpy (b_401, b_1070 + 8, 15);
08341   }
08342   /* OCic.cbl:3333: MOVE */
08343   {
08344     memcpy (b_401 + 15, b_1070 + 70, 32);
08345   }
08346   /* OCic.cbl:3334: MOVE */
08347   {
08348     memcpy (b_401 + 47, b_1070 + 38, 32);
08349   }
08350   /* OCic.cbl:3335: MOVE */
08351   {
08352     memcpy (b_401 + 79, b_1070 + 23, 15);
08353   }
08354   /* OCic.cbl:3336: MOVE */
08355   {
08356     memcpy (b_401 + 94, b_1070 + 2, 6);
08357   }
08358   /* OCic.cbl:3337: MOVE */
08359   {
08360     memset (b_401 + 100, 48, 6);
08361   }
08362   /* OCic.cbl:3338: RELEASE */
08363   cob_exception_code = 0;
08364   {
08365     cob_file_release (h_SORT_FILE);
08366   }
08367   if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08368     {
08369       /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08370       frame_ptr++;
08371       frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08372       frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_266;
08373       goto l_1;
08374       l_266:
08375       frame_ptr--;
08376     }
08378   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 113)
08379     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08381   /* 361-Release-Ref */
08383   l_114:;
08384   /* OCic.cbl:3342: PERFORM */
08385   {
08386     /* PERFORM 364-Set-Ref */
08387     frame_ptr++;
08388     frame_ptr->perform_through = 117;
08389     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_267;
08390     goto l_117;
08391     l_267:
08392     frame_ptr--;
08393   }
08394   /* OCic.cbl:3343: RELEASE */
08395   cob_exception_code = 0;
08396   {
08397     cob_file_release (h_SORT_FILE);
08398   }
08399   if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08400     {
08401       /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08402       frame_ptr++;
08403       frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08404       frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_268;
08405       goto l_1;
08406       l_268:
08407       frame_ptr--;
08408     }
08410   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 114)
08411     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08413   /* 362-Release-Upd */
08415   l_115:;
08416   /* OCic.cbl:3347: PERFORM */
08417   {
08418     /* PERFORM 363-Set-Upd */
08419     frame_ptr++;
08420     frame_ptr->perform_through = 116;
08421     frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_269;
08422     goto l_116;
08423     l_269:
08424     frame_ptr--;
08425   }
08426   /* OCic.cbl:3348: RELEASE */
08427   cob_exception_code = 0;
08428   {
08429     cob_file_release (h_SORT_FILE);
08430   }
08431   if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08432     {
08433       /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08434       frame_ptr++;
08435       frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08436       frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_270;
08437       goto l_1;
08438       l_270:
08439       frame_ptr--;
08440     }
08442   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 115)
08443     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08445   /* 363-Set-Upd */
08447   l_116:;
08448   /* OCic.cbl:3352: MOVE */
08449   {
08450     memset (b_401, 32, 107);
08451   }
08452   /* OCic.cbl:3353: MOVE */
08453   {
08454     memcpy (b_401, b_1070 + 8, 15);
08455   }
08456   /* OCic.cbl:3354: MOVE */
08457   {
08458     memcpy (b_401 + 15, b_1070 + 70, 32);
08459   }
08460   /* OCic.cbl:3355: MOVE */
08461   {
08462     memcpy (b_401 + 47, b_1070 + 38, 32);
08463   }
08464   /* OCic.cbl:3356: MOVE */
08465   {
08466     memcpy (b_401 + 79, b_1070 + 23, 15);
08467   }
08468   /* OCic.cbl:3357: MOVE */
08469   {
08470     memcpy (b_401 + 100, b_1070 + 2, 6);
08471   }
08472   /* OCic.cbl:3358: MOVE */
08473   {
08474     *(b_401 + 106) = 42;
08475   }
08477   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 116)
08478     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08480   /* 364-Set-Ref */
08482   l_117:;
08483   /* OCic.cbl:3362: MOVE */
08484   {
08485     memset (b_401, 32, 107);
08486   }
08487   /* OCic.cbl:3363: MOVE */
08488   {
08489     memcpy (b_401, b_1070 + 8, 15);
08490   }
08491   /* OCic.cbl:3364: MOVE */
08492   {
08493     memcpy (b_401 + 15, b_1070 + 70, 32);
08494   }
08495   /* OCic.cbl:3365: MOVE */
08496   {
08497     memcpy (b_401 + 47, b_1070 + 38, 32);
08498   }
08499   /* OCic.cbl:3366: MOVE */
08500   {
08501     memcpy (b_401 + 79, b_1070 + 23, 15);
08502   }
08503   /* OCic.cbl:3367: MOVE */
08504   {
08505     memcpy (b_401 + 100, b_1070 + 2, 6);
08506   }
08508   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 117)
08509     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08511   /* EXIT SECTION 81 */
08513   l_81:;
08515   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 78)
08516     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08518   /* 400-Produce-Xref-Listing SECTION */
08520   l_118:;
08522   /* 401-Init */
08524   /* OCic.cbl:3372: MOVE */
08525   {
08526     memset (b_416, 32, 136);
08527     memset (b_443, 32, 47);
08528   }
08529   /* OCic.cbl:3374: MOVE */
08530   {
08531     (*(int *)(b_458)) = 0;
08532     (*(int *)(b_460)) = 0;
08533   }
08534   /* OCic.cbl:3376: MOVE */
08535   {
08536     *(b_433) = 78;
08537   }
08539   /* 402-Process-Sorted-Recs */
08541   /* OCic.cbl:3380: PERFORM */
08542   {
08543     while (1)
08544       {
08545         {
08546           /* OCic.cbl:3381: RETURN */
08547           cob_exception_code = 0;
08548           {
08549             cob_file_return (h_SORT_FILE);
08550           }
08551           if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08552             {
08553               if (cob_exception_code == 0x0501)
08554                 {
08555                   {
08556                     /* OCic.cbl:3382: EXIT */
08557                     {
08558                       goto l_121;
08559                     }
08560                   }
08561                 }
08562               else
08563                 {
08564                   /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08565                   frame_ptr++;
08566                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08567                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_271;
08568                   goto l_1;
08569                   l_271:
08570                   frame_ptr--;
08571                 }
08572             }
08573           /* OCic.cbl:3384: IF */
08574           {
08575             if ((((int)memcmp (b_401, b_443, 15) != 0) || ((int)memcmp (b_401 + 15, b_443 + 15, 32) != 0)))
08576               {
08577                 /* OCic.cbl:3386: MOVE */
08578                 {
08579                   *(b_433) = 78;
08580                 }
08581                 /* OCic.cbl:3387: IF */
08582                 {
08583                   if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_416, &cob_space) != 0))
08584                     {
08585                       /* OCic.cbl:3388: PERFORM */
08586                       {
08587                         /* PERFORM 410-Generate-Report-Line */
08588                         frame_ptr++;
08589                         frame_ptr->perform_through = 124;
08590                         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_272;
08591                         goto l_124;
08592                         l_272:
08593                         frame_ptr--;
08594                       }
08595                     }
08596                 }
08597                 /* OCic.cbl:3390: IF */
08598                 {
08599                   if (((int)memcmp (b_401, b_443, 15) != 0))
08600                     {
08601                       /* OCic.cbl:3391: MOVE */
08602                       {
08603                         (*(int *)(b_460)) = 0;
08604                       }
08605                     }
08606                 }
08607                 /* OCic.cbl:3393: MOVE */
08608                 {
08609                   memcpy (b_443, b_401, 15);
08610                 }
08611                 /* OCic.cbl:3394: MOVE */
08612                 {
08613                   memcpy (b_443 + 15, b_401 + 15, 32);
08614                 }
08615               }
08616           }
08617           /* OCic.cbl:3396: IF */
08618           {
08619             if (((((int)memcmp (b_401 + 15, b_443 + 15, 32) == 0) && ((int)cob_cmp (&f_397, &cob_space) != 0)) && ((int)cob_cmp (&f_416, &cob_space) != 0)))
08620               {
08621                 /* OCic.cbl:3399: MOVE */
08622                 {
08623                   *(b_433) = 89;
08624                 }
08625                 /* OCic.cbl:3400: PERFORM */
08626                 {
08627                   /* PERFORM 410-Generate-Report-Line */
08628                   frame_ptr++;
08629                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 124;
08630                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_273;
08631                   goto l_124;
08632                   l_273:
08633                   frame_ptr--;
08634                 }
08635                 /* OCic.cbl:3401: MOVE */
08636                 {
08637                   (*(int *)(b_458)) = 0;
08638                 }
08639                 /* OCic.cbl:3402: MOVE */
08640                 {
08641                   memcpy (b_416, b_401, 15);
08642                 }
08643                 /* OCic.cbl:3403: MOVE */
08644                 {
08645                   memcpy (b_416 + 16, "  (Duplicate Definition)        ", 32);
08646                 }
08647                 /* OCic.cbl:3404: MOVE */
08648                 {
08649                   memcpy (b_416 + 56, b_401 + 79, 15);
08650                 }
08651                 /* OCic.cbl:3405: MOVE */
08652                 {
08653                   cob_move (&f_397, &f_421);
08654                 }
08655                 /* OCic.cbl:3406: EXIT */
08656                 {
08657                   goto l_122;
08658                 }
08659               }
08660           }
08661           /* OCic.cbl:3408: IF */
08662           {
08663             if (((((int)memcmp (b_401 + 15, b_443 + 15, 32) == 0) && ((int)cob_cmp (&f_397, &cob_space) == 0)) && ((int)(int)(*(b_433) - 89) == 0)))
08664               {
08665                 /* OCic.cbl:3411: MOVE */
08666                 {
08667                   *(b_433) = 78;
08668                 }
08669                 /* OCic.cbl:3412: PERFORM */
08670                 {
08671                   /* PERFORM 410-Generate-Report-Line */
08672                   frame_ptr++;
08673                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 124;
08674                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_274;
08675                   goto l_124;
08676                   l_274:
08677                   frame_ptr--;
08678                 }
08679                 /* OCic.cbl:3413: MOVE */
08680                 {
08681                   (*(int *)(b_458)) = 0;
08682                 }
08683                 /* OCic.cbl:3414: MOVE */
08684                 {
08685                   memcpy (b_416, b_401, 15);
08686                 }
08687                 /* OCic.cbl:3415: MOVE */
08688                 {
08689                   memcpy (b_416 + 16, "  (Duplicate References)        ", 32);
08690                 }
08691               }
08692           }
08693           /* OCic.cbl:3417: IF */
08694           {
08695             if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_416, &cob_space) == 0))
08696               {
08697                 /* OCic.cbl:3418: MOVE */
08698                 {
08699                   memcpy (b_416, b_401, 15);
08700                 }
08701                 /* OCic.cbl:3419: MOVE */
08702                 {
08703                   memcpy (b_416 + 16, b_401 + 47, 32);
08704                 }
08705                 /* OCic.cbl:3420: MOVE */
08706                 {
08707                   memcpy (b_416 + 56, b_401 + 79, 15);
08708                 }
08709                 /* OCic.cbl:3421: IF */
08710                 {
08711                   if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_397, &cob_space) != 0))
08712                     {
08713                       /* OCic.cbl:3422: MOVE */
08714                       {
08715                         cob_move (&f_397, &f_421);
08716                       }
08717                     }
08718                 }
08719               }
08720           }
08721           /* OCic.cbl:3425: IF */
08722           {
08723             if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_398, &c_237) >  0))
08724               {
08725                 /* OCic.cbl:3426: ADD */
08726                 {
08727                   (*(int *)(b_458)) = ((*(int *)(b_458)) + 1);
08728                 }
08729                 /* OCic.cbl:3427: IF */
08730                 {
08731                   if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_458, 8) >  0))
08732                     {
08733                       /* OCic.cbl:3428: PERFORM */
08734                       {
08735                         /* PERFORM 410-Generate-Report-Line */
08736                         frame_ptr++;
08737                         frame_ptr->perform_through = 124;
08738                         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_275;
08739                         goto l_124;
08740                         l_275:
08741                         frame_ptr--;
08742                       }
08743                       /* OCic.cbl:3429: MOVE */
08744                       {
08745                         (*(int *)(b_458)) = 1;
08746                       }
08747                     }
08748                 }
08749                 /* OCic.cbl:3431: MOVE */
08750                 {
08751                   cob_move (&f_399, (f0.size = 6, = b_416 + 72 + 8 * ((*(int *)(b_458)) - 1), f0.attr = &a_8, &f0));
08752                 }
08753                 /* OCic.cbl:3432: MOVE */
08754                 {
08755                   *(b_416 + 78 + 8 * ((*(int *)(b_458)) - 1)) = *(b_401 + 106);
08756                 }
08757               }
08758           }
08759         }
08761         /* EXIT PERFORM CYCLE 122 */
08763         l_122:;
08764       }
08766     /* EXIT PERFORM 121 */
08768     l_121:;
08769   }
08770   /* OCic.cbl:3435: IF */
08771   {
08772     if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_416, &cob_space) != 0))
08773       {
08774         /* OCic.cbl:3436: PERFORM */
08775         {
08776           /* PERFORM 410-Generate-Report-Line */
08777           frame_ptr++;
08778           frame_ptr->perform_through = 124;
08779           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_276;
08780           goto l_124;
08781           l_276:
08782           frame_ptr--;
08783         }
08784       }
08785   }
08786   /* OCic.cbl:3438: EXIT */
08787   {
08788     goto l_123;
08789   }
08791   /* 410-Generate-Report-Line */
08793   l_124:;
08794   /* OCic.cbl:3442: IF */
08795   {
08796     if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_460, 1) <  0))
08797       {
08798         /* OCic.cbl:3443: IF */
08799         {
08800           if (((int)(int)(*(b_433 + 1) - 89) == 0))
08801             {
08802               /* OCic.cbl:3444: MOVE */
08803               {
08804                 *(b_433 + 1) = 78;
08805               }
08806               /* OCic.cbl:3445: WRITE */
08807               cob_exception_code = 0;
08808               {
08809                 memcpy (b_391, b_449, 135);
08810                 cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
08811               }
08812               if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08813                 {
08814                   /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08815                   frame_ptr++;
08816                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08817                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_277;
08818                   goto l_1;
08819                   l_277:
08820                   frame_ptr--;
08821                 }
08822             }
08823           else
08824             {
08825               /* OCic.cbl:3447: MOVE */
08826               {
08827                 memset (b_391, 32, 135);
08828               }
08829               /* OCic.cbl:3448: WRITE */
08830               cob_exception_code = 0;
08831               {
08832                 cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, 2228224, NULL);
08833               }
08834               if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08835                 {
08836                   /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08837                   frame_ptr++;
08838                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08839                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_278;
08840                   goto l_1;
08841                   l_278:
08842                   frame_ptr--;
08843                 }
08844               /* OCic.cbl:3449: MOVE */
08845               {
08846                 memset (b_391, 32, 135);
08847               }
08848               /* OCic.cbl:3450: WRITE */
08849               cob_exception_code = 0;
08850               {
08851                 cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
08852               }
08853               if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08854                 {
08855                   /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08856                   frame_ptr++;
08857                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08858                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_279;
08859                   goto l_1;
08860                   l_279:
08861                   frame_ptr--;
08862                 }
08863               /* OCic.cbl:3451: WRITE */
08864               cob_exception_code = 0;
08865               {
08866                 memcpy (b_391, b_449, 135);
08867                 cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
08868               }
08869               if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08870                 {
08871                   /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08872                   frame_ptr++;
08873                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08874                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_280;
08875                   goto l_1;
08876                   l_280:
08877                   frame_ptr--;
08878                 }
08879             }
08880         }
08881         /* OCic.cbl:3453: WRITE */
08882         cob_exception_code = 0;
08883         {
08884           memcpy (b_391, b_452, 135);
08885           cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
08886         }
08887         if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08888           {
08889             /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08890             frame_ptr++;
08891             frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08892             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_281;
08893             goto l_1;
08894             l_281:
08895             frame_ptr--;
08896           }
08897         /* OCic.cbl:3454: WRITE */
08898         cob_exception_code = 0;
08899         {
08900           cob_move (&f_454, &f_390);
08901           cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
08902         }
08903         if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08904           {
08905             /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08906             frame_ptr++;
08907             frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08908             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_282;
08909             goto l_1;
08910             l_282:
08911             frame_ptr--;
08912           }
08913         /* OCic.cbl:3455: WRITE */
08914         cob_exception_code = 0;
08915         {
08916           memcpy (b_391, b_456, 135);
08917           cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
08918         }
08919         if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08920           {
08921             /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08922             frame_ptr++;
08923             frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08924             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_283;
08925             goto l_1;
08926             l_283:
08927             frame_ptr--;
08928           }
08929         /* OCic.cbl:3456: COMPUTE */
08930         {
08931           {
08932             {
08933               cob_decimal_set_int (&d0, (*(int *)(b_461)));
08934               cob_decimal_set_int (&d1, 4);
08935               cob_decimal_sub (&d0, &d1);
08936               cob_decimal_get_field (&d0, &f_460, 0);
08937             }
08938           }
08939         }
08940       }
08941   }
08942   /* OCic.cbl:3460: WRITE */
08943   cob_exception_code = 0;
08944   {
08945     memcpy (b_391, b_416, 135);
08946     cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
08947   }
08948   if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08949     {
08950       /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08951       frame_ptr++;
08952       frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08953       frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_284;
08954       goto l_1;
08955       l_284:
08956       frame_ptr--;
08957     }
08958   /* OCic.cbl:3461: MOVE */
08959   {
08960     memset (b_416, 32, 136);
08961   }
08962   /* OCic.cbl:3462: MOVE */
08963   {
08964     (*(int *)(b_458)) = 0;
08965   }
08966   /* OCic.cbl:3463: SUBTRACT */
08967   {
08968     (*(int *)(b_460)) = ((*(int *)(b_460)) - 1);
08969   }
08971   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 124)
08972     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08974   /* EXIT SECTION 123 */
08976   l_123:;
08978   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 118)
08979     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
08981   /* 500-Produce-Source-Listing SECTION */
08983   l_125:;
08985   /* 501-Generate-Source-Listing */
08987   /* OCic.cbl:3468: OPEN */
08988   {
08989     cob_exception_code = 0;
08990     {
08991       cob_open (h_SOURCE_CODE, 1, 0, NULL);
08992     }
08993     if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
08994       {
08995         /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
08996         frame_ptr++;
08997         frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
08998         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_285;
08999         goto l_1;
09000         l_285:
09001         frame_ptr--;
09002       }
09003     cob_exception_code = 0;
09004     {
09005       cob_open (h_EXPAND_CODE, 1, 0, NULL);
09006     }
09007     if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09008       {
09009         /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09010         frame_ptr++;
09011         frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09012         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_286;
09013         goto l_1;
09014         l_286:
09015         frame_ptr--;
09016       }
09017   }
09018   /* OCic.cbl:3470: MOVE */
09019   {
09020     memset (b_1068, 48, 6);
09021   }
09022   /* OCic.cbl:3471: PERFORM */
09023   {
09024     while (1)
09025       {
09026         {
09027           /* OCic.cbl:3472: READ */
09028           cob_exception_code = 0;
09029           {
09030             cob_read (h_EXPAND_CODE, 0, NULL, 1);
09031           }
09032           if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09033             {
09034               if (cob_exception_code == 0x0501)
09035                 {
09036                   {
09037                     /* OCic.cbl:3473: EXIT */
09038                     {
09039                       goto l_127;
09040                     }
09041                   }
09042                 }
09043               else
09044                 {
09045                   /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09046                   frame_ptr++;
09047                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09048                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_287;
09049                   goto l_1;
09050                   l_287:
09051                   frame_ptr--;
09052                 }
09053             }
09054           /* OCic.cbl:3475: IF */
09055           {
09056             if (((int)(int)(*(b_389) - 35) == 0))
09057               {
09058                 /* OCic.cbl:3476: PERFORM */
09059                 {
09060                   /* PERFORM 510-Control-Record */
09061                   frame_ptr++;
09062                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 129;
09063                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_288;
09064                   goto l_129;
09065                   l_288:
09066                   frame_ptr--;
09067                 }
09068               }
09069             else
09070               {
09071                 /* OCic.cbl:3478: PERFORM */
09072                 {
09073                   /* PERFORM 520-Expand-Code-Record */
09074                   frame_ptr++;
09075                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 130;
09076                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_289;
09077                   goto l_130;
09078                   l_289:
09079                   frame_ptr--;
09080                 }
09081               }
09082           }
09083         }
09084       }
09086     /* EXIT PERFORM 127 */
09088     l_127:;
09089   }
09090   /* OCic.cbl:3481: CLOSE */
09091   {
09092     cob_exception_code = 0;
09093     {
09094       cob_close (h_SOURCE_CODE, 0, NULL);
09095     }
09096     if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09097       {
09098         /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09099         frame_ptr++;
09100         frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09101         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_290;
09102         goto l_1;
09103         l_290:
09104         frame_ptr--;
09105       }
09106     cob_exception_code = 0;
09107     {
09108       cob_close (h_EXPAND_CODE, 0, NULL);
09109     }
09110     if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09111       {
09112         /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09113         frame_ptr++;
09114         frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09115         frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_291;
09116         goto l_1;
09117         l_291:
09118         frame_ptr--;
09119       }
09120   }
09121   /* OCic.cbl:3483: EXIT */
09122   {
09123     goto l_128;
09124   }
09126   /* 510-Control-Record */
09128   l_129:;
09129   /* OCic.cbl:3487: UNSTRING */
09130   {
09131     cob_unstring_init (&f_385, 0, 1);
09132     cob_unstring_delimited (&c_91, 0);
09133     cob_unstring_into (&f_464, 0, 0);
09134     cob_unstring_into (&f_466, 0, 0);
09135     cob_unstring_into (&f_429, 0, 0);
09136     cob_unstring_finish ();
09137   }
09138   /* OCic.cbl:3491: IF */
09139   {
09140     if (((int)cob_cmp (cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_466, 2), cob_intr_trim (0, 0, &f_467, 2)) == 0))
09141       {
09142         /* OCic.cbl:3492: SET */
09143         {
09144           *(b_433 + 2) = 77;
09145         }
09146         /* OCic.cbl:3493: IF */
09147         {
09148           if (((int)cob_cmp_numdisp (b_1068, 6, 0) >  0))
09149             {
09150               /* OCic.cbl:3494: READ */
09151               cob_exception_code = 0;
09152               {
09153                 cob_read (h_EXPAND_CODE, 0, NULL, 1);
09154               }
09155               if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09156                 {
09157                   /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09158                   frame_ptr++;
09159                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09160                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_292;
09161                   goto l_1;
09162                   l_292:
09163                   frame_ptr--;
09164                 }
09165             }
09166         }
09167       }
09168     else
09169       {
09170         /* OCic.cbl:3497: SET */
09171         {
09172           *(b_433 + 2) = 67;
09173         }
09174       }
09175   }
09177   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 129)
09178     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
09180   /* 520-Expand-Code-Record */
09182   l_130:;
09183   /* OCic.cbl:3502: IF */
09184   {
09185     if (((int)(int)(*(b_433 + 2) - 77) == 0))
09186       {
09187         /* OCic.cbl:3503: ADD */
09188         {
09189           cob_add (&f_1081, &c_70, 2);
09190         }
09191         /* OCic.cbl:3504: READ */
09192         cob_exception_code = 0;
09193         {
09194           cob_read (h_SOURCE_CODE, 0, NULL, 1);
09195         }
09196         if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09197           {
09198             if (cob_exception_code == 0x0501)
09199               {
09200                 {
09201                   /* OCic.cbl:3504: NEXT SENTENCE */
09202                   goto l_131;
09203                 }
09204               }
09205             else
09206               {
09207                 /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09208                 frame_ptr++;
09209                 frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09210                 frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_293;
09211                 goto l_1;
09212                 l_293:
09213                 frame_ptr--;
09214               }
09215           }
09216         /* OCic.cbl:3505: ADD */
09217         {
09218           cob_add (&f_1068, &c_70, 2);
09219         }
09220         /* OCic.cbl:3506: MOVE */
09221         {
09222           memset (b_412, 32, 135);
09223         }
09224         /* OCic.cbl:3507: MOVE */
09225         {
09226           cob_move (&f_1068, &f_413);
09227         }
09228         /* OCic.cbl:3508: MOVE */
09229         {
09230           memcpy (b_412 + 7, b_408, 128);
09231         }
09232         /* OCic.cbl:3509: IF */
09233         {
09234           if (((int)(int)(*(b_408 + 6) - 47) == 0))
09235             {
09236               /* OCic.cbl:3510: MOVE */
09237               {
09238                 (*(int *)(b_460)) = 0;
09239               }
09240             }
09241         }
09242         /* OCic.cbl:3512: PERFORM */
09243         {
09244           /* PERFORM 530-Generate-Source-Line */
09245           frame_ptr++;
09246           frame_ptr->perform_through = 132;
09247           frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_294;
09248           goto l_132;
09249           l_294:
09250           frame_ptr--;
09251         }
09252         /* OCic.cbl:3513: IF */
09253         {
09254           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_407, &cob_space) != 0))
09255             {
09256               /* OCic.cbl:3514: MOVE */
09257               {
09258                 memset (b_412, 32, 135);
09259               }
09260               /* OCic.cbl:3515: MOVE */
09261               {
09262                 memcpy (b_412 + 7, b_408 + 128, 128);
09263               }
09264               /* OCic.cbl:3516: PERFORM */
09265               {
09266                 /* PERFORM 530-Generate-Source-Line */
09267                 frame_ptr++;
09268                 frame_ptr->perform_through = 132;
09269                 frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_295;
09270                 goto l_132;
09271                 l_295:
09272                 frame_ptr--;
09273               }
09274             }
09275         }
09276       }
09277     else
09278       {
09279         /* OCic.cbl:3519: IF */
09280         {
09281           if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_383, &cob_space) != 0))
09282             {
09283               /* OCic.cbl:3520: MOVE */
09284               {
09285                 memset (b_412, 32, 135);
09286               }
09287               /* OCic.cbl:3521: MOVE */
09288               {
09289                 memcpy (b_412 + 7, b_389, 128);
09290               }
09291               /* OCic.cbl:3522: PERFORM */
09292               {
09293                 /* PERFORM 530-Generate-Source-Line */
09294                 frame_ptr++;
09295                 frame_ptr->perform_through = 132;
09296                 frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_296;
09297                 goto l_132;
09298                 l_296:
09299                 frame_ptr--;
09300               }
09301               /* OCic.cbl:3523: IF */
09302               {
09303                 if (((int)cob_cmp (&f_388, &cob_space) != 0))
09304                   {
09305                     /* OCic.cbl:3524: MOVE */
09306                     {
09307                       memset (b_412, 32, 135);
09308                     }
09309                     /* OCic.cbl:3525: MOVE */
09310                     {
09311                       memcpy (b_412 + 7, b_389 + 128, 128);
09312                     }
09313                     /* OCic.cbl:3526: PERFORM */
09314                     {
09315                       /* PERFORM 530-Generate-Source-Line */
09316                       frame_ptr++;
09317                       frame_ptr->perform_through = 132;
09318                       frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_297;
09319                       goto l_132;
09320                       l_297:
09321                       frame_ptr--;
09322                     }
09323                   }
09324               }
09325             }
09326         }
09327       }
09328   }
09330   /* L$0 */
09332   l_131:;
09334   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 130)
09335     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
09337   /* 530-Generate-Source-Line */
09339   l_132:;
09340   /* OCic.cbl:3533: IF */
09341   {
09342     if (((int)cob_cmp_s32_binary (b_460, 1) <  0))
09343       {
09344         /* OCic.cbl:3534: IF */
09345         {
09346           if (((int)(int)(*(b_433 + 1) - 89) == 0))
09347             {
09348               /* OCic.cbl:3535: MOVE */
09349               {
09350                 *(b_433 + 1) = 78;
09351               }
09352               /* OCic.cbl:3536: WRITE */
09353               cob_exception_code = 0;
09354               {
09355                 memcpy (b_391, b_446, 135);
09356                 cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
09357               }
09358               if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09359                 {
09360                   /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09361                   frame_ptr++;
09362                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09363                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_298;
09364                   goto l_1;
09365                   l_298:
09366                   frame_ptr--;
09367                 }
09368             }
09369           else
09370             {
09371               /* OCic.cbl:3538: MOVE */
09372               {
09373                 memset (b_391, 32, 135);
09374               }
09375               /* OCic.cbl:3539: WRITE */
09376               cob_exception_code = 0;
09377               {
09378                 cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, 2228224, NULL);
09379               }
09380               if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09381                 {
09382                   /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09383                   frame_ptr++;
09384                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09385                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_299;
09386                   goto l_1;
09387                   l_299:
09388                   frame_ptr--;
09389                 }
09390               /* OCic.cbl:3540: MOVE */
09391               {
09392                 memset (b_391, 32, 135);
09393               }
09394               /* OCic.cbl:3541: WRITE */
09395               cob_exception_code = 0;
09396               {
09397                 cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
09398               }
09399               if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09400                 {
09401                   /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09402                   frame_ptr++;
09403                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09404                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_300;
09405                   goto l_1;
09406                   l_300:
09407                   frame_ptr--;
09408                 }
09409               /* OCic.cbl:3542: WRITE */
09410               cob_exception_code = 0;
09411               {
09412                 memcpy (b_391, b_446, 135);
09413                 cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
09414               }
09415               if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09416                 {
09417                   /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09418                   frame_ptr++;
09419                   frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09420                   frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_301;
09421                   goto l_1;
09422                   l_301:
09423                   frame_ptr--;
09424                 }
09425             }
09426         }
09427         /* OCic.cbl:3544: WRITE */
09428         cob_exception_code = 0;
09429         {
09430           memcpy (b_391, b_452, 135);
09431           cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
09432         }
09433         if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09434           {
09435             /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09436             frame_ptr++;
09437             frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09438             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_302;
09439             goto l_1;
09440             l_302:
09441             frame_ptr--;
09442           }
09443         /* OCic.cbl:3545: WRITE */
09444         cob_exception_code = 0;
09445         {
09446           cob_move (&f_453, &f_390);
09447           cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
09448         }
09449         if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09450           {
09451             /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09452             frame_ptr++;
09453             frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09454             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_303;
09455             goto l_1;
09456             l_303:
09457             frame_ptr--;
09458           }
09459         /* OCic.cbl:3546: WRITE */
09460         cob_exception_code = 0;
09461         {
09462           memcpy (b_391, b_455, 135);
09463           cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
09464         }
09465         if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09466           {
09467             /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09468             frame_ptr++;
09469             frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09470             frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_304;
09471             goto l_1;
09472             l_304:
09473             frame_ptr--;
09474           }
09475         /* OCic.cbl:3547: COMPUTE */
09476         {
09477           {
09478             {
09479               cob_decimal_set_int (&d0, (*(int *)(b_461)));
09480               cob_decimal_set_int (&d1, 4);
09481               cob_decimal_sub (&d0, &d1);
09482               cob_decimal_get_field (&d0, &f_460, 0);
09483             }
09484           }
09485         }
09486       }
09487   }
09488   /* OCic.cbl:3551: WRITE */
09489   cob_exception_code = 0;
09490   {
09491     memcpy (b_391, b_412, 135);
09492     cob_write (h_REPORT_FILE, &f_390, (2162688 + 1), NULL);
09493   }
09494   if (unlikely(cob_exception_code != 0))
09495     {
09496       /* PERFORM Default Error Handler */
09497       frame_ptr++;
09498       frame_ptr->perform_through = 1;
09499       frame_ptr->return_address = &&l_305;
09500       goto l_1;
09501       l_305:
09502       frame_ptr--;
09503     }
09504   /* OCic.cbl:3552: MOVE */
09505   {
09506     memset (b_412, 32, 135);
09507   }
09508   /* OCic.cbl:3553: SUBTRACT */
09509   {
09510     (*(int *)(b_460)) = ((*(int *)(b_460)) - 1);
09511   }
09513   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 132)
09514     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
09516   /* EXIT SECTION 128 */
09518   l_128:;
09520   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 125)
09521     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
09523   /* Program exit */
09525   exit_program:
09527   /* Pop module stack */
09528   cob_current_module = cob_current_module->next;
09530   /* Program return */
09531   return (*(int *) (b_379));
09534   /* Default Error Handler */
09536   l_1:;
09538   if (!(cob_error_file->flag_select_features & COB_SELECT_FILE_STATUS)) {
09539         cob_default_error_handle ();
09540         cob_stop_run (1);
09541   }
09543   if (frame_ptr->perform_through == 1)
09544     goto *frame_ptr->return_address;
09546   cob_fatal_error (COB_FERROR_CODEGEN);
09548 }
09550 /* End functions */
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